September 28, 2009
� 2009 -
Back in 1992, less than a year after I began my journey of learning the truth about who really runs this country, who the traitors are and how deep the corruption runs, Bush, Sr. began promoting a new world order. As a matter of fact, he used that term 162 times while he was president. [1] Those of us who tried to explain the planned destruction of America were called the usual names: wackos, anti-government this or that. The same year, Joe Biden, traitor to this republic, openly on the senate floor outlined the 'Wilsonian Vision' for a new world order.
One world government. New World Order. Just code words for anti-government, "disenfranchised" kooks writing all those books because they hate President Clinton. No, make that Bush, Jr. No, make that Marxist Obama/Soetoro. Millions like me have given up precious time with our family, fun is a word of the past and forget any paychecks - just because we don't have have anything better to do! What I learned in the first year of my research scared the hell out of me and that took care of the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. There was a job to do and that was try and reach every American who would listen. Back then, there were few. Now, we are on the brink and the destroyers no longer hide their intentions:
Obama to Usher In New World Order at G-20 - FOX News
The usurper talks about uniform international monetary regulations. What Comrade Obama speaks of is a component of one world government: One world banking system. All but a fait accompli and it will destroy what's left of our economy and our sovereignty. It will end up reducing us, our children and grand children to poverty like third world countries. Watch Joan Veon's concise explanation on video. To defeat your enemy, you must understand them and always remember: He who controls the money and the gold controls everything.
One world government means one world religion and that's where the Rick Warren's of the world come into play. Warren's mission is "modern religion." His crusade is to build a "unified theology" which pushes "civility". I've watched him and he's very slick. There is a huge effort world wide to "blend" the world's religions, ending up with some wacky version the "New Age" baloney. The number one goal, of course, is to destroy Christianity in this country. It is essential in fostering communism because communism can only flourish in a Godless nation. Global domination under a brutal, communist, totalitarian force is the ultimate goal.
world military. That would be all nations troops put under
the control of the communist UN.
No more sovereign nations, no more borders. Regionalizing all the nations
on the globe while sacking and looting the more prosperous ones, beating
them into the ground while subsidizing "poor" countries and
enriching brutal dictators around the world. (Obama
to donate $400,000 to Charities run by Gadhafi's children - that's
OUR money.) Get in the way of the destroyers and you will find yourself
on the other end of a US missile or other ordnance full of depleted uranium.
Brute force.
If it weren't for other dedicated Americans who also spent decades trying to reach people like me, I would never have found the truth. In the past, there were courageous members of Congress who tried to warn the American people who were not listening back then. It was sex, drugs, rock and roll and good times while the destroyers were hard at work:
Marjorie S. Holt of Maryland
In the House of Representatives
January 19, 1976, page 240
"Mrs. Holt. Mr. Speaker, many of us recently received a letter from the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, inviting Members of Congress to participate in a ceremonial signing of "A Declaration of Interdependence" on January 30 in Congress Hall, adjacent to Independence Hall in Philadelphia. A number of Members of Congress have been invited to sign this document, lending their prestige to its theme, but I want the record to show my strong opposition to this declaration.
"It calls for surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a "new world order" that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people. Mr. Speaker, this is an obscenity that defiles our Declaration of Independence, signed 200 years ago in Philadelphia. We fought a great Revolution for independence and individual liberty, but now it proposed that we participate in a world socialist order.
"Are we a proud and free people, or are we a carcass to be picked by the jackals of the world, who want to destroy us? When one cuts through the high-flown rhetoric of this "Declaration of Interdependence," one finds key phrases that tell the story. For example, it states:
"The economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities."
"How do you like the idea of "international authorities" controlling our production and monetary system, Mr. Speaker? How could any American dedicated to our national independence and freedom tolerate such an idea? The declaration goes on to urge a strengthening of the United Nations and a broadening of the jurisdiction of the World Court, "that these may preside over a reign of law that will not only end wars but end as well the mindless violence which terrorizes our society even in times of peace. Examine this closely. It suggests that world government will somehow cure the problems of crime and terrorism, not just the problem of war. Quite obviously, the sponsors of this declaration have lost all contact with reality.
"Mr. Speaker, we have lately witnessed the United Nations organization in full cry against America and her allies of the Free World. We have watched the UN become an instrument of the Soviet Union and its shabby following of despots, large and small. America should never subject her fate to decisions by such an assembly, unless we long for national suicide. Instead, we have independence and freedom."
Marxist Bill Clinton gave many rousing speeches in favor of "interdependence" with other nations and giving up our sovereignty. How about Alvin Toffler, who said, "We need to completely reconsider the structure of the Constitution." The vile, despicable, Newt Gingrich wrote the forward to Toffler's book. Newt was his boy and if you want to know the real Newt Gingrich, read this column. He is what's called the controlled opposition; just like Mitt Romney. Stop throwing money at Gingrich's organization and buying his books.
Gingrich never lifted a finger to get us out of the UN, abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve or get rid of the unnecessary income tax. He rode the rails to get the largest destroyer of jobs ever to hit this country passed: NAFTA - cheered on by Rush Limbaugh. His cohorts in destroying millions of good jobs and shipping them overseas: Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, John Boehner, Ron Portman, Tom Daschle, Nancy Pelosi, Christopher Dodd, Ted Kennedy, Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Juan McCain, Bob Dole and Mitch McConnell, just to name a few. These "leaders" then shoved the unconstitutional WTO down our throats. We now have 15 MILLION Americans unemployed, but all those fat cats have been well rewarded for their treachery in selling out the American worker.
In 1947, newspapers wrote about a secret new constitution to replace ours. Americans weren't paying attention. The war was over; our grand parents and parents were trying to put our country back on track and pursue the American dream. There was no Internet to get the truth to millions at the tap of a key.
1972. Richard Nixon met with Chou En-Lai in Shanghai to cement a new world order. America crawled into bed with the commies. The same communists who were holding our POW/MIAs from the Korean and Viet Nam "conflicts." Only God knows how many are still alive, but those butchers of Beijing had them at the same time Nixon was over there kissing En-Lai's backside and toasting champagne.
As awareness of the diabolical plans afoot began to circulate America, the destroyers wasted no time in implementing plans to force a police state upon us and cover their evil with supposedly "good" government organizations to "help the people". A prime example is the work of Oliver North, darling of the right and a disgrace to his uniform. Under the direction of Ronald Reagan, North drew up plans for martial law using FEMA, a little known agency, but a MAJOR player in the big plan.
North directly helped draft a plan in 1984 to impose martial law in the United States in the event of an emergency. This secret plan would suspend the U.S. Constitution and turn over control of the government to the little known agency at that time: FEMA. This plan would appoint military commanders to run state and local governments. Implementation of this plan would have been triggered by violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a complete and total suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In anger and shock that a lowly Lt. Col., was actually integral in setting up a shadow government, Attorney General William French Smith resigned. I know this type of information is very upsetting to people. They don't want to believe it because betrayal is a painful emotion. Unless and until you take the time to do the research and I don't mean just someone's opinion, I mean documented times, dates, places, players and agenda, it's easy to just blow all this off as blathering from conspiracy wing nuts. To do so will be fatal to our republic. Once you do see the big picture, then you will understand why all these monstrous pieces of legislation - cap and trade, "universal" heath care, the water heist bill, five "hate" crime bills on deck right now, gun control and more, are so important to those who control our government. The agenda is now in hyper drive because the cat is out of the bag and the American people are on the march. This will not be tolerated by the elite cabal.
I know many Americans believe that Barack Hussein Obama is just a nice, charismatic, Caucasian/Negro man who worked his way up from middle class to become the leader of the free world. They bought the big lie sold to them by the liars for hire in the so-called mainstream media and cable networks like MSNBC and CNN. Thankfully, many are beginning to see they bought a defective product. Comrade Obama was groomed from his early years by his communist mentors to be right where the cabal at the top wanted him for many reasons. Attack his policies, you're a racist. It's the old divide and conquer trap.
The usurper has tried to convince people he's a Christian who spent 20 years in a church which teaches Black Liberation Theology. Marxism wrapped up in a black Jesus. Obama/Soetoro spent a few years in Indonesia and is listed as Muslim for the purpose of school enrollment. That set people off into a tizzy. I've never believed Comrade Obama is a Muslim. He smokes, drinks alcohol, he's bi-sexual, supports killing unborn babies, fought hard to deny babies born alive during an abortion any medical care to keep them alive and champions sodomites and lesbians. All of those things are taboo for Muslims. Personally, I believe the usurper is an atheist just like his mother, Stanley. She was a hard core atheist by age 15 and in Obama's own words, the biggest influence in his life - until Frank Marshall, Jr., got ahold of him.
I know millions of Americans are waking up and becoming active. A little over a year ago, tens of millions of Americans got shocked out of their comfort zones when the manufactured banking crisis hit and the traitors in Congress, led by Pelosi and Reid, and signed off by another new world order lackey, George Bush, Jr., robbed the American people blind with the so called "bail out" legislation. Every single step taken since then has been carefully calculated and it spells even further financial disaster for our nation and people.
But, who is behind it? Who really controls Congress, the White House and the media? Who are "they"? The Bilderberg Group. The Council on Foreign Relations. The Tri-Lateral Commission. Let's start with those. The CFR and Tri-Lateral are the water carriers for the upper crust global elite and bankers, dubbed the Bilderbergers. The group poo-pooed by popular talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Their agenda IS to destroy this republic and bring America under global world domination. While some of the flunkies from academia and media might protest these two organizations are nothing more than bi-partisan think tanks, those of us who have done the hard, documented research know better.
Here is the most current chart of the CFR members they include the Tri-lateralists. Print it out and read the names of those who control everything in Washington, DC and the puppets who dance to their tune. For past membership lists, see here. 2008 is here.
There is a new book out that I put at the top of the list that every American simply must read: The True Story of the Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin. I've listed a few more in the links section because they also should be read -- but read Daniel's book first. These are the traitors of the world who call themselves the elites. These are the ones who make sure there are endless wars for profit, ensure poor countries stay poor while demanding the fruits of our labor to continue supporting their evil agenda.
The individuals in Daniel's book set policy for our government. They play governments around the world like pieces on a chess board. The big game. These people are responsible for destroying our economy with their arrogance in attempting to create a one world financial system (Comrade Obama is working on the final details) that is now in shambles. Ah, but they have a solution! Get rid of our dollar and go to a global currency. This would only create another form of debt currency and drag America further into abject poverty. You must know who these people are, even though they don't want you to know their diabolical plans. They want you to stay distracted with the political bickering as their organizations and minions under them continue their work.
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin - Get it, read it and stop supporting these "world leaders, " cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices and members of Congress who are behind the planned destruction of America. Stop supporting the so-called mainstream media that has betrayed America. Stop supporting with your consumer dollars the corporations whose CEOs are part and parcel to this plan for one world government. Patrick Henry said:
"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts...For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it."
For the sake of our nation, your life, your family and future generations, do not close your eyes to the painful truth.
[Note: Free email alert service is now available on my web site; click here]
[1] Playing the American people with propaganda
Learning Links:
- 70
Years of dominance by traitors
2 - Gingrich,
Toffler, and Gore: A peculiar trio
3 - Defeating
the Totalitarian Lie
4 - Indoctrination
of America's children
5 - Treasonous
agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations
6 - Treasonous
agenda of the Trilateral Commission
These books are also at the top of the list. I know money is tight for a lot of folks, so if you have family, friends or a group, pool a few $$ from everyone, buy a copy of all of them or a few and pass them around. We cannot defeat our enemies if you don't know who they are and continue to support their work or voting them back into office.
1 - Brotherhood of Darkness by Dr. Stan Monteith
- The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations
by G. Edward Griffin - This
is on line and you must read it.
You can also order from outlets like Amazon for a hard copy
Story of the Committee of 300 (1992) by Dr. John Coleman
The Committee of 300 - Fourth Edition by Dr. John Coleman
this web site for full information and free download of one of the
None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Garry Allen - free download on the Internet or order through outlets like Amazon
� 2009 - - All Rights Reserved
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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country as well as her own; ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker.
She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.
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