By: Devvy
April 2, 2015
Once again a constitutionally ineligible individual has declared his candidacy for president of these united States of America.
Once again another battle rages that should have been addressed in 2008 when the criminal impostor in the White House, Barack Obama (Known aliases: Barry Soetoro, Barry Dunham, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham), who also lied on his Illinois Bar Application when he said he has never used another name was allegedly elected. The usurper was/is using Barack Obama then but his friends at Occidental College knew him only as Barry Soetoro. Barack Obama was simply made up by the pathological liar at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Instead of addressing Barry's ineligibility back then, the criminal enterprise went all the way to submission of the electoral college vote to the Outlaw Congress on January 9, 2009. Every member of that body of politicians sat mute - Ron Paul - all of them - and allowed the electoral college vote to stand. When the usurper ran again in 2012 and allegedly won (which would not have been possible without all the vote fraud in both elections), once again all of them - both parties- allowed Barry Soetoro to steal the office of president.
On January 14, 2009, Chief Justice Roberts had cases on the docket where Barry Soetoro was the defendant or was the subject of the litigation. Roberts and the other eight justices had already held two 'Distribution for Conferences' on the Donofrio and Wrotnoski cases on Obama's citizenship ineligibility; there were others also ignored by the 'high' court.
On the date above Roberts meets with the man at the heart of that case, Soetoro, in private. Two days later,Roberts sat down to discuss the case with the other justices after having a closed door meeting with the defendant! There was still the Lightfoot v Bowen case to be heard in conference, January 23, 2009. Again, Chief Justice Roberts was to sit in that private meeting to discuss whether the case should go to oral arguments. In my lifetime I have never seen such in your face shenanigans by a member of the U.S. 'Supreme' Court.
In April 2010, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas joked during a congressional house sub-committee hearing:
“Oh really?” asked Serrano. “So you haven't answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?”
“We're evading that one,” answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber."
Yeah, that's real funny, Clarence. The U.S. Supreme Court is evading the eligibility issue. So, Clarence, why didn't you just come out in 2008 with Leo's case and the others and say: "Hey - we're going to evade the eligibility issue so don't waste your time and money."?
The reason why Ted Cruz must be declared eligible is because if he isn't eligible then neither is the criminal impostor in the White House.
Barry Soetoro's father was a foreign national on U.S. soil. He had not applied for citizenship and in fact, there was question as to whether or not he should be allowed to stay in the U.S., as his personal behavior was in the slutty category. Soetoro's mother was a natural born citizen. Soetoro was born with dual citizenship and no amount of political high jinx and lies can change that fact. He was and always will be constitutionally ineligible to be president of this country.
Ted Cruz's mother is a natural born citizen. His father was a foreign national in the U.S. with Cuban citizenship; he finally became a U.S. citizen in 2005. Ted Cruz was born with dual citizenship: Cuban and American. No different than Soetoro.
But, Cruz has taken the position that 'natural born' means he can change his citizenship at age 44 (he will be 45 in December) and magically turn himself into a natural born citizen. Well, Ted, it doesn't work that way. Natural born means when you're born. This doesn't seem to matter to Cruz or some of his ardent supporters. I tried to find the interview conducted at one of Cruz's events a couple of years ago, but was unsuccessful. The reporter ask one of Cruz's supporters about his eligibility. The woman replied, "We don't care. We want him as president." Does that make her any different than the ethically bankrupt who have supported the fraudulent stealing of the office of president by Soetoro? It does not. That Cruz supporter is just as willing to crap on the Constitution as Barry's supporters.
Ted Cruz announced in 2013 he was giving up his Canadian citizenship; it was finalized in 2014. However, that does not make him a natural born citizen. And, like Barry/Obama, Cruz is using the same deceitful tactic by making fun of the citizenship issue: Ted Cruz Cracks to Press: ‘I Am Secretly a Citizen of Ethiopia’
Gov. Bobby Jindal is not a natural born citizen as proclaimed in this piece: "They arrived Feb 1, 1971, and a bit over four months later, on June 10, 1971, Piyush Jindal was born at Woman's Hospital in Baton Rouge, a natural-born U.S. citizen, who like every other child born in America, could, constitutionally, grow up to be president."
Jindal's mother was five months pregnant when they arrived on U.S. soil and obtained green cards. Neither of his parents were either natural born or U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. I believe Jindal became a U.S. citizen via the fraudulent 'anchor baby' bastardization of the Fourteenth Amendment. His parents were not illegals since they obtained green cards, but they were not U.S. citizens at the time of his birth.
The same situation exists for Marco Rubio who is rumored to announce throwing his hat into the ring on April 13th. Rubio also doesn't give a damn about the constitution. He has simply brushed off the legal fact that he is constitutionally ineligible. Rubio was born in May 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents did not become U.S. citizens until November 1975 - four years after his birth. Rubio's parents were naturalized in 1975, so neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. I believe Rubio, like Jindal, became a U.S. citizen via the fraudulent 'anchor baby' myth.
The stealing of the presidency beginning in 2008 was breathtaking in scope. I doubt the majority of adult aged Americans in this country have any idea of just what went on to get Barry and McCain declared constitutionally eligible. This piece is a must read because it factually lays out how an ineligible candidate was able to usurp the office of president. This piece is long, but read it over lunch, coffee in the morning or on the weekend: A Congressional Natural Born Citizen Parts I, II & III: Who Knew What & For How Long?
Now, all of the opinions that Cruz is a natural born citizen is based on his mother being a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth:
• Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)
• Lawyers: Canadian-born Cruz eligible to run for president
• Yes, Ted Cruz is Constitutionally Eligible to Be President
• No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual citizenship (June 2014)
There are dozens more which all chirp the same story line: one parent a U.S. citizen. However, that is not the definition of a natural born citizen. In some of the pieces above you'll see reliance on the Fourteenth Amendment and the 1790 Naturalization Act which are covered in the next set of links below. We know the nearly 100 eligibility cases filed to stop Barry/Obama from stealing the White House were dismissed and never heard on the merits of the argument: who is a natural born citizen? The Outlaw Congress, every damn one of them unleashed the horror of Barack Obama on this country because of their cowardice or in the case of the ethically bankrupt Democratic/Commnist Party minions - they knew they could use the race card to get that waste of oxygen in the White House on the ballot.
For those unfamiliar with Leo Donofrio, he lives in New Jersey, he's a lawyer and filed the first eligibility case against Barry and McCain in 2008. His case was not thrown out on the judicial hallucination called standing, but was killed by the U.S. Supreme Court and their duplicity. This piece deals with Juan McCain: John McCain: Citizen of Panama At Birth (Sept 2009)
Historical and legal analysis: Natural Born at Birth (Dec 2008) - This is a lengthy piece by Leo, but the research is impeccable and the only way we are going to stop ineligible candidates is with hard facts.
The articles below are not filled with speculation or the "my candidate" syndrome meaning I don't care what the U.S. Constitution says. They all deal with historical facts. They are by no means the only ones, but I feel clearly cover in-depth why Cruz, Rubio and Jindal are not constitutionally eligible. Since this is a problem not likely to go away (Cruz is running despite knowing he will be in the same fight as Barry Soetoro over his eligibility and is counting on media like FOX to give him cover) it is imperative Americans and that means big shot anchors like Hannity, O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly and the rest of them that crushed Obama's ineligibility learn the real definition of natural born citizen. Ted Cruz's children can run for president because Cruz is a U.S. citizen. I do not believe Rubio or Jindal's children can since both of them were born to parents holding only green cards and no flavor of citizenship. I could be wrong; I'm sure my email box will fill up.
Natural Born Citizen Clause of Our U.S. Constitution Requires that Both
of the Child's Parents Be U.S. Citizens At the Time of Birth (Sept
• Founder
and Historian David Ramsay Defined "Natural Born Citizenship"
in 1789 (April 2010)
• Senator
Ted Cruz Is Not a “Natural Born Citizen” and Therefore Not
Eligible to be President (Mar 2013)
• The
Fallacies of Congressional Legislative Attorney Jack Maskell’s
Definition of a “Natural Born Citizen” (June 2013)
• Congressional
Research Service: Ted Cruz Not Qualified
• Papers
Discussing Natural Born Citizen Meaning
I know everyone has time issues, but unless Cruz and Rubio are stopped and if one of them should get elected, we might as well just burn the U.S. Constitution. The reason the framers grand fathered in the natural born citizen clause was to ensure a president's first loyalty would be to our constitutional republic. One can see just where Barry/Obama stands on that issue. No president in the history of this country has hated America more than the current occupant of the White House and done so much to destroy her. I have no doubt whatsoever that Cruz and Rubio do love America, but if they get away with becoming president it will mean anyone can hold that office just like the unvetted criminal in the White House. Do we want another Barry/Obama down the road?
What can be done?
We need to focus on the states right now getting them to stand firm against the Outlaw Congress and the usurper in the White House. When the time comes - if and it's a big if - any of those three were to get the GOP nomination, I hope lawsuits are brought in as many states as possible to keep them off the ballot. As we know from the nearly 100 lawsuits to keep the criminal impostor in the WH off the ballot, suing the Secretary of State is a waste of time and money because all the judges involved were and are cowards. Almost all of the cases were filed after the habitual liar in the White House took office. The judges weren't going to touch throwing the impostor president out of office.
No, the target would be the Republican National Committee for putting forth a candidate on state ballots who is constitutionally ineligible. It's fraud - just like the Democratic/Communist Party USA did in 2008. Maybe even a RICO lawsuit. In the meantime, Cruz and his mouth pieces are trying to deflect away from the issue and I suspect Rubio will do the same. You might send each of them a short letter: You're not constitutionally eligible; both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth and we will file lawsuits to keep you off the ballot. Just maybe they will drop out of the race. Can't raise enough money, don't want to lose their powerful seats in the Senate, some excuse to evade the real issue.
You can take money to the bank the controlled media and that includes cable networks like FOX will continue to insist both are eligible - although there have been a few useful fools out there who likely will be silenced once they're told to back off Cruz's eligibility:
Cruz 'as eligible as Obama is' - House member deflects MSNBC host's 'birther' assault: "MSNBC host Chris Matthews didn't have the slightest issue with Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility. But he is grilling Republican supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential ambitions with reckless “birther” abandon." Act surprised: the Republican house member being interviewed did the usual political tap dance with a stupid smirk on his face - but read his words. They know. They all know. “I'm telling you that President Obama is the president,” Farenthold said. “If he's eligible to be president, Ted Cruz is.” “Was he legitimately elected president?” Matthews responded. “I wasn't in Congress to make that determination,” Farenthold said. “That was determined before I got here.”
I must mention Donald Trump here because he's stuck his foot in his mouth, again. He's on the eligibility issue going after Cruz being born in Canada instead of the meat of the issue: both parents being U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth. I wish he'd shut his trap because all he's doing is distracting people instead of educating them on what natural born really means.
And so the big lie, one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated against the people of this country stays in place because (1) Republicans want the White House in 2016 and (2) as I said, to declare Cruz ineligible would cause a massive constitutional crisis: a usurper is sitting in the Oval Office and any laws, EO, treaties or other legal documents he signed are null and void - and they are - every last one of them.
- How to pack a big event and make it seem you're popular &
have lots of support: Attendance
at Ted Cruz's 2016 announcement was mandatory for Liberty University
2 - Text
of A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural
born citizen.
3 - States
must fight legal fiction called 'anchor babies'
4 - Immigration:
The Myth Of The 'Anchor Baby'
5 - Full Audio: Dr.
Terry Lakin On Challenging Obama’s Article II Constitutional Eligibility
- His Life Was Threatened
[Just a short note about 9/11. The cost of America's undeclared "war" (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars - massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I've purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It's very powerful simply because it's one 'ordinary' man's story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. The more people we wake up the better.]
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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.
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