Coach Dave Daubenmire
February 21, 2013
We have been at it going on three weeks now and we are still working out the kinks. But we think NewsWithViews.TV is something you are going to enjoy.
My webmaster Terry and I got our heads together and tried to figure out what we could do to be more effective in getting the Truth out to the American people.
We have been writing a regular weekly commentary here at since 2004, and Paul Walter and the good folks at NWV have done everything that they can do to get the Truth out to the American people as well. Readership is growing everyday and NWV is one of the most influential conservative-commentary sites in the world.
You would be hard pressed to find a better gang of writers anywhere in the world than right here at NWV.
Terry brought to my attention that he loved reading my stuff but that he didn’t always have the time to read, but loved to listen while he did other things. It was his idea to launch the audio and video aspects of what we do.
We need you to help spread the word.
In a nutshell, here is what NewsWithViews.TV is all about.
Five days a week we will have a fresh video posted for you to view. Most of the time, at least initially, it will be a video of what I think; short snippets that support NWV’s slogan “Where Reality Shatters Illusion.” It is imperative that we help people begin to think outside of the box.
Clicking on the above icon will take you directly to the videos. A new one every day!!
On Fridays we will feature recorded interviews with your favorite NWV contributors. Our first guest was Dr. Edwin Vieira and “The Well-Regulated Militia.” Last Friday we followed that up with a NWV favorite, Devvy Kidd. This week, (tomorrow) we will be interviewing Dr. Chuck Baldwin and discussing the responsibility of pastors in the battle for the culture.
We want to give the readers the opportunity to become more acquainted with the writers from a personal standpoint…hearing someone is often much different than reading what he/she has written.
Today, Thursday, we will begin a series on “Judicial Tyranny” which is nothing more than a layman’s view of how the courts have removed all mention of God from America. Over the next seven Thursdays we will expose “Seven Supreme Court Decisions that Changed America.” Before we can figure out how to get out of the forest we must first understand how we ended up surrounded by trees.
We would welcome any comments you might have as to how we can improve our videos, suggestions of who you would like to hear interviewed, and your perspective on these important issues. We aren’t always right, but we are always willing to speak what we believe.
You can help us grow by doing the following things
Take the time to visit www.NewsWithViews.TV
and view the videos.
2. Subscribe to the channel. You can
do that by merely clicking on the “subscribe” icon at the
top of our YouTube Channel.
3. Please share the videos with your friends. Facebook,
Twitter, and other social media are great places to help educate Americans.
4. Remember…some people will listen to a video
who will not take the time to read a commentary.
5. Use the comment section at the bottom of each video.
This is a great way to educate folks who are trapped in the matrix that
the media has locked them in. This is YOUR opportunity to have YOUR
voice heard.
6. SHARE…SHARE…SHARE. Don’t keep
the great commentaries and writers to yourself…help drive your
friends to
7. We are grateful to Paul Walter and the Board at
NWV for believing in us enough to give us this opportunity to expand
the reach and impact of NWV. Everyone there is a VOLUNTEER. Take the
time to thank them…and if possible…give a few bucks to help
them continue to expand their footprint.
Only the Truth can save this Nation. Only the Truth, if we know it, can make us free.
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Thanks for your faithful support. I know that I speak for all of the writers when I tell you how much you honor us by reading what we have to say. It takes time to write; and although it is a labor of love, a pat on the back is always appreciated. I do my best to personally answer every email.
America is at the crossroads. We are in a battle for Truth. Please help our videos and commentaries speak to your friends what you might otherwise be unable to articulate.
We are all in this together. Let’s all do our best to help News With Views grow as a regular filling-station-of-Truth on the journey down life’s highway.
BTW…the YouTube “views” are not always an accurate representation of the number of people who have watched it. Don’t let it discourage you!!.
We look forward to your input!!
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Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach
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