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Modern Medicine's Need to Destroy Natural Healing Arts











By Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
October 29, 2009

With the epidemic of chronic disease and little hope for a decent health care package for America, you may not believe it’s possible to lower your risk of developing diabetes by 93%, heart attack by 81%, stroke by 50% and cancer by 36%. You may not believe it but it’s true. And what is the miracle pill that can do all that? Is it aspirin, is it the new polypill (see Puking up the Polypill), is it some new drug whose inventor is slated for the Nobel Prize? Nope, it’s lifestyle intervention!

Before you groan and turn on the TV, hear me out. We all know that not smoking, low body fat, exercising several hours per week and a healthy diet are good for you. Well now, science agrees with your mother. And hopefully doctors will get behind this important study. At a time when you, the public, are getting concerned about the overuse of prescription drugs and vaccines, you can be assured that simple lifestyle changes can change your life.

This wasn’t a quick 3-month drug-trial either. It went on for almost eight years and followed 23,153 people in Germany ages 35 to 65 years. Very real end points were measured like diabetes, stroke, heart attack and cancer. And those who didn’t smoke, had a BMI (body mass index) less than 30, and ate a healthy diet (greater amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, and less red meat) experienced far less “end points” than their peers.

The study was published in the prestigious Archives of Internal Medicine, titled: Healthy Living is the Best Revenge. We can just see Late Late Night Talk Show Host Craig Ferguson raising his limp wristed fist and shouting, “Take that you pill-pushing doctors and pompous pharmaceutical companies.” Of course, he’ll get the words all mixed up and everyone will have a great laugh. But the laugh is on the conventional medical system because it has never supported lifestyle intervention.

Granted, in their 7 minutes appointments, doctors really don’t have time to outline a diet plan for their patients. But at the very least they could take 5 seconds and say the following sentence: “Cut back on your food intake, eat more vegetables, get more exercise, and stop smoking”. And now the doctors who won’t tell people to eat well because it hasn’t been “scientifically proven” to help, can rest assured that science is 100% behind their recommendation.

I’ve been working in the natural health field for over 30 years and I haven’t found a magic pill or celebrity supplement that will undo a lifetime of stresses. Yet, the body is very forgiving. If you Take some small steps to change your diet and begin to exercise, I promise you, your cells will remember why they were created and start improving their function.

If you want to know where to begin – start with your diet by avoiding sugar, wheat and dairy. The next step is to take some magnesium; it will help with your energy, sleep and aches and pains. You can read my book, The Magnesium Miracle or go to the many magnesium articles on my website to get you started. If you would like more detailed information on how to change your lifestyle and improve your health visit my website and sign up for my free newsletter that has tips and techniques for getting healthy and staying healthy. Even better, join my Future Health Now! wellness program*.

*Future Health Now! is an inexpensive series of 48 weekly "consulting sessions in print" and begins with a free module. Every seven days, I guide you step-by-step on how to add natural practices to your daily routine. Daily consistency will undoubtedly give you the best chance at lasting physical and mental health.

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Meet The Doctor of the Future: Dr. Dean is a medical doctor, naturopath, herbalist and acupuncturist. She’s authored and co-authored 18 books including The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, IBS for Dummies and the Magnesium Miracle. Dr. Dean is the medical director of the educational Nutritional Magnesium Association.


1- Ford ES et al: Healthy living is the best revenge. Arch Int Medicine 169:1355-1362, 2009.

� 2009 Dr. Carolyn Dean MD - All Rights Reserved

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Meet The Doctor of the Future: Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Dr. Dean is The Doctor of The Future. She’s a medical doctor, naturopath, herbalist and acupuncturist. She’s authored 18 books including The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, IBS for Dummies and the Magnesium Miracle. Radio, TV and magazines interview her regularly — including ABC, NBC and CBS. She's also the medical advisor for the Nutritional Magnesium Association. You’re invited to join her online wellness program Future Health Now! plus receive a free subscription to her Doctor of the Future blog.

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I’ve been working in the natural health field for over 30 years and I haven’t found a magic pill or celebrity supplement that will undo a lifetime of stresses.