Attorney Constance Cumbey
March 4, 2008
I write this article with mixed feelings. As a woman who has struggled with mixed demands of home and career myself, I felt sympathy for Hillary Clinton when she raised a firestorm in 1992 by saying, "well, I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies." This was taken as an anti-family statement by most on the conservative right.
I defended Hillary publicly when people told me they suspected she was a New Ager. I said, most likely, she and Bill were more engaged in counting votes. When Hillary Clinton was publicly asked if she were a follower of New Age religion, I took her simple "no," at face value. I was a little more concerned when she, in endorsing World Federalists, lambasted those who said that the leadership was "Luciferic."
Evidently, Hillary either did not know that Donald Keys, its former president, was a former administrator of Lucis Trust,[1] working alongside Foster and Alice Bailey. At various times he also was active with the Sri Chinmoy cult of the United Nations, headed the anti-nuclear group SANE, and was the organizer and chief leader of Planetary Citizens and its offshoot, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose. Donald Keys has strangely vanished from the scene. His internet presence is very tiny indeed. His co-worker and co-author of EARTH AT OMEGA: PASSAGE TO PLANETIZATION was the former Saturday Review editor, Norman Cousins. Cousins wrote that he and Donald Keys had worked on their project for several decades.
Many times, I was tempted to send Hillary Clinton a private communication with attached Exhibits in legal brief form proving that World Federalists definitely had at its highest levels, Luciferic sympathies. I suspected that such a communication would never reach her.
When first released, I read portions of Hillary Clinton's autobiographical book, Living History, with interest. I realized we came from similar times and stresses and were motivated in our youth by common concerns. I was not a Goldwater girl. I had campaigned for Eugene McCarthy in my youth. I, too, like most of my generation, disliked the Vietnam War. I, too, felt that those in power had a duty to stand up for the little guy.
I am fairly certain that if Hillary Clinton had viewed the same materials from the New Age sources that Donald Keys used to run (Lucis Trust and the Alice Bailey books) that were clearly anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, and considered Aryan man the highest act of "evolution," that she might well feel some of the same sense of revulsion that prompted me to spend the time I have in their expos�.
Over the years, I read scattered reports about Hillary Clinton's intense sessions with Jean Houston and Catherine Bateson, both names long familiar to me as ardent proponents of New Age psychotechnologies as well as New Age religion. One of the most aggressive New Agers I closely studied is Marianne Williamson. I had unexpected exceptional opportunities to do as she came to Warren in 1998 to head the Unity Church then known as "Church of Today" there. Warren, Michigan had to be a real letdown for one used to being "Minister to the Stars" as New Age superstar Marianne Williamson was. Her Sunday services were televised weekly. Her huge New Age bookstore with curious Buddhist statuary including swastikas, combined with the militant wiccan and pagan magazines, combined with loads of books on the coming "shift" (Shirley Maclaine calls it "Karmageddon), are clues.
The wide assortment of Theosophical standards such as Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine, combined with most of the Alice Bailey titles leave little doubt as to where Marianne Williamson is coming from. Her stance is most definitely one of raw hostility towards orthodox Christianity. Her religious services were a little more confusing. The singing would often be gospel, but her sermons definitely were not. She instructed both her church audience and television on numerous occasions when I viewed and recorded many such programs that "we do not believe Jesus is the Christ, ¨we believe he is a Christ¨ not 'the Christ.'"
The only person who made Marianne Williamson look friendly by comparison vis a vis Christianity was her good friend Jean Houston. On assuming Marianne Williamson's pulpit one Sunday, Jean Houston publicly excoriated Marianne Williamson for her Christian gospel music. Newer "templates" were needed, per Houston. I was breezing through my office today on other chores and noticed my partially unread Hillary Clinton's book, LIVING HISTORY on one room's shelf. Absently mindedly pulling it down, I noticed that I had read only until page 111. That had not gotten me as far as I needed to read for my specialty subject: the New Age Movement
I had read Bob Woodward's recent book about Hillary and had heard of his earlier writings. I deeply regret now that I never sent Hillary that 1993 contemplated letter. We even know people in common, including but not limited to Detroit area Congressman John Conyers, currently chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Conyers told me that he had read both my books. One of the last times I ran into him, he said, "hey, Connie, are you still writing books on mysticism." He then confessed he had read and enjoyed both.
The New Age Movement has so permeated our culture that it would be difficult for anybody to not have had exposure to it in one way or another. I have long divided the New Age Movement into classes of "hypnotized" and "hypnotizers." Marianne Williamson and Jean Houston are definitely part of the hypnotizers -- those that make a lovely living from the group-grope elements of the movement.
Anthony Robbins is one of the hypnotizers. He is the fire-walking guru. I suspect he has his participants sign multiple release from liability forms before participating in his firewalking seminars. At one speaking engagement I enjoyed years ago, somebody sent me a Robbins' poster and said, "Hey, Constance, I think I have this New Age thing all figured out -- it's a podiatrists' conspiracy!" What disturbs me the most about Hillary is that she appears to be one of the hypnotized and may have handed disproportionate power to the hypnotizers. Page 263 of her book, part of the chapter, "Conversations with Eleanor" is revealing of just how much may have been given over to those. What also disturbs me is that some of the pressures she used New Age methods to relieve may have been necessitated by some unfair tactics of those she labeled as participants in "a vast right wing conspiracy."
Many times, people are initiated in New Age circles as they seek refuge from stresses of everyday life. The stresses of a United States presidency in this wicked age are almost unimaginable. Quoting from Hillary Clinton's "Living History," we read:
"Bill and I had met Marianne Williamson . . . at one of our Renaissance weekends, and she [Williamson] had suggested we get together with a group of people outside the political world to discuss Bill's goals for the remaining two years of his term. That struck a chord with me, and we invited her to convene a gathering at Camp David on December 30 and 31 "Williamson's guest list included Tony Robbins . . . and Stephen R. Covey . . . I figured if millions of Americans were listening to their advice, I figured it might help to hear what they had to say. Williamson also invited Mary Catherine Bateson and Jean Houston. . . . I found myself engrossed in hours of conversation with Mary Catherine [Bateson] and Jean Houston . . . Jean wraps herself in brightly colored capes and caftans and dominates the room with her larger-than-life-presence and crackling wit. She is a walking encyclopedia . . . She is also a trove of great jokes and puns and is ready to share her cache with anyone in need of a good laugh." [Always helpful for relieving political and other stresses].
Hillary candidly discusses her Methodist Church background and her pastoral support. I believe her when she says that from time to time she gets down on her knees and asks God for guidance. Although I have spoken to large conventions of United Methodist Church ministers who shared my concerns about New Age issues, I am well aware that New Age apostasies have run rampant through it and the chances are slim that the average Methodist busy with other pursuits will receive warnings.
I am also told that Hillary Clinton attends a regular Bible Study at the Fellowship Foundation in Washington, D.C. As Fellowship Foundation has at least one interlocking directorate with the Institute of Noetic Sciences, a clearly New Age think tank, I sadly suspect that she will not get direction there either.
Hillary says she is seeking God. I have no reason to doubt her. But she may be looking in some of the wrong places and receiving bad directions. My prayer for Hillary, as well as others caught up in New Age philosophies, especially now that they believe they are about to execute "the shift" which Shirley Maclaine gleefully calls "Karmageddon," is that she will pray to God for the wisdom which he gives to all men without upbraiding. I also pray that she will use her impressive lawyerly training to examine the evidence -- all of the evidence -- not just that which Marianne Williamson and Jean Houston choose to present her.
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more thing -- there will be those who believe I am far too soft
on Hillary Clinton. I believe everybody is entitled to one kind warning.
That clearly includes Hillary Clinton, for whom Jesus also bled and
died. May we not drive people to the New Age by pettiness and unkindness.
May they not use our unkindness as justification for eternally endangering
their mortal souls.
1, Lucis Trust had its origins with the founding of
Lucifer Publishing Company in New Age City in 1922. It was founded by
Alice and Foster Bailey, Theosophical Society activists both. The "Great
Invocation" read by Marianne Williamson in many of her messages
was a claimed telepathic communication from "Djwhal Khul"
to her.
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