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By: Devvy
July 21, 2014

With more than half of the primaries over and nearly every single incumbent, both parties, having won, if the trend continues, we will end up with virtually the same U.S. House of Representatives. The same ones who have passed some of the most draconian, unconstitutional "laws" ever seen in this country. The lawmakers in the Outlaw Congress became lawbreakers decades ago. The same ones spending us into poverty - both parties.

The 2010 revolution that was going to stomp on the criminal impostor in the White House and the Demorats and all the out of control spending has been a monumental disappointment for millions. The Republicans took 63 house seats and the majority once again. In May of 2010, the national debt created by your incumbent and mine was $12.9 TRILLION dollars. Today, it is $17.5 TRILLION.

Republicans blame the Demorats and the Chicago gangster squatting in the White House, but it's the U.S. House of Representatives that controls the people's purse. All bills of expenditure (yes, I am aware Obamacare unconstitutionally originated in the senate) must originate in the U.S. House. If you read the the articles below, you will know why this plundering of we the people continues under "conservative" incumbents in the House who are for "smaller" government.

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade (May 2010)
Electing New Band Aid Pushers (May 2012)
Sequestration: Another Band Aid While U.S. Economy Exsanguinates (March 2013)

The states of the Union hold much more power than too many legislators are unaware of, but are getting an earful from dedicated Americans. Back in January 2013, I wrote this column: Voters Educate the Elected. My friends and I were at the state capitol in Austin; I hope you'll take the time to read it. It's not easy for me to get to the capitol as I live a six hour drive which means wear and tear on my vehicle, gas, food and hotel bills. But, the issues we went there to discuss are vital to the survival of not only our state but all the other states as well.

The subject of nullification is one that is either completely foreign to too many state legislators or they listen to the ignorant, agenda driven controlled media in this country and that includes some of the FOX anchors. A perfect example is the nonsense and outright lies spewed M-Friday by sexual deviant, Rachael Maddow, on MSNBC. Her listening audience are individuals who have been brainwashed over the decades, first in the government's indoctrination centers (Common Core Would Make Any Communist Regime Proud) and then on to "institutions of high learning" where their young minds are drenched in the finest Soviet-style propaganda.

Tom Woods is one of the major advocates for nullification out there who bases his books on historical data rather than political ideology. He gives a great demonstration in this short video on his web site: Beware, Citizen: Nullification Is Catching On. Yes, part of it takes on Comrade Maddow and her imbicilic diatribe.

There are many fine groups and organizations in this country who focus on single issues that have been moving us forward in our war against the Republicans and Demorats in the Outlaw Congress and at the state and county level. Tom DeWeese's monumental and tireless efforts on Agenda 21, ALIPAC dealing with the illegals invasion, True the Vote fighting the stealing of our elections and so many more it would take pages to list them all. It is through their efforts and the materials they provide that groups like local tea party chapters, 9-12 groups and other pro constitution organizations have been making excellent progress with our state legislatures.

The second trip in 2013, to the state capitol with my friends was to push for getting these four bills into the hopper and sent to the appropriate committee that can't be done by nullification. I'm going to resubmit the packages to only a select number of Republicans in our legislature (both houses are Republican controlled) soon. What we need are tea party, 9-12 or other groups to get behind those bills who live close enough to the state capitol here in Texas to make those all important in person follow ups. I live on a very fixed income and my husband has serious long term medical problems so I am unable to travel as much as I have in the past.

One of those four bills is to reconstitute the constitutional militia. Where are the gun groups and the groups who call themselves militia? Do they understand the difference between the true and false militia and why it matters? In 2013, we received absolutely no help from any gun groups here in Texas to kill the cancer instead of trade spit with the feds.

Whether your legislature is in session right now or not, bills are being written so they can get distributed to committees by Thanksgiving. After that, it's too late. Our efforts with the state houses has to happen now, not months down the road. I know we're all swamped, but if we are fighting against the top key cancers together, we can defeat the destroyers.

We need Texans to keep hounding their state representatives to address the issue of nullification (plus the four bills) as strongly as they are about the illegals invasion. Among their complaints about our governor in the article below, they're going for something many of us suggested when news broke about this latest waves of illegals flooding across the Texas border - call a special session now. As Rep. Toth says, we can't wait until January 2015 when our legislature goes back into session.

Texas Grassroots Leaders Demand National Guard at Border, Special Session - July 18, 2014

AUSTIN, Texas—"A coalition of conservative, tea party, and grassroots activists--along with other Texans concerned about the situation at the border--gathered at the Capitol for a press conference this week. Despite the conservative leanings of the speakers, some of the harshest criticism was directed at two Republicans: Texas Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott."

The big hang up is money. If Ricky Perry calls up the Texas Army National Guard without permission from Soetoro/Obama, Texans must bear the cost. The state can sue the illegitimate administration later; we need them on the border now. How about about this sickening rape of we Texans:

TX Taxpayers Pay Billions for Illegal Aliens to Use State Services - Jan 2014

“There are about 1,810,000 illegal aliens residing in Texas — 70,000 more than resided in the state in 2010 when we estimated the fiscal burden at nearly $8.9 billion annually.”

"Specifically, in 2013 alone, FAIR estimates Texans were on the hook for $12.1 billion because of illegal immigration in the state. “That amounts to more than $1,197 for every Texas household headed by a native-born or naturalized U.S. citizen,” FAIR wrote. “The taxes paid by illegal aliens — estimated at $1.27 billion per year — do not come close to paying for those outlays, but we include an estimate of revenue from sales taxes, property taxes, alcohol taxes, and cigarette taxes.”

"A breakdown of the costs shows that illegal aliens in Texas are accessing a wide variety of public services they are not supposed to have access to, placing a burden on taxpayers throughout the state. For instance, FAIR found that annually the estimated 195,000 illegal alien students and 481,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens place an $8.5 billion burden on taxpayers for their education costs. Many of those students require special needs help with the English language, too, driving the cost even higher for Texas taxpayers.

"Taxpayers also pay $1.9 billion per year to fund Medicaid and other uncompensated healthcare programs that illegal aliens and their children are accessing in the state. Taxpayers spend another $1.1 billion to fund law enforcement efforts associated with illegal immigration. Means-tested social welfare programs for U.S.-born children of illegal aliens cost taxpayers another $47.8 million per year. Other basic government services for illegal aliens cost taxpayers $577 million more per year."

The True Size of the Adult Illegal Immigration Wave, Revealed

Let me get back to solving problems instead of putting a Band Aid on them. There are dozens of issues that can be permanently solved through nullification: States react to fed agenda with nullification. That article gives a whole list of states and what they're doing on certain issues - especially the disaster called Obamacare.

The good folks at the Tenth Amendment Center have made great progress in so many states despite operating on a shoe string budget. I posted the locations of the anti-illegals rallies in Texas this past weekend on my web site. At the bottom of the email letting me know where they would be, it said this: "Alone YOU are but a drop of water. Together WE become an ocean!"

What a true statement and why people should join LOCAL tea party chapters (list nationwide chapters), 9-12 groups (Find one) and others at your local level. It's a perfect opportunity to share our knowledge with those hungry for the truth. Stay independent of national headquarters (and sadly, too many state organizations) for most of the "conservative" groups. They never talk about solutions, only Band Aids and they encourage you to support incumbent politicians who have destroyed this once great country.

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I've written many times, while the past 23 years have been hell fighting not just the tyrants out in DC and our state capitols, but also uninformed voters. But, I have made so many friends and met thousands of wonderful, patriotic Americans willing to sacrifice their time and resources to return America to a constitutional republic and clean out the vermin from public offices top to bottom. Yes, we can become a force to be reckoned with, but it takes numbers and boots on the ground. Become part of history. Become an activist for our beloved republic and your children and grand children's future.

Identify the problem, identify your enemy, organize and act. Please go over to the Tenth Amendment Center's web site to learn what exactly is nullification if you're not familiar with that powerful tool. They have great materials and DVDs, just like Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth.

Watch this 2:32 second very powerful speech. Will you fight using the constitutional tools given us from rivers of blood and raw courage?

Learning Links:

1- Creating the New 'Soviet' Man; Human Reconstruction- A must read
2- Downed Malaysian Airliner Act Of War? Let Me Tell You Something
3- McDaniel's Lawyer: We Have Enough Evidence To Launch Official Election Challenge
4- Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You
5- Vote Fraud Underway - What Candidates Must Do

Click here to visit home page.

© 2014 - and Devvy - All Rights Reserved

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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts.

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The states of the Union hold much more power than too many legislators are unaware of, but are getting an earful from dedicated Americans.