Other Rural America In The Crosshairs How
Obama Illegally Bought The Black and Latino Rural Vote
Ron Ewart “If you own rural land, the government and the environmentalists want it and intend to take it, regardless of your property rights engraved in the U. S. Constitution.” -Ron Ewart In our recent article entitled “Secession or War – American West Against the East”, we described what was going on with those that run this country in the East being in direct conflict with those who live in the West. This festering conflict has led to the Bundy Ranch armed standoff in Nevada in 2014 and now the Hammond Ranch armed standoff in Southeastern Oregon by the Bundy-led militia. The reader might wonder how did we get to this point where guns became necessary to protect property rights? Since
the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969, the
Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 (EPA) and finally the One year prior to the passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1972, the United Nations held an “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro from which Agenda 21 was born. Most of the world nations signed off on Agenda 21, including that great conservative president, George H. W. Bush, on behalf of the American people. In reality, Agenda 21 was and is nothing more than an outright, open declaration of war on American constitutionally protected private property rights, driven by radical environmentalism and social justice. Then in 1976 the United Nations held a “Declaration of Human Settlements” conference in Vancouver, Canada where international environmental, land use and socialist policies where laid out and established as permanent guidelines. The following paragraph was taken directly from the policy paper coming out of the Vancouver conference. Preamble: Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. The UN preamble flies in the face of American property rights and the U. S. Constitution. The UN is not America’s friend but it maybe too late to do anything about it. The U. S. Government and all state and local governments have adopted this preamble and Agenda 21 either in part or in whole and they have passed laws to implement them. States, counties and cities have even adopted international building, utility and environmental codes. The one-world-order was institutionalized into American law years ago, right under our collective noses. President Clinton established the Council on Sustainable Development in June of 1993 to further integrate Agenda 21 policies into American law. The American Planning Association has adopted many of the tenets of Agenda 21. Those tenets end up in city and county land use comprehensive plans all over America. This disease of radical environmentalism has propagated rapidly and is now completely institutionalized into the American system of law. Were you ever asked to offer an opinion on these environmental changes to law, or attend a public hearing? Hardly! Your “representatives” just did it, unilaterally. Only environmentalists and government employees came to the public hearings. What is the result of all this environmental national and international gerrymandering? Powerful and very wealthy environmental groups have sprouted up all over America. NEPA, ESA and the EPA rules have given these environmental groups a feeding ground of federal law allowing them to sue the government every time the government violates its own laws. The government violates its own laws all the time. The environmentalists win most of the time and with each win they reap multi-million dollar awards of your tax dollars and become even wealthier. In addition, wealthy philanthropists donate millions to environmental groups. Meanwhile, freedom and property rights groups like NARLO are starved of the funds necessary to keep up their fight to preserve the Republic. One such radical environmental group is the Center for Biological Diversity (CFBD). They have become filthy rich suing the government over the Endangered Species Act (ESA). First, they research species to find if any species are threatened or endangered according to “their” science. Then they send a list of what species they think that may be threatened or endangered to the ESA and demand they be listed. If the government doesn’t list the species within the ESA regulations, CFBD sues the government. CFBD wins all the time because the courts have an environmental bias. We have seen this bias first hand in a court case against a private property owner near Tacoma. WA. The judge openly displayed his environmental bias in the court transcripts. The man was sent to jail for 6 months and fined $20,000 for cleaning out a ditch on his own property. When he cleaned out the ditch the ditch wasn’t in a wetland. The land use authorities declared it a wetland after the fact and charged him with a crime that did not exist. The judge was intent upon making an environmental example out of this hapless landowner who had done nothing wrong. But let’s get back to the Center for Biological Diversity and the armed stand off by the Bundy militia at the Hammond Ranch in Southeastern Oregon. Shortly after the Bundy standoff commenced, the CFBD issued the following statement in their newsletter. “The armed men who took over a federal building in southeastern Oregon are part of a long-running campaign of violence, intimidation and extremist paranoia that has festered for decades in the West over the issue of public lands -- the previous standoff made in 2014 by Cliven Bundy in Nevada. Among the demands at the latest standoff is to shut down Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which provides crucial protections for wildlife -- especially birds that migrate through the area. Members of the men's group have said they're willing to kill and be killed if necessary. "This is the latest in a long string of armed, right-wing thugs attempting to seize America's public lands and enact their paranoid, anti-government dream bought by guns and intimidation," said the Center for Biological Diversity's Kierán Suckling. "What's happening in Oregon is a logical outgrowth of right-wing rhetoric that demonizes even the concept of federal land -- places like national parks and forests -- and villainizes those who believe that publicly owned land should be more than just a source of profit for ranchers and corporations." Examining these statements by CFBD reflects an extreme environmental bias and total ignorance of private property rights. Their use of “campaign of violence, intimidation and extremist paranoia” and “thugs” rhetoric subverts the principles upon which these armed patriots stand. They are constitutional principles, not some fly-by-night trivia. Since the mid 1960’s national and international (UN) radical environmental policies have come in direct conflict with American constitutional principles. Environmental policies have won. The EPA, BLM and the US Fish and Wildlife are owned and operated, lock, stock and barrel, by environmental zealots. Local and state governments are staffed by environmentally brainwashed educated idiots from liberal colleges. The Bundy Ranch armed standoff in 2014 and the current Hammond Ranch standoff in Oregon have been triggered by the freedom-robbing disease of radical environmentalism. Contrary to what the news is reporting, the current Bundy militia in Oregon DO NOT want to overthrow the government. They want constitutional justice for all rural landowners. Listen to what the Bundy standoff is really all about from KrisAnne Hall, a constitutional attorney, at this link. These men and women and millions of rural Americans have seen the steady, unconscionable and unconstitutional erosion of the basic rights of property ownership in America and they have had enough. There is no alternative left for them but to draw a line in the sand. We ask all of our readers to say what they would do if the government reached in without legal authority and took your home and your livelihood away from you, or burned your home down? What if they charged you with a trumped up crime and threw you in jail for five years? Would you just stand by and do nothing? It is way past time for rural landowners to stand up and lay it on the line. The Bundy militia has done just that. They are the catalyst to light one big giant “brush fire” across the West. We hope they do. The Bundy Ranch militia in Nevada in 2014 and now the armed standoff in Oregon is a direct threat to radical environmentalists and they know that if the rural landowner movement catches on, the “cat is out of the bag” and their political and financial power will start drying up, literally at the point of a gun. The Founding Fathers did not insert the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights for hunting. Although we do not support lawless acts, nevertheless, as a national advocate for rural landowners (NARLO) for the last 10 years, we applaud and support the Bundy militia standoff because they and we speak for rural landowners everywhere. We urge all Americans who believe in the principle causes of these brave men to send them well wishes. They need to know the people are behind them so that they can endure what is certain to come their way at the hands of the federal government, egged on by environmentalists like the CFBD. Send your well wishes addressed to Ammon Bundy, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 36391 Sodhouse Lane, Princeton, OR 97721. Do it today. But the longer the Bundy militia occupy the federal building on the nature preserve in Oregon, the urgency rises for an armed engagement by an overwhelming federal military force against a puny militia. They may be “hit” before this article is in print. There are indications of a Special Ops Force headed to Oregon. Who will win is already pre-ordained. The potential for another Ruby Ridge or Waco to take place on American soil is possible, where the people, standing up for constitutional principles, are taken down by the government that is criminally, morally and constitutionally in the wrong. If you really want to know the truth about the BLM vs. Hammond Ranch story, we strongly recommend that you listen to Greg Walden's impassioned testimony on the floor of the U. S. House of Representatives. Walden is an Oregon Republican U. S. Congressman that represents the district where the Hammond’s live and he personally knows the Hammond's. Watch the Video. Now the reader might get the idea that we are anti-environment. Just the opposite is true. The National Association of Rural Landowners’ (NARLO) motto is: “Protecting
the environment is laudable. The truth is, rural landowners are far better stewards of the land than ineffective, hopelessly corrupt government agencies that collude with national and international radical environmentalists to steal constitutionally protected property rights. The stories of government mis-management of federal lands are legendary and have caused billions of dollars in property and environmental damage. Need we mention EPA’s release of toxic substances into a Utah river from a mine they were managing? That release polluted an entire river drainage area all the way to the Colorado River. Did anyone get fired or go to jail? Of course not. It’s government. Ladies and gentlemen, the brutal reality is that only a ground swell of national rural outrage, like the Bundy militia, will reverse the course of socialism and environmental extremism in America and return us to a Constitutional Republic. Farmers, ranchers and rural landowners can and should be the catalyst to incite that outrage because they are being required to bear the entire burden of environmental protection, while city folk get off scot-free. Rural landowners own the 'land' and the 'land' is their power, if they will use that power ……. before they lose it. The NARLO website is a treasure trove of information for rural landowners. If you are a rural landowner, you owe it to yourself to investigate the hundreds of articles, valuable information and tools that exist there. Tell us your story and we will devote our weekly column to it. We even have developed a sample petition to help citizens in counties and cities to demand their city or county cancel the contracts with the United Nations International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). The petition is contained in Section “A”, Chapter A3 of NARLO’S Rural Landowner Handbook.
ICLEI consults with American cities and counties on how to plan for sustainable development and smart growth under the guidelines of Agenda 21 (1972 & 2012) and the Conference on Human Settlements, established in Vancouver in 1976. ICLEI is a Trojan Horse for international environmentalism and is an enemy of freedom and American constitutional property rights. Either fight this radical environmental monster or watch America slide into third world status where freedom and property rights are dictated by a King, or an Absolute Democrat Monarchy. [NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] � 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at info@narlo.org. Website: www.narlo.org E-Mail: info@narlo.org
This environmental disease has become so pervasive you can find it in all of government, in our public schools, our colleges, the courts, the news media and even corporate America has become a victim. Elements of this environmental disease are woven subtly into commercial advertising.