Clinton’s campaign follows a predictable playbook that Donald
Trump can derail and outmaneuver. She intends to target states where
she is must vulnerable with a heavy dose of negative ads against Donald
Trump, portraying him variously as a misogynist, bigot, political
neophyte, and explosive and unpredictable personality. Hillary will
depend on surrogates to make the nastiest direct accusations. Aware
of Hillary’s own profound negative poll numbers, her campaign
aims essentially to convey the impression that even if you do not
like Hillary, she is the lesser evil.
has a unique opportunity to counter this campaign, which depends on
superficial and exaggerated caricatures. Rather than depend entirely
on thirty second sound bite retorts from Trump to counter what will
be an ever greater volume of diverse negative voices inspired by the
Clinton campaign, the Trump campaign needs to implement a strategy
for victory that depends on the following elements:
He needs to announce the composition of his cabinet in a staged
series of announcements, commencing at present and continuing to
the Republican National Convention, where, every week, he identifies
a different cabinet head and that person then explains in detail
the Trump strategy for his or her area of jurisdiction: (a) rebuilding
the American military, educating the public about the true nature
of the radical Islamist enemy, and ferreting out and destroying
that enemy worldwide (Secretary of Defense); (b) establishing an
America first foreign policy that defends American interests worldwide
(Secretary of State); (c) (c) rebuilding the American economy through
substantial deregulation and tax reduction (Secretary of the Treasury);
(e) repealing and replacing Obamacare (Secretary of Health and Human
Services); (e) restricting the Veterans Administration to streamline
its functions and expand private sector options for veterans to
receive prompt medical care (Secretary of Veterans Affairs) and
(d) building border defenses, building a new system for vetting
immigrants, and imposing limits on immigration (Secretary of Homeland
Trump needs to emphasize that he will follow a CEO method of governance,
following the example of Ronald Reagan. Reagan put in place people
who possessed the same conservative ideology as their boss, then
asked them to become expert in their respective areas of jurisdiction
and to propose means that would achieve his key objectives of tax
reduction, rebuilding America’s defenses, and deregulation.
Trump should be doing the same thing.
Relying on the new secretaries to expound upon the details of Trump
policies, candidate Trump needs to emphasize the governing themes:
(a) rebuilding the American military and making it second to none;
(b) taking care of our Vets by rehauling the Veterans Administration
and allowing Vets the option of obtaining care in private facilities;
(c) relentlessly pursuing, with all means necessary, terrorists
worldwide, killing them and destroying their safe havens, training
camps, military hardware, and weapons manufacturing facilities;
(d) revitalizing the American economy through substantial deregulation
and tax reduction; (e) repealing and replacing Obamacare; and (e)
protecting our borders through construction of a wall along the
Southern border, more extensive border patrols in reliance on a
federal state partnership to apprehend, sanction, and return those
who enter America illegally.
He needs to adopt theme based campaign visits with his respective
chosen secretaries and expound on the destructive policies of the
Obama/Clinton era and how he will do better. (a) He needs to visit
locations where Obama policies have caused unemployment through
excess regulation by the EPA, FTC, and BLM and explain how his Administration
will roll back the regulations and restore the local economies.
(b) He needs to visit the locations where millions in subsidies
were given to failing green energy ventures operated by Obama cronies
and explain how he will end that corruption and instead liberate
the market to develop domestic oil and gas, reducing remaining dependency
on foreign sources. (c) He needs to visit the borders with the border
patrol and reveal how illegal immigrants are coming into the nation
and the steps he will take to stop illegal entry and build a new
and better system for vetting legal immigrants.
He needs to identify his choice for Vice President early and have
that person along with surrogates reveal and condemn in detail Hillary
Clinton’s corrupt practices, inept service as Secretary of State,
Espionage Act violations, contradictions, and liberal, anti-market,
pro-regulation, and pro-tax policies, leaving it to Trump to call
for an end to Obama/Clinton cronyism and corruption, an end to Obama/Clinton
over-regulation and over-taxation, an end to Democratic establishment
Trump can implement these measures, and stay on message, he can well
shore up support within the Republican Party and reach out to form
voting coalitions among disillusioned Democrats and Independents.
Therein lies the key to a Trump victory in November.
W. Emord is an attorney who practices constitutional and administrative
law before the federal courts and agencies. Ron Paul calls Jonathan
“a hero of the health freedom revolution” and says “all
freedom-loving Americans are in [his] debt . . . for his courtroom [victories]
on behalf of health freedom.” He has defeated the FDA in federal
court a remarkable eight times, seven on First Amendment grounds, and
is the author of the Amazon bestsellers The
Rise of Tyranny, Global
Censorship of Health Information, and Restore
the Republic. He is the American Justice columnist for U.S.A. Today
Magazine and joins Robert Scott Bell weekly for “Jonathan Emord’s
Sacred Fire of Liberty,” an hour long radio program on government
threats to individual liberty. For more info visit Emord.com, join the
Emord FDA/FTC Law Group on Linkedin, and follow Jonathan on twitter