Other Darwinism and the Rise of Gnosticism Engineering Evolution: The Alchemy of Eugenics
D. Collins In the first installment of this series, we examined the recent �human� exhibit at the London Zoo. This exhibit represented a semiotic assault, designed to inculcate the masses into the evolutionary Weltanschauung of the power elite. Refined by racialist ideologue Charles Darwin and promulgated by the Masonic Royal Society, this evolutionary Weltanschauung is actually derivative of ancient occult doctrines circulated within the Mesopotamian Mystery cults 6000 years ago. It has resurfaced throughout history under numerous appellations. Darwinian transformism is simply its latest permutation. Its framework is inherently hierarchical, promoting the ascendancy of an elite. The criterion for supremacy used to be racial and favored whatever race happened to occupy the societal capstone. Now, however, the elite�s racism has expanded its borders. According to their evolutionary supremacy doctrine, the anthropomorphic apes are all those with the misfortune of being outside the oligarchs� insular clique. The �human� exhibit at the London Zoo semiotically communicates this elitism. Pax Britannia: An Anglophile�s Scientific Dictatorship It seems very appropriate for such a bestial Weltanschauung to be promulgated in London. The British Isles was the very birthplace of Darwinism. It was also the crucible of an Anglophile scientific dictatorship known as Pax Britannia. As was the case with communism and fascism, the background of this scientific dictatorship was steeped in Freemasonry and its occult doctrine of evolution. In 1870, John Ruskin �hit Oxford like an earthquake,� proselytizing students in the imperialistic gospel of the British Empire (Quigley 130). In Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Carroll Quigley provides a brief summation of this gospel:
Among one of the undergraduates who wholeheartedly embraced this message was Cecil Rhodes, who would keep his longhand copy of Ruskin�s inaugural lecture for thirty years (Quigley 130-31). However, while this message comprised the nucleus of Rhodes� Weltanschauung, there were two other significant belief systems that would shape Cecil�s vision: Freemasonry and Darwinism. Having already established the Masonic origins of Darwinism, it comes as little surprise that the two would find an intersection within the man of Cecil Rhodes. Indeed, Freemasonry and Darwinism are natural correlatives. The two seem to be inextricably linked. Where one goes, the other seems to invariably follow. In June 1877, Rhodes became a life member of Freemasonry�s Apollo Chapter at Oxford University (Rotberg 90). There have been questions of whether or not Rhodes regarded his membership in the Lodge as a �serious venture� (Rotberg 90). Author Robert Rotberg elaborates:
Indeed, Rhodes candidly admitted his derision for a group devoted �to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end� (qutd. in Rotberg 90). However, despite disagreements with the organization, exposure to the Lodge �presumably helped shape Rhodes� �Confession of Faith,� the later wills, and the protean thinking which led ultimately to the scholarships� (91). Rhodes� �Confession of Faith� articulated his vision for a British world government or, as it has been called in more Anglophilic language, a Pax Britannia. Predictably, the Freemasonic influence on Rhodes was accompanied by its natural correlative: Darwinism. The primary transmitter of Darwinian thought to Rhodes was William Windwood Reade, author of The Martyrdom of Man. Rotberg explains:
The impact of Reade�s work on Rhodes was unmistakable. Inspired by Freemasonry and the theistic Darwinism of Reade, Rhodes began the construction of his Anglophile scientific dictatorship. Rhodes established his scientific dictatorship in South Africa, where he monopolized the diamond fields through DeBeers Consolidated Mines (Quigley 130-31). Instrumental in the formation of this diamond cartel were Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit, who provided Rhodes with financial support (Quigley 130-31). Yet, the borders of Rhodes� African empire did not end there. Cecil also:
Meanwhile, fettered by colonial slavery and cloistered in abject poverty, native Africans lived under the yolk of this Anglophile �scientific dictatorship.� Of course, according to the Darwinian doctrine of Pax Britannia, this was the natural order of things. After all, in the evolutionary ladder, the Negro occupied a lower rung than did the Caucasian. Peters� �Warrior�: The New Anthropomorphic Ape In Evolution and Ethics, Darwinian Arthur Keith candidly stated: �The German Fuhrer as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution� (Evolution and Ethics, 230). As was previously established in this article, the evolutionary Weltanschauung infers a hierarchical societal framework. Such was the case with the scientific dictatorship of Nazi Germany. In Hitler Speaks, the Fuehrer claimed that mankind was evolving into two distinct forms: �I might call the two varieties the god-man and the mass animal� Man is becoming God--that is the simple fact. Man is God in the making� (qutd. in Keith, Casebook on Alternative Three, 151). In hopes of eugenically regulating the population of the �mass animals,� the national security apparatus of Nazi Germany turned in on its own people. Likewise, the ruling class of today, which wield substantial control over the military establishment, are employing state machinations in a war against those they consider �mass animals.� An article in Parameters Magazine, the official publication of the Army War College, most painfully illustrates this reality. The article is entitled �The New Warrior Class� and is authored by Ralph Peters, a particularly smug Army Major with a penchant for unabashedly elitist rhetoric. Peters begins the tract with the following remarks:
Who are the �erratic primitives� that constitute the �new warrior class?� Peters states: �Most warriors emerge from four social pools which exist in some form in all significant cultures� (no pagination). He proceeds to enumerate the four social pools and their respective warrior offspring:
In other words, the �first-pool� of �erratic primitives� is composed of unattractive and patriotic males who suffer the misfortune of occupying a lower layer of socioeconomic stratum. Bear in mind, Peters is serious. Inherent in such a contention is credence to the Darwinian concept of sexual selection. Like male birds that must flaunt their plumage in order to sexually attract potential mates, men must now meet a demanding aesthetic criteria or be deemed unfit to breed. Men who take issue with such a shallow criteria are summarily deemed a �threat� to be expunged through force. Also inherent in this contention is credence to the Malthusian economics of Herbert Spencer. Lower income means a lower form of life and, thus, relegates one to the category of �worthless eater.� Finally, Peters� disdain for the �spittle of nationalist ideology� echoes the globalist sentiments of the power elite. Peters identifies the �second pool warriors� as:
These younger �anthropomorphic apes� are potential recruits for the �warriors.� They, too, must be expunged. Reiterating his globalist contentions, Peters proceeds to identify patriots as the next class of �warrior�:
This particular variety of �anthropomorphic ape� would probably oppose the amalgamation of its respective nation-state into a global government. Therefore, it must be eradicated as well. Finally, Peters reveals the fourth �pool� of �mass animals�:
These soldiers of the �obsolete military paradigm� have no place in the new society. The duty of the new soldier no longer involves the protection of nation, family, or the traditional way of life. Now, the new soldier�s duty is to impose the will of the elite upon the �mass animals.� Gestapo officer Werner Best most succinctly voiced this mandate: �As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally� (Shirer 271). This is the philosophy that is now being promulgated within our own armed services. The Enlarging Cage With the opening of the London Zoo�s �human� exhibit, the masses have been further psychologically conditioned to accept the view of man as an animal. As this view becomes more entrenched in the public mind, so does the feasibility of a stratified society governed by a technocratic elite. The cage in which humans were so casually displayed at the London Zoo semiotically gesticulates towards a larger enclosure. That enclosure is global in scope, encompassing the entire world. The �mass animals,� �erratic primitives,� �warriors,� and �anthropomorphic apes� that it was built to hold are you and I. There have been various appellations applied to the common man by the power elite. While Darwin invoked the label of �anthropomorphic ape,� the actual derogation he had in mind was even less attractive. It is an ugly word that has poured forth from the lips of racists for years. Although it was once bestowed exclusively upon people of African ancestry, the title has been expanding its borders to include larger portions of the human race. Researcher and PBS journalist Tony Brown comments on the growing elasticity of this obscene racial derogation:
the New World Order, you and I qualify as �niggers.� The �masters�
occupy corporate boardrooms and regal offices. As their supremacy
doctrine metastasizes and subsumes our thoughts, their yoke weighs
heavier upon our shoulders. According to their elitist Weltanschauung,
we are all �anthropomorphic apes� to be domesticated. Back
to part 1-----> Part 1 Sources Cited: 1,
Brown, Tony. Empower the People. New York: William Morrow &
Company, 1998. � 2005 Phillip D. Collins
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Author Phillip D. Collins acted as the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine, MKzine, NewsWithViews.com, and B.I.P.E.D.: The Official Website of Darwinian Dissent and Conspiracy Archive. He has an Associate of Arts and Science. Currently, he is studying for a bachelor's degree in Communications at Wright State University. During the course of his seven-year college career, Phillip has studied philosophy, religion, and classic literature. He also co-authored the book, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, which is available at: [Link] E-Mail: collins.58@wright.edu
Having already established the Masonic origins of Darwinism, it comes as little surprise that the two would find an intersection within the man of Cecil Rhodes. Indeed, Freemasonry and Darwinism are natural correlatives.