Your Health Goodbye!
Your Vitamins

PART 2 of 2
Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and
Elissa Meininger
September 22, 2005
is common practice to ask others in the health freedom movement how
they got involved and while the details of the answers may vary from
ours, the principles remain the same. Practitioners (both MDs and
others) want to serve the public with safe, low-cost, common sense
methods that we all know work very well. Many practitioners have been
harassed by licensing boards, law enforcement agencies and/or have
seen colleagues held up to public ridicule and ruined financially
for doing the right thing for their patients. Some have even ended
up in jail.
want to have control of what products and services they use and often
describe horrific experiences of suffering and maltreatment of themselves
or close family members, and often these experiences are not because
of uncaring MDs but because the system itself, will not allow availability
of products and services for individual need or preference.
of the most prominent health freedom fighters is a man named Berkely
Bedell. He is a former Iowa Congressman who had enough of his own
troubles with modern medicine that he not only had to quit Congress
but he became committed to expanding access to natural healing modalities
such as those that saved his life. He is responsible for the establishment
of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
at NIH and, he, himself founded The National Foundation for Alternative
Medicine, a private group that sends researchers around the world
to find effective alternative medical treatments not part of modern
medicine in America.
testified before a Senate committee in 1994. His story is pretty similar
to many others you will hear. The bill he is talking about was called
�Access to Alternative Medicine Act of 1994�. It didn�t pass but his
testimony below remains relevant.
you, Mr. Chairman for this opportunity to testify on this important
legislation. I have been involved in its formulation and efforts
to perfect it. It has been a great joy to work with you and Senator
Daschle and your staffs. I want to especially acknowledge the
great work and cooperation of Patti Mitchell on Senator Daschle�s
staff. Patti has worked long hours in formulating this bill, and
making corrections when suggestions have to come forward for improvement.
As you
know, I left Congress because I came down with Lyme disease. My
Lyme disease was cured by a milk product at a cost of about $500
after the pharmaceutical treatments costing an estimated $26,000
were not effective. I also came down with prostate cancer, and
again it appears that a $600 alternative treatment was successful
after it appeared that my surgery and radiation at an estimated
cost of $10,000 had not cured my cancer.
It breaks
my heart to have to tell the Lyme disease patients who contact
me because their pharmaceutical treatments are not curing them,
that the cow�s milk treatment that I believe cured me is not available
to them because of government regulations.
Mr. Chairman,
we have a serious health care problem in our country today. In
the United States, it is illegal for anyone to sell a medicine
without spending millions and millions of dollars to get FDA permission
to do so.
This causes
two problems.
it guarantees that we will not get low cost medicines into the
system. No one is going to spend millions and millions of dollars
for permission to market a product unless they can patent it and
charge enough to get their money back.
it gives a monopoly to the giant pharmaceutical drug firms. Most
alternative treatments are non-toxic, non-patentable, low cost
treatments and medicines developed by firms and individuals of
limited means. They do not have the money to go through the expensive
FDA approval process.
The purpose
of this legislation is to make it possible for people to try these
treatments while prohibiting sellers from promoting them by making
claims of their effectiveness.
for the first time allows the government to set up a regulated
procedure for individuals and licensed health practitioners to
access the treatment of their choice. Americans who seek more
options for their health will no longer have to look for medical
�bootleggers� to provide them with alternative treatment options
in the underground or abroad. Practitioners will know that they
can be innovative and still be protected provided they follow
the rigorous requirements of the legislation.
Be warned,
Mr. Chairman and members of this committee. There are some powerful
forces that are doing very well financially under the present
system. Pharmaceutical firms and some sectors of organized medicine
are seriously threatened by alternative treatments. If Lyme disease
patients were to be cured by the $500 treatment I received, or
if the $600 I spent to overcome my cancer were to become common,
it would be great for the people, but there are some powerful
interests that would lose a lot of income.
To defeat
this legislation, these special interests can be expected to spend
whatever is necessary, using their supporters and the press, some
of whom they have convinced that all alternative treatments are
It is
pretty hard to sell a worthless product without making false claims
about its merit. This legislation not only prohibits sellers of
alternative medicines from making false claims of effectiveness.
It prohibits them from making any claims, period.
The legislation
is tightly drawn. It will not change the FDA approval process.
Because of peer pressure, pharmaceutical advertising, malpractice
insurance problems, and insurance policies, the vast majority
of doctors will not change the way they practice medicine.
But it
will break the current monopoly and make it possible for people
to try some of the alternative treatments such as the one I used.
Chairman, our government was established to serve the people. To
protect them from powerful special interests.
We have anti-trust
laws to prevent monopolistic practices.
I do not think
the government intended it, but unless laws are changed, the government
is a partner in maintaining a monopoly in medicine.
We let
people smoke; we let them drink alcohol; we let them gamble; but
we will not let someone who is incapacitated with Lyme disease
be treated by a milk product. What a disaster.
I challenge
this great Congress, in which I was privileged to serve to give to
the people the freedom of choice they enjoy in almost every other
area of our society � a freedom they would enjoy if they lived in
some of the other countries of the world � the freedom to choose for
themselves the type of medical treatment they desire.
urge every member of Congress to support this important legislation.�
the eleven years since this testimony was given, the debate over whether
or not natural healing arts products and services should become part
of the American health care system has expanded greatly.
cannot say enough about the fact that without massive, active and
ongoing pressure from individuals, small, under-funded mostly volunteer
humanitarian groups (aka health freedom groups) and courageous but
all-too-few public servants, what freedoms we actually have, are a
direct result of these actions.
we are all working for is a multi-model medical system where practitioners
of all medical and health philosophies can practice without unnecessary
restrictions and products, such as dietary supplements, can remain
available despite Codex/CAFTA and any other FEMA-like government restrictive
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for citizen action knocks at all levels of government. If you�re mad
as hell and don�t want to take any more of the America�s modern medical
monopoly and want health freedom instead, please come join us at our
international health freedom meeting in Minnesota.
here for part -----> 1
28-30, 2005
National Conference for Health Freedom Advocates
And World Health Freedom Assembly
Minneapolis, Minnesota
FOR HEALTH FREEDOM NOW: Go to www.friendsoffreedominternational.org
and purchase "Death by Modern Medicine" and view and purchase the
new movie on Codex and Free Trade called "We Become Silent" by Kevin
Miller. Proceeds from the sale of these products are crucial to help
fund our health freedom action. For state action go to www.nationalhealthfreedom.org.
� 2005 Carolyn Dean -
All Rights Reserved
E-Mails are used strictly
for NWVs alerts, not for sale
Dr. Carolyn Dean
is a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist, nutritionist,
as well as a powerful health activist fighting for health freedom as president
of Friends of Freedom International. Dr.
Dean is the author of over a dozen health books, the latest of which is
"Death By Modern Medicine".
Elissa Meininger,
is Vice President of Friends of Freedom International and co-founder of
the Health Freedom Action Network, a grassroots citizens' political action
group. She
is also a health freedom political analyst and can be heard on the natural
health radio show SuperHealth, broadcast weekly on station WKY (SuperTalk
AM 930) in Oklahoma City.
Website: www.carolyndean.com
E-Mail: holeopharm@pol.net
practitioners have been harassed by licensing boards, law enforcement
agencies and/or have seen colleagues held up to public ridicule and ruined
financially for doing the right thing for their patients. Some have even
ended up in jail.
