Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
September 12, 2009
In the past few years, I’ve had an increasing number of young people in their 20’s and 30’s scheduling telephone consultations for help with their health. Their stories are frighteningly identical. In fact, I outline a chronology of health to illness in several of my books. My clients are amazed because I can predict what happens next in their story. The chronology is as follows and the result is anxiety, depression and lack of confidence. They also have many physical symptoms like heartburn, yeast overgrowth and are swallowing a closet full of medications. But for them, their mental, emotional symptoms are the most distressing because every physical symptom they have is attributed to their mental state and their doctor just prescribes yet another anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug.
Here is what can happen in our drug-addicted society from our birth.
• Vaccinations, which contained or contain mercury, aluminum and a host of other toxic components, including live viral particles, given within the first days of birth. And then throughout childhood for a total of 32. When given at the time of a cold or fever, a child’s body is especially not able to handle the toxic load.
• Infant thrush (yeast infection in the mouth) is said to be perfectly normal and antifungal drops are prescribed with no attention to the mother’s diet or the likelihood that she has yeast.
• Diaper rash, caused by Candida albicans (yeast), is mistakenly treated with cortisone creams, which encourage further growth of the yeast.
• Childhood ear infections can begin at birth as yeast infections picked up from the mother during delivery. Most ear infections are treated with antibiotics.
• Ear infections may become chronic and require multiple courses of antibiotics, leading to diarrhea and intestinal yeast infections. There are body wide side effects from the 178 yeast toxins that include anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, and headaches.
• Young women describe having yeast infections even before puberty, which they’re afraid to tell their mother or doctor about.
• Anesthetics used in surgery to place tubes in the ears add another toxin.
• Colic can develop due to antibiotics.
• Inability to digest the lactose in milk due to an irritated bowel leads to frequent changes of formula.
• Gas and bloating can result from hard-to-digest soy formula.
• Leaky gut can develop and cause undigested food molecules to be absorbed from the gut into the blood stream leading to food allergies and sensitivities. The most common are wheat and dairy.
• Eczema, aggravated by food sensitivity, is suppressed with cortisone creams. Cortisone encourages yeast growth.
• Asthma, which may be environmental, is treated with medications including corticosteroid inhalers.
• Multiple colds and ?us are mistreated with many courses of antibiotics.
• Annual ?u vaccines contain mercury preservative, which is toxic to the nervous system and also kills good bacteria allowing yeast to overgrowth.
• Cravings for sweets can be caused by yeast overgrowth and may cause or aggravate hyperactive behavior in children.
• Dental cavities lead to multiple mercury amalgam ?llings. Toxic mercury vapor may be inhaled or absorbed, disrupting enzymes in the brain, kidneys, and liver.
• Allergic reactions are treated with allergy shots, antihistamines, and cortisone sprays.
• Many adolescents take long-term oral antibiotics for acne, leading to yeast overgrowth.
• Many teens and young adults develop mononucleosis, and up to 20 percent never feel quite as healthy again.
• Bladder infections are treated with antibiotics, which cause yeast infections and yeast overgrwoth in the intestines.
• Birth control pills cause chronic vaginal yeast infections, which are mistreated with antibiotic creams.
• Pregnancy hormones encourage vaginal yeast infections. Pregnancy itself depletes the mother’s nutrition, as well as the thyroid and the adrenal glands.
• Chronic sleep deprivation is common in all parents of small children and is a major stress on the immune system.
• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can develop after a bout of diarrhea (attributed to traveler’s diarrhea or food poisoning) and is usually treated with antibiotics. Or if already suffering from yeast overgrowth, traveler’s diarrhea is the tipping point to IBS.
• Chronic sinus infections (97 percent are fungal, according to the Mayo Clinic) occur due to lowered immune system and are mistakenly treated with very strong antibiotics.
• Hypothyroidism often occurs (due to pregnancy, yeast toxins blocking receptors, lack of iodine, family history) but remains undiagnosed and untreated.
• Hospitalization for infections or any type of surgery usually warrants intravenous antibiotics and a host of other drugs, which adds to the toxic burden.
• Major colds and ?us can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia, which are treated with strong antibiotics.
• Chronic fatigue syndrome and ?bromyalgia are treated with anti-in?ammatories, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. However, when the cause is a toxic overload, medications can make the symptoms worse.
• Environmental allergies with extreme sensitivities to inhalants, especially perfumes, colognes, household products, pesticides, and molds, are treated with corticosteroid inhalers, which cause more yeast overgrowth.
• Dysmenorrhea, irregular periods, infertility, and worsening premenstrual symptoms occur due to a buildup of toxins and lack of nutrients.
• Infertility is treated with an array of synthetic hormonal drugs producing babies that are born with a load of synthetic drug toxins.
• Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and palpitations are treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy instead of magnesium and B vitamins that are woefully depleted.
• Menopause is medicated with synthetic hormones.
nutrients including all the vitamins and minerals are depleted with every
step of this scenario and result in a total body burden of drugs, toxins,
and various stressors. The end result is an exhausted, nervous, shaky
individual who has nowhere to turn and thinks no one can help her.
My clients have often consulted with dozens of doctors, but whether it’s
an allopathic or a naturopathic doctor, the search is on for the drug
or supplement for their symptoms, which often proves fruitless. Take another
look at the chronology of health to illness and tell me how on earth a
drug or supplement is going to make a dent.
What is required is a lifestyle change! I begin by going over a person’s health history and describing how nutrient depletion occurs, how hormone imbalance is created, and how toxicity starts blocking body functions. If you are reading this and want to know where to begin – start with your diet. The first thing you can do is avoid sugar, wheat and dairy. The second step is to get a good source of magnesium. On my website under resources and The Most Often Asked Questions is a list of products I trust and use personally (but I don’t sell them and have no financial ties to the companies).
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Reading The Magnesium Miracle chapter on anxiety and depression and chronic fatigue can give you much more information. You can also visit my website and sign up for my free newsletter that has tips and techniques for getting healthy and staying healthy. If you would like more input, join my Future Health Now! program.*
*Future Health Now! is a series of 48 weekly "consulting sessions in print." Every seven days, I guide you step-by-step on how to add natural practices to your daily routine. Daily consistency will undoubtedly give you the best chance at lasting physical and mental health.
� 2009 Dr. Carolyn Dean MD - All Rights Reserved
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Meet The Doctor of the Future: Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Dr. Dean is The Doctor of The Future. She’s a medical doctor, naturopath, herbalist and acupuncturist. She’s authored 18 books including The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, IBS for Dummies and the Magnesium Miracle. Radio, TV and magazines interview her regularly — including ABC, NBC and CBS. She's also the medical advisor for the Nutritional Magnesium Association. You’re invited to join her online wellness program Future Health Now! plus receive a free subscription to her Doctor of the Future blog.
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