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By: Devvy
August 18, 2014

It's always difficult to write a piece like this when American troops - even though it's an all volunteer military - are in foreign countries fighting for the interests of the global cartel run by "secret" societies and banking cabals. Oh, sure, we've all been fed the bull manure for most of our adult lives that it's all about America's strategic interests. However, the Internet and an awakening by more and more Americans educating others, millions of Americans have had to face an ugly reality. It's all about money, power and lots of oil. It's all about creating a one world government and knocking off countries that cannot fend off the might of the U.S. military.

Nine times before the unconstitutional invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan ordered by America's presidents and approved by war mongering members of the Outlaw Congress, America attempted nation building. Every one of those unconstitutional, undeclared military "actions" has been a resounding failure. This is how you dress up justification for all the killing and destruction, not to mention the massive debt heaped on our backs:

Morton Abramowitz and Heather Hurlburt, July 12, 2004: "No fewer than nine times over the past decade, Western powers have deployed noble rhetoric, soldiers and taxpayer dollars in the service of nation-building. And no fewer than nine times, they have, to one degree or another, failed to build stable, self-sustaining nations. The litany consists of Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Liberia, Afghanistan and Iraq. The best one could say is that they are works in progress. The worst: Too many of them still can't function on their own and continue to pose threats to their own citizens as well as U.S. national interests.

"While genuine good-both humanitarian and security-related-has come of these efforts, the results have fallen far short of our professed objectives, consumed enormous resources and political capital, and left uncertainty about the U.S. and international commitment."

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize a president or Congress the authority to steal from the people's treasury to fund humanitarian efforts or nation building. Humanitarian efforts should and are funded through private organizations. The fact that there's never enough money is the fault of dictators, potentates and crooks running countries around the world.

New world order advocates like William Kristol, who cares nothing for the U.S. Constitution and a favorite over the years on FOX News is always beating the drums for more wars:

"Among the first to advocate the assertive use of U.S. military forces around the world were William Kristol and Robert Kagan. In a 1996 article in Foreign Affairs, they urged the United States to adopt a posture of "benevolent global hegemony." This means "actively promoting American principles of governance abroad-democracy, free markets, respect for liberty". To John Quincy Adams's advice that America should not go "abroad in search of monsters to destroy," they mockingly replied, "But why not?" In their endorsement for foreign-policy activism, Kagan and Kristol have been joined by a number of policy wonks, journalists, and academics, a group that has come to be known as "neoconservatives." In their enthusiasm for nation building by force of arms, neither the theorists nor the practitioners have examined the historical experience with this kind of policy. They are aware that a historical record exists, but they do not take it seriously."

Kristol, draped in his thousand dollar suit, isn't the one ripped from his family to go fight undeclared wars, but then one has to remember Kristol's father: "And, in Kristol's case - if one will pardon an unavoidable pun - the apple has not fallen far from the tree. William's father, Irving Kristol, is considered the founder of American neoconservatism. The elder Kristol was an active Trotskyite while a student at the City College of New York, from which he graduated in 1940 with a B.A. in history. Years later, in 1983, Kristol wrote that that he was proud to have been a member of Trotskyite Fourth International back in 1940." Trotskyism is defined as: The political and economic theories of Communism advocated by Leon Trotsky and his followers, usually including the principle of worldwide revolution.

On the morning of April 20, 1986, Americans woke up to the news that Air Force F-111's and other support aircraft had carried out a full scale raid on Moamaar Khadafy in Libya. Why did Ronald Reagan order precision bombing of Tripoli? A series of telex messages had been intercepted from Libya's East Berlin embassy right before and after a disco was bombed in West Berlin on April 5, 1986. Based on hard intelligence, Reagan cited "irrefutable" evidence that Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy was the brains behind the bombing and the decision was made to strike back.

That act of cowardice by terrorists killed two people, including an American GI; hundreds were wounded, including 50 to 60 Americans. Once Reagan was absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Libya was responsible for this unprovoked act which led to the murder and injury of Americans, he acted without hesitation, saying, "I warned that there should be no place on earth where terrorists can rest and train and practice their deadly skills. I meant it. I said that we would act with others, if possible, and alone if necessary to ensure that terrorists have no sanctuary anywhere. Tonight, we have." We did act alone; France wouldn't even allow our aircraft to fly over their air space.

The guidelines for this mission were crystal clear: There should be minimal risk to pilots to reduce any chance of our own becoming POWs. The targets would be military, civilians would be spared as much as possible, but there was no mistake: Go for the kill and send a very clear and unequivocal message to anyone who dare harm our own. There was no warning to we the people or Khadafy and that's the way it should be. If the proof is there, our military go, get the job done and come home. War is ugly, but we have an indisputable right to strike quickly and decisively against anyone who hurts US.

We did not invade that country and begin the process of destroying the culture of the indigenous population by forcing "democracy" on them. Following our right to retaliate against any nation that kills or harms our own, and while I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan, he did not engage in an endless and deceitful mission to "rebuild" Libya. Americans were not fleeced to the tune of hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars to provide "humanitarian aid," build new schools or become friends with an enemy nation - a certain recipe for failure. It is not our responsibility or duty to "win the hearts and minds" of any foreign country or their people to fight some endless, nebulous "war on terrorism".

We've all seen the lead news stories about Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya over the years including the latest horrible headlines about the current state of Iraq:

Much of $60B from US to 'rebuild' Iraq wasted; $90B spent on Afghanistan 'reconstruction' projects
Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Funding Insurgents in Afghanistan
$34M taxpayer-backed soybean program not sprouting in Afghanistan
US will remain in Afghanistan for ‘long time’: Gen. Allen: "The Afghan war has become the longest-running war in U.S. history, and there is no end in sight. The Taliban remains in control of major parts of the nation. Civilian and troop casualties continue to mount."
10 years later, Afghan government 'doomed'
Let's not forget OUR military are guarding heroin poppy fields boosting production over the years - this is the proper role of our military? Oh, that's right, "it's part of their culture".
Photos of US and Afghan Troops Patrolling Poppy Fields June 2012

In other words, OUR military is complicit in the narcotics trade that so greatly benefits the financial prostitutes on Wall Street. For this, so much blood has run like rivers over there? Oh, but wait! Let's go back ten years from the June 2012 link above: How Washington Funded the Taliban

"The United States has made common cause with an assortment of dubious regimes around the world to wage the war on drugs. Perhaps the most shocking example was Washington's decision in May 2001 to financially reward Afghanistan's infamous Taliban government for its edict ordering a halt to the cultivation of opium poppies....

"Yet the Bush administration did more than praise the Taliban’s proclaimed ban of opium cultivation. In mid-May, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a $43 million grant to Afghanistan in addition to the humanitarian aid the United States had long been providing to agencies assisting Afghan refugees. Given Callahan’s comment, there was little doubt that the new stipend was a reward for Kabul’s anti-drug efforts. That $43 million grant needs to be placed in context. Afghanistan's estimated gross domestic product was a mere $2 billion. The equivalent financial impact on the U.S. economy would have required an infusion of $215 billion. In other words, $43 million was very serious money to Afghanistan's theocratic masters.

"To make matters worse, U.S. officials were naive to take the Taliban edict at face value. The much-touted crackdown on opium poppy cultivation appears to have been little more than an illusion. Despite U.S. and UN reports that the Taliban had virtually wiped out the poppy crop in 2000-2001, authorities in neighboring Tajikistan reported that the amounts coming across the border were actually increasing. In reality, the Taliban gave its order to halt cultivation merely to drive up the price of opium the regime had already stockpiled."

US gives millions to the Taliban 2011: "A new report out of Washington estimates that around $360 million in US military money went into the hands of enemy insurgents in Afghanistan, including the Taliban." Yeah, that Taliban that became one of the evil groups immediately following 9/11. All unconstitutional, borrowed debt slapped on we the people and our families.

Yes, the nasty Taliban and one of the CIA's crown jewel creations: Al Qaeda. Here's the damn truth about the origins of all these terrorists groups we're fighting that should make you sick to your soul.

Dec. 14, 2011 from the criminal Impostor-in-Chief: 'We're Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq': “Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America's war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.” Really, Barry Obama?

Washington Opened The Gates Of Hell In Iraq: Now Come The Furies. "The late, great critic of the American Imperium, Chalmers Johnson, popularized the salient concept of “blowback”. That is, the notion that if you bomb, drone, invade, desecrate and slaughter—collaterally or otherwise— a people and their lands, they might find ways to return the favor. But even Johnson could not have imagined the kind of blowback coming ferociously Washington’s way now."
The War Photo No One Would Publish
ISIS killed 500 Yazidis, buried some alive incl women and children - Iraq
Pentagon: American Military Aircraft Strikes Islamic State in Iraq
Dramatic first strike on Islamic State by American forces revealed as aid airdrops finally reach besieged Yazidis on mountainside
'We were holding back tears as we filmed'
Stranded Yazidis rescued by Kurdish peshmerga after escaping Jihadist horde threatening genocide
Why Obama is Bombing the Caliph
The United States’ Biggest “Allies” Are Funding ISIS - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar & Turkey all back terror group
Implausible Deniability - West's ISIS Terror Hordes in Iraq
Fisk On Mideast Destruction - Don’t Dare Mention Oil
CIA expert: Obama, Osama share Mideast goal
U.S. General Killed by Afghan Soldier

America has invaded all those counties who didn't want us there in the first place. They're all dominated by a fake religion called Islam and call themselves Muslims. (This little booklet is in almost all mosques in the U.S.: Jihad in Islam. Do check page 5 of the 37 page booklet: “But the truth is that Islam is not the name of a ‘Religion’, nor is ‘Muslim’ the title of a ‘Nation’. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihad’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective.”)

But, past presidents including the malignant narcissicst criminal impostor in the White House - along with hundreds of members of Congress - have all decided to push democracy in countries that don't want it, who don't even understand it and why would we (America) want to push such a bad form of government on any country?

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

“A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States

"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent." Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

These united States of America is not a democracy despite the blatherings of cable network anchors, school teachers, politicians and a dumbed down public. We have never been a democracy. America is a constiutional republic.

What did anyone expect from the destruction we've caused in those countries? Now, the world is seeing savages in living color more vicious than we have seen in our lifetime: ISIS or ISIL. More than a trillion dollars and 13 years later and what have we the people who have paid for all the death and destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya gotten out of it? Hatred against our country because of the agenda of those who really own the White House and Congress.

The U.S. without a formal declaration of war went into Libya and murdered a head of state. Sure Moamaar Khadafy was despicable in our eyes, but that didn't give the U.S. permission to once again go into a country, knock off its leader and bring us Benghazi and more:

Islamic militias declare control of Benghazi
Al-Qaida-related militia control Benghazi, chase embassy staff from Tripoli (August 2014): "NEW YORK – In a repudiation of the premise advanced by President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the “Arab Spring” was a democracy movement, Libya has descended into lawless chaos in which various terrorist militia, including al-Qaida, vie for power. A government propped up the U.S. and NATO has collapsed, and Western nations, including the U.S., have recalled their Embassy staff from Tripoli.

"According to trusted Libyan tribal sources communicating with WND via Skype, al-Qaida head Ayman al-Zawahiri now claims to have 15,000 al-Qaida fighters operating in Libya. They are fighting alongside foreign fighters from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and various Libyan-based radical Islamic militias as the group Ansar al-Sharia gains control of Benghazi and declares an “Islamic emirate” civil war. Muslim Brotherhood forces have joined al-Qaida and various local Islamic militia from Misurata, a port city in the northwest of Libya, in an effort to take control of Libya’s capital, Tripoli."

I’m afraid the bitter truth is Iraq and Libya were better off under the tyrants toppled by an arrogant and naive West

"It is certain, however, that if the admittedly odious Saddam Hussein were still in power, Islamic State would not be on the rampage in northern Iraq and the lives of thousands of Christians and Shias would not have been lost....And it is also certain that the number of people who have died since the invasion — as many as 500,000, according to reputable studies — far exceeds the number of victims of Saddam Hussein during his much longer period in power. No doubt thousands more innocent people are doomed to be killed.

"Cruel and despotic though he was, Saddam did offer Iraq a measure of stability, which was destroyed by the invasion. This repulsive strongman at least held his country together, which the divisive Shia-dominated government in Baghdad cannot do. A similar point can be made about the no less repellent Gaddafi. In the Libya over which he presided for more than 40 years, there were no factions of militias killing innocent people and destroying their homes and livelihoods.

"Where would you prefer to try to live a half-normal life — in Gaddafi’s mostly peaceable Tripoli or in a city fought over by pitiless gunmen? Would it be better to inhabit Saddam Hussein’s Mosul or the city now transformed into a killing field by Islamic State? I know where my preferences would lie. Of course, this is not the choice that western statesmen had in mind when they intervened in Iraq and Libya. They genuinely believed that, when the tyrants had been removed, better and more competent rulers would replace them."

And so we find ourselves once again the world's bully only to have 'blowback' smash us in the face while so many continue to die at the hands of worse than barbarians. ISIS/ISIL can only be described as butchering animals. But, apparently - even though there is some outrage being expressed by we the people - this is all well and fine with the majority of voters in this country. With all but seven states left with primaries (NH Sept 8th, Alaska August 19, Wyoming August 19th, Arizona August 26th, Florida August 26th, Guam August 30th and Massachusetts sept. 9th), 96% of the same incumbents for both parties have won their primaries.

Most will probably go on to win in their districts in November, which will give us basically the same rats, crooks, thieves and war mongers as we have now in the U.S. House. If the GOP takes back the senate does anyone really believe the war mongering will stop? They are delusional. DoD's civilian workforce is 800,000. Lots of votes. That doesn't include the lobbyists who buy the favors of the professional whores Americans have been voting for in the primaries and all the other jobs that depend on war - lots of votes. April 2008: Members of Congress have made $196 million in personal profit since the war began! And: Defense Companies Use Congress to Save Their Profits

Morale in our military has been declining for a long time. It worsened as the truth surfaced about deserter Bowie Bergdahl and the trade of 5 top terrorist commanders. America is once again bombing Iraq. Did anyone ever expect a different outcome than we're now seeing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya considering the other nine times America has attempted "nation building" (authority found no where in the U.S. Constitution) only to fail? No matter how good a job our military does, they represent nothing more than cannon fodder for the global elites who run the show. A terrible thing, but the geopolitical games that have been going on since Viet Nam are too well documented to ignore as some conspiracy theory: "In Defense of the World Order...US Soldiers would have to kill and die". Aurthur Schlesinger, Jr., July / August '95 Foreign Affairs - CFR's Flagship Publication

I do believe in my heart our military serve with honor out of a sense of patriotism and the desire to "keep America free". I know they are also fed clever propaganda about fighting over there so the terrorists don't come here. Well, they're already here while the professioal prostitutes in the Outlaw Congress, both parties, ignore them so they don't offend a certain class of voters. I also believe that many of them have come to realize they are not fighting for a righteous cause any more (9/11), but rather for political reasons. Is it any wonder 22 of our veterans kill themselves everyday?

I know the economy is dead and jobs are hard to find. I know sign up incentives are tantalizing. But, I can only close this column with one I wrote on September 1, 2013 because it has only gotten worse and will continue as long as American troops are in Iraq, Afghanistan and other "muslim" countries who don't want us there and resent killing their people - like murdering old men, women and children at weddings. Get Out of the Military, Don't Enlist: "Get out of the military. Don't enlist. For the sake of your soul and sanity."

For the children of our soldiers who will never know their mom or dad past the last time they saw them as they were being shipped to hell to fight an unnecessary "war" - where is your voice America against these endless, profitable, unconstitutional invasions and occupations of Middle East countries? When is enough killing going to be enough in the pursuit of trying to kill an idelology, not an army? When is enough killing for the "war on terrorism" going to be enough to keep propping up the lies about September 11, 2001?

When will enough of this be enough? IRAQ: Doctors warn of increasing deformities in newborn babies. Huge rise in birth defects in Fallujah. The U.S. military has used weapons that contain depleted uranium. We've not only killed and maimed Iraqi children, but our own starting with Bush, Sr.'s sandbox war:

They don't hate us because of our freedoms, they hate us because of what "our" government has done in our name to those three countries and the innocent people who live in them.

The Invisible War: Depleted Uranium and the Politics of Radiation 2000
How Depleted Uranium Kills U.S. Soldiers - The Tragedy of Dustin Brim

R.I.P. Patti Redd - Uranium Poisoning. "Our troops are returning from duty in Afghanistan and Iraq bringing back the poisons of DU AND turn poisoning innocent wives and family members with the poisons that they have in their bodies. This is a crime - - and illegal. When will Americans stop, listen, and rebel against this evil? Will we have to take it to the streets? Is that what it will take? I used to be proud to be an American.

"Today I am ashamed. Our doctors tell us that we will most likely die of some type of cancer as a result of the uranium and tungsten poisoning that is just eating away at our organs. What does it take for this to stop?" Patti Redd died in October 2012. She and her husband worked for private contractors handling 'rolling stock' the Army wanted to get rid of cheap. They had no idea what they were being exposed to; they were given no warning.

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Veterans Administration Abandons Vets Suffering From Depleted Uranium Contamination - From Kuwait to Iraq and Afghanistan. Heart wrenching. Sure, Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr. Clinton, the liar squatting in the White House and most of the Outlaw Congress care about our veterans. It shows everyday - especially during an election year.

Okay, now America can go back to following Kim Kar-trashian on some electronic gadget, surfing the Internet for porn, pre-season football is on the boob tube, the guys are waiting on the golf course and Macy's is having a shoe sale!. Wave the American flag and move on. The atrocities on the boob tube only stay a few minutes. Out of sight, out of mind.


1 - Truly outrageous: US Soldiers Forced to Fast During Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan
Do read this short one:
2 - Pentagon Refuses to Release Names of Enemies it’s Fighting
3 - How many Iraqi innocents have we killed since 2003?
4 - Photos: Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels Ransack Christian Village

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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts.

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It always difficult to write a piece like this when American troops - even though it's an all volunteer military - are in foreign countries fighting for the interests of the global cartel run by "secret" societies and banking cabals.