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Churches Are
Spreading Mad
Cow Disease

The Deluded Christian Church











By Coach Dave Daubenmire
November 29, 2012

I haven’t written a thing since the election. I am soooo glad that it is over. It is not that I didn’t have anything to say, but that I didn’t know which topic to dissect first.

So, like a pitcher who has thrown too many innings, I decided to take some time off to rest my arm.

I pray that you missed me…

I leave the bullpen this morning on my 60th birthday and I am more itching for the battle than at any time since I enter the game just shy of my 48th birthday.

Twelve years is a long career in professional sports, but in my life as a “social commentator” my arm is just getting loose.

Sometimes I think that maybe no one is listening…but I know that isn’t true. More likely, they are hearing, but they are not moving. Goliath is big, and most Christians have no stones to sling. Truth is the stone they can sling…they just don’t know it.

Not the political Truth…not the kind that “the truth detector” espouses three-hours a day on AM radio…but real Truth…life altering Truth…simplistic Truth that can change the world.

But real Truth doesn’t sell. In fact, it usually hurts. But nothing sets one free as much as knowing the Truth.

Jesus is THE TRUTH. He is more than a Savior…more than a name on a coin…more than someone in whom “we trust.” Jesus is the incarnation of The Truth.

Apart from Him, everything else is an opinion…a mere shadow of Truth. Truth is not an opinion. Truth is a person.

But most Americans, as Jack Nicholson famously said, can’t handle the Truth.

“I’m OK, You’re Ok,” was a best-selling book published in the 60’s. It was the first of a genre’ of “self-help” books that sold millions of copies. Those psycho-babble books paved the way for Humanism’s stealth-emergence as the religion of the 21st century.

Like most counterfeits, it looked authentic, and probably did help folks make it through their daily lives. But it was a lie. I’m not OK…and neither are you. Until we deal with that Truth, America, and Americans, will continue to spiral down to a modern-day version of The Planet of the Apes.

This feel-good theology was popularized by fellow-Buckeye Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking), and handed off to Pseudo-Christians Zig Ziglar (See You at the Top) and Robert Schuller (Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking). This deadly witches’-brew of Humanistic-Christianity created the wave for Author/Mega-Pastors like Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life), and Joel Osteen (Your Best Life Now) to present a sugar-coated, watered-down, sin-free version of the Gospel.

Ask yourself this. Why is it that CNN loves to give Osteen so much face time? Could it be that the media is doing their best to present to Biblically-challenged Americans the lie that the “gospel of Rodney King” (Why can’t we all just get along) is the true version of Christianity? Could it be that CNN wants to sissify and pacify “Christians” by presenting Pastor Glitter Teeth as the establishment approved who-am-I-to-judge spokesman for the religiously-weak?

Give me an hour in front of Piers Morgan. I’ll rattle their cages. Have you ever seen a “combative” Christian appear on any national TV show? Where is the Christian version of James Carville? Where are the Christian truth- bomb throwers willing to fight for our side?

Please understand the deception. Jesus is not a tolerant, go-along to get-along, I’m Ok you’re Ok, if it feels good do it, come-sit-on-my-lap, passive Savior. A rude awakening awaits many.

He overcame death, hell, and the grave. He is a conquering King who will return and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” He will not share His power, authority, or glory with another. You can take it to the bank.

That, my friends is the Truth. Why are Christians too intimidated to declare it? Why do we allow so many lies to go unchallenged?

So, let me give you a few things to chew on in honor of my 60th birthday.

Islam is not a peaceful religion although some Muslims may be peaceful and Muslims and Christians do not serve the same God. Islam--submit or die, Jesus---submit and live.

It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Jews. Some Jews are very bad people who hate Jesus. No better authority than the Apostle Paul warned us that "not all Israel, are of Israel," John the Revelator wrote "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie."

Why is it considered anti-Semitic to point out that the entertainment/media conglomerates are controlled by adherents to Judaism? Is Truth-speaking racist?

Blacks are no more African-American than I am European-American. Most have never set foot outside the good ole US of A. Why is black-pride good but white-pride racist?

The Republican Party power-brokers hate conservative Christians. The Democratic Party power-brokers hate the Christian God. Christians need to form their own political party. Start now.

All voters are “values” voters…it’s what they value that makes all the difference.

Blacks vote color over Christianity. Obama is the most pro-abortion president in history. Over 95% of blacks voted for him. Abortion is murder. Christian-blacks voted for murder.

Most pastors are hirelings. They are ineffective outside the security of their four walls. Nothing has destroyed American-values more than government schools yet not one pastor in a thousand will speak out against public schooling. The average pastor makes $80,000. Not a bad gig. No wonder they won’t rock the boat. Best life Now, anyone?

If you think Black Friday crowds were aggressive wait until the government checks stop.

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity had almost no impact in the 2012 election. Both are Republican mouthpieces. Sorry if you can’t see that. Christians are starting to see through them. Give me three hours a day on national radio and I would create a movement.

Liberalism requires no thinking. It is as natural as breathing air. A Harvard professor and a Jr. High schooler both think alike. Christianity requires thought. It teaches that seeing is not necessary for believing and that believing does not require seeing. Atheism believes in nothing. Macro-evolution is faith with nothing at the beginning. Believing in nothing is impossible.

America is in a fiscal freefall because we are in a moral freefall. We went over the moral cliff before we went over the fiscal cliff. Spending more than you have is a moral issue, not a fiscal one. My Dad would never have left his bills to his grand kids.

Can you name any living creature as legal to kill as an unborn baby? A puppy? A Deer? A Spotted Owl? A Snail-Darter? At least for animals you need a permit. Women’s liberation created promiscuous women and irresponsible men. The unborn are the poker-chips in this Devil’s wager.

Ultimately, the cultural war is a moral war. It is morality that defines a culture. Changing the morality changes the cultural. Multi-culturalism has done to America what AIDS does to the human body. There is no American culture anymore. Christian morality is the only protection against cultural AIDS. Humanism is to Christianity what kryptonite was to Superman.

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Have you noticed they are sandblasting the 10 Commandments and replacing them with nothing?

Fighting is not evil. Not fighting evil is evil. Godly men have abandoned the field in the battle for Truth. Evil rules when evil men make the rules.

Conservatism is a salt substitute. Conservatism makes salt taste sweet. Conservatism does to Christianity what aspartame does to Diet Coke. Aspartame is a poison that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. A little dab will do ya…it makes the medicine go down…disguises the natural taste of things.

“The salt have lost it's savor…most Christians are good for nothing.”

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Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach

� 2012 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

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Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.










I leave the bullpen this morning on my 60th birthday and I am more itching for the battle than at any time since I enter the game just shy of my 48th birthday.