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Churches Are
Spreading Mad
Cow Disease

The Deluded Christian Church











By Coach Dave Daubenmire
May 31, 2012

I can't tell you how many times I heard the phrase “In God We Trust” this past Memorial Day weekend. In fact, I had the opportunity to speak at a Tea Party Rally last week and one of the songs that they sang was Diamond Rio's great anthem “In God We Still Trust.”

Take a few minutes and give it a listen. Let the words sink into your spirit.

You place your hand on His Bible, when you swear to tell the Truth
His name is on our greatest Monuments, and all our money too,
And when we Pledge allegiance, there's no doubt where we stand,
There is no separation, we're one Nation under Him.
In God We Still Trust, Here in America. He's the one we turn to every time the goin gets rough.
He is the source of all our strength, the one who watches over us.
Here in America. In God We Still Trust.

Now there are those among us, who want to push Him out,
And erase His name from everything, this country's all about,
From the Schoolhouse to the Courthouse, they're Silencing His Word,
Now it's time for all Believers, to make our Voices heard.
In God We Still Trust, Here in America. He's the one we turn to every time the goin gets rough.
He is the source of all our strength, the one who watches over us.
Here in America. In God We Still Trust.

They sang the song just before I took the podium. I usually speak off of the cuff, because it comes from the heart. Rarely do I have notes, or a prepared statement. As I walked up the steps of the courthouse a thought popped into my head;

“We have it all backwards. Americans are great at that...great at thinking that the blessings of liberty belong to us because we are Americans. We are asking the wrong question.”

Before I finish for you the thought I had as I was bounding up the steps it is important for us to understand that if you ask the wrong question you are guaranteed to get the wrong answer. It happens to us all of the time, here in America. We are a nation of slogans, and because of the 24/7 media, it doesn't take very long for a slogan to become truth.

Look at what happened to George Zimmerman. Thanks to “Reverends of Revolution,” Al and Jesse, with the gushing opinion of “news” anchors, it only took a matter of days before Trayvon Martin's shooter was a tobacco chewing, black-hating, southern hick, who was responsible for taking the life of sweet, innocent Opie Taylor as he stole his Skittles.

No one stopped to ask the right questions. This white-Hispanic was guilty of murder and no amount of evidence would prove the contrary. The question that should have been asked was “Is George Zimmerman innocent until proven guilty?” You ask the wrong question, and you get the wrong answer.

It happens all of the time in the cultural war. The question is not whether or not a woman has “a right to choose,” the question is “does an unborn baby have a right to live?” Wrong Question, wrong answer.

The question in “Science” is not whether or not the evolutionary process occurred; The question is, where did life begin? We all know there is evidence a wolf became a dog...but there is no evidence a rock became a bird. The correct question is, is there any proof that life evolved out of non-life?

The question to be asked is not whether or not a few men would have an attraction to other men, or even if they were “born that way.” The question is, does that behavior deserve special rights and protections? Or, do the Judges have the right to legalize sin?

You get the point. Wrong question, wrong answer.

These are called pre-suppositions, which means “to suppose or assume beforehand; take for granted in advance.”

Here is how it works and it is often the reason that we lose the most simple of arguments. We waste time arguing about whether or not we are permitted to sing Christmas carols in school, or be forced to give contraception at a Catholic Hospital, or whether or not it is permissible to have prayer at graduation. We are behind the eight-ball because we have agreed to the initial premise, or taken for granted” that a Supreme Court opinion declaring a separation between the church and state is, in fact, a law. Courts do not make laws, they offer opinions. Opinions are not laws. We just act like they are.

We must begin all debates by challenging the initial premise. “You believe there is no God. I believe there is. You believe the court has the right to remove the name of God. I don't believe they do. Until we can agree on the initial premise, is there or is there not a God, we cannot come to a decision that will be based on truth, and not opinion.”

Joesph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Americans are dumbed down. We no longer know how to ask questions, or more critically, what questions to ask. The state, through the government schools, have been lying to us for generations. Our phones are smarter but our children are not.

Which brings me back to the podium at the Tea Party.

“We have it all backwards. Americans are great at that...great at thinking that the blessings of liberty belong to us because we are Americans. We are asking the wrong question.

The question we must ask, my friends, is not whether or not we can trust in God. The question we need to ask ourselves today is...can God Trust US?”

Often we must remind our Lord of our own spoiled children. Michele and I were honored to be blessed with our first grandchild a couple of years ago, and like most new grandparents we went about the duty of making sure we “spoiled” our precious progeny. Before she could hold her own bottle we had filled her room with Teddy Bears, toys, and gadgets in our natural desire to demonstrate our love to her.

But the more she grows, the more selective we become in the gifts that we give to her. We watch the way she treats the toys, and whether or not she values them. This past Christmas she crawled under the tree and opened one present after another without even acknowledging what was in the box. It become obvious to Michele and I that we should back-off of the gifts until she was able to appreciate them.

In fact, the older she gets, the more we will expect her to take care of the gifts she has been given. At some point the question will become, not can she trust us in us to give her gifts, but can we trust her with being responsible with them. She will not get her own car until we are sure she can.

That, in a nutshell, is America.

God is the gift-giver...we all know that. The question, the pre-supposition that we need to challenge is not can we trust in God; But can He trust in us. I think that the only way America can recover is if we answer that question honestly.

Can God trust Americans?

We have squandered so much.

I thought about this a lot this past Memorial Day Weekend. I did a Google search of America's National Cemeteries. Look at this photo of the cemetery at Normandy. Did you ever ask yourself, if there was a separation between the church and state, why did they bury our brave boys under the Christian Cross?

If we could sit across the table from those who paid the ultimate price and ask them why they did what they did, I bet they would respond with something about “duty, or honor, or sacrifice, or for their family.”

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I wonder if they died for a man's right to marry a man...or the right of a woman to kill her unborn baby...or the right of the government to seize 40% of one's income? I wonder if they died to see prayer removed from the locker room, the mention of Jesus removed from the minds of school children, or the right of Muslims to demand the recognition and acceptance of Sharia Law?

I wonder if they died to see America's wealth to be given to China, the worshiping of Mother Earth and Green Energy shackling their grandchildren with $4.00 per gallon gasoline, or the looting of the nation's posterity with massive educational loans, or the groping of their grandchildren merely to get on a plane?

...that these honored dead shall not have died in vain...

The question is not, can we trust God...the question is, can God trust us.

The evidence does not make us look very reliable.

Order the CDs here.



Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach

� 2012 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

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Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.









It happens all of the time in the cultural war. The question is not whether or not a woman has “a right to choose,” the question is “does an unborn baby have a right to live?” Wrong Question, wrong answer.