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Jesus Has Left the Building







Grants Pass




By Lee Duigon
August 1, 2013

My neighbor informs me that another neighbor has got his dogs pooping all over the place, and I should watch my step.

If only we could clean up after Congress, the courts, Hollywood, and the other culture-wreckers as easily as we can clean up after dogs. I had just come back from the supermarket, where I discovered that there are now two series of novels, not just one, promoting “dominance and submission” as a fantastically hip and desirable way of life. I wonder which books they had to remove from the shelves to make room for these. The only advantage such books have over dog-droppings is that you don’t have to worry about stepping on them.

Rot, rot, rot—right before our eyes, our culture rots away.

A few doors down, a 13-year-old boy has just returned to his home state after a visit with his grandparents. I like this kid; everybody does. He comes here every summer. He and I play chess together, or just sit and talk.

But there wasn’t much of that, this time around. He spent almost the entire visit just sitting indoors playing video games, all day and into the night. He has become a wiz at slaying bloodthirsty, horrible, computer-generated zombies; but in one of the few chats we had, I learned that he had never heard of King Arthur. He had Arthur mixed up with King George III, and he didn’t know who George III was, either.

He’s not a stupid kid—far from it. He just doesn’t know things that every 13-year-old in the Western world used to know. Instead, he knows all about video games, reality TV, comic books, movies based on video games and comic books, and lousy music. His mind is being buried under a landfill of rotted-out contemporary “culture.” But he does know, because his unionized public school teacher told him so, that “communism has a lot of good ideas.”

Can you calculate the money that’s been spent, and the work that has been done, to turn this child into an ignoramus?

Rot, rot, rot.

Our small town, two miles wide, has eight churches in it—nine, if you count the Jehovah’s Witness hall, and ten if you count the Jewish temple, too.

In the meantime, an upscale gift shop here has been conducting workshops on how you can get in touch with your “animal spirit guide.” Who needs the Bible, when the ghost of a gerbil can guide you through life’s labyrinth?

I can’t help wondering how the churches have so mightily failed to arrest the deterioration of our culture. Is it because they just don’t care? Do the pastors just ignore it? Or is it because the process of decay is so powerful, so far advanced, that nothing that the churches say or do can stop it? But up in New York, the churches are throwing open their pulpits to political candidates like Eliot Spitzer, “Love Client No. 9,” and Anthony Wiener, an exhibitionist, to tell the congregations that they’ve learned their lessons and they should be voted back into positions of public trust because the other candidates are even worse. And no, I haven’t forgotten Mark “Soul-mate” Sanford down in South Carolina. Culture rot doesn’t discriminate between political parties.

Is it true that America can only be governed by perverts?

The thing about the churches is, I don’t see them trying very hard to do anything about it. Some have even embraced it—the Episcopal, Presbyterian Church USA, and a big chunk of the United Methodist churches. They’ve gone over to the dark side; expect no help from them.

Novels that glorify sado-masochistic “sex,” violent video games, celebrities who live their lives like maggots, lawless leaders making a mockery of the Constitution, churches that sit there like rocks and stones when they aren’t actually imitating the culture-killers because they want to be seen as broad-minded and modern—the list of guilty parties would fill a Manhattan phone directory.

I have not bothered to discuss the public schools because their contribution is so flaming obvious.

What is to be done?

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Kevin Swanson, of Generations Radio in Colorado, says we’ll have to build a new culture parallel to the old, corrupted one—a culture of strong families with strong fathers, homeschooled children who know the Bible better than they know the TV listings, strong churches, and strong neighborhoods: in short, a Christian culture. He estimates it’ll take seventy years, at least.

I won’t be around to see it finished, but I would like to see it started. I would like to be one of those people who start picking up the pieces. If we don’t get started, we’ll simply go down the chute with everybody else.

“Come out of her, my people,” says the Bible, “that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

Surely, if we seek God harder, we will find Him.

� 2013 Lee Duigon - All Rights Reserved

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Lee Duigon, a contributing editor with the Chalcedon Foundation, is a former newspaper reporter and editor, small businessman, teacher, and horror novelist. He has been married to his wife, Patricia, for 34 years. See his new fantasy/adventure novels, Bell Mountain and The Cellar Beneath the Cellar, available on










If only we could clean up after Congress, the courts, Hollywood, and the other culture-wreckers as easily as we can clean up after dogs. I had just come back from the supermarket, where I discovered that there are now two series of novels, not just one, promoting “dominance and submission” as a fantastically hip and desirable way of life.