Coach Dave Daubenmire
August 14, 2014
Here is a question for you, the reader. Should the focus of our efforts be only on getting the lost “saved”, or should we be as concerned for those being damaged by the sinful behavior of others?
No one exists inside a vacuum. The idea that our actions do not impact others is foolish and immature.
Liberty can be that way. Unchecked, it will ultimately succumb to licentiousness.
Licentiousness, according to the dictionary, is “lacking legal or moral restraints; especially in regards to sexuality.” The dross of liberty hardens the heart if there is no mold in which it can be formed. Morality is that mold. Licentiousness is to liberty what fornication is to the sex-drive.
Liberty without responsibility leads to what we see all across this land. Thomas Jefferson, in The Declaration, stated that Our Creator endowed us with unalienable rights...not unalienable wrongs. Our Creator is the sole arbiter of Truth and the Grantor of Rights...and the one who determines what is “right.”
Collateral damage is the term credited to Timothy McVeigh in justifying the death of innocent people. All sin has collateral damage. That is why we try to fight it when it is done publicly. Sin is a personal choice we each make. Innocent victims...collateral damage...are the result of this wantonness.
I call them “unseen victims.” Most sin impacts those whom we will never see. I wonder if Robin Williams knew how his most selfish of acts would leave a trail of “unseen victims.”
That is why unrestrained liberty (licentiousness) is dangerous. Mork is free...but he killed Mindy and many of his fans who have to live on with the horror of his actions. Sin has collateral damage.
Please understand this point. I am for the right of anybody to be able to do whatever he or she chooses to do. I know that seems in direct conflict with my belief in a Biblical standard as the plumb line of the American existence. I really don't care what two men do in the privacy of their own bed. I really don't. I'm pro-choice regarding sin.
But my Christian faith compels me to stand up and speak up when the licentiousness of an individual's behavior brings injury to the innocent connected to the act. Inherent in my faith is not only the desire to rescue the sinner, but, just as importantly, to protect the innocent victim of the sinner's choice.
That's why I fight abortion. That's why I fight homosexuality. There are “unseen victims” associated with each of these sins. I fight for them. I pray that the sinner gets saved...but I, we...all of us, have a responsibility to protect the innocent.
We give collateral damage nice-sounding words...“choice”...“gay”...”exotic dancer”...but collateral damage is usually a person. The sinner chose his sin...the “unseen victim” did not.
Question: Why do we take the keys from drunks rather than letting them drive? Why not just pray and witness to them?
This past weekend my dear friend Pastor Bill Dunfee was subjected to “protesting” by TOPLESS dancers outside his church before, during, and after Sunday morning services. This was “payback” for his faithfulness in fighting to close down a strip-joint in his community. Here is the story.
Once again, he is being painted as a homophobe...bigot...hateful...and that is just from his fellow “Christians.” You know, the ones who are more concerned about those who are celebrating their sin than the “unseen victims” who are paying the price for it. Today, Christianity has become only about “salvation.”
Meanwhile, do-gooders team up with the sinners and harass Pastor Bill and his flock for not being “loving enough” to those who vomit the puke of their sexual anarchy all over the community.
Christians are called to confront sin...not accept it. Yes, Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, but He did tell her to “go and sin no more.” Nowhere do we see our Lord leading her in a prayer of salvation. We don't even know if she followed His advice. All we know is that He told her to stop doing it.
I have heard all week, and I am sure Pastor Bill has as well, how we could have better handled the situation...that we just need to get the dancers “saved”...that they are being exploited by men...that they are blind and need to be loved into the Kingdom...that we would have been better off just leaving the place alone.
But what about the “unseen victims?” What about those whose lives are being destroyed while Christians spend all of their time “loving the sinner?” Love the sinner...ignore the victim.
So, perhaps it’s time to begin concerning ourselves with the “unseen victim.” Do we not have an obligation to protect them as well? Does the Gospel command us to put the “saving of souls” above the protection of the innocent? Should someone have “shared the Gospel” with Jerry Sandusky or would it have been better for the “unseen victims” if someone had stopped him?
Here’s the bottom line: The dancers and the visitors are choosing to do what they do. I pray that the Lord finds them and they repent of their wicked ways. But in the meantime...while we wait for them to be “saved”, well…
How many marriages will be destroyed because of the men who were lured into this den of iniquity?
How many women will become victims of some fantasy that their husband is playing out after enjoying a few lap dances at the adult business? How many young children will suffer the scars of divorce as a result of what goes on in that rat hole?
How many young children will be molested because a man got all fired up at the strip joint and decided to impose his passions upon an innocent child lying in a bed at home?
Love the sinner? OK. What about the victim? Have we no responsibility to protect them? Wouldn't preventing harm from coming upon them be an expression of the love of Christ as well?
There is a lot of damage that can be doled out while we wait for the sinner to be saved. Most Christians concern themselves with the sinners and tolerate their willful choice to sin, while ignoring those who bear the brunt of the sin.
Does your right to sin trump the right of the “unseen victims” to be protected? God's laws are designed to protect the innocent. That's the purpose of “moral” laws.
Abortion is done in secret. Molestation is done in secret. Sin is done in secret. But sin is not a victimless crime. That's why Pastor Bill fights the sex club. That's why I stand with him.
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