Other Rural America In The Crosshairs How
Obama Illegally Bought The Black and Latino Rural Vote
Ron Ewart “The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.” ~John C. Calhoun Many years ago, as we entered the 20th Century, we were a different stock of people. We were defiant in our freedom and we rejected or purged what we considered infringements on that freedom. We didn't let important things slide or look the other way like we do now. The truth is, had government instituted all the laws and restrictions it has now placed on the people of America, but they had done it 100 years ago all at once, there would have been a revolution that would have made the American Revolution and the Civil War pale in comparison. Has government become the enemy of the people in some ways? It would seem so. But
ladies and gentlemen, you cannot fight an enemy if you cannot see him.
You have no defense if you are surrounded in darkness but your enemy controls
the light. You have no options if you cannot pierce the veil of your enemy's
deceit. There is absolutely no defense if you cloak yourself in The difference is, you have willingly given your children to the state and are exposing them to that indoctrination and propaganda without so much as a whimper in opposition. You have been doing it for decades. The government uses the public school system and colleges to institutionalize an agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with the three “R’s”, reading, “riting” and “rithmetic.” That agenda is to make all of our school children into compliant adults that won’t complain when they are oppressed, or will act as snitches to the government if a “maverick” reveals him or her self. Hitler would be proud. Now, the people have allowed government to become so powerful, they fear its wrath. We have let frontier justice, wherein we did not fear government, morph into absolute power by government in a police state where we are deathly afraid of government. People are hesitant to raise their heads above the noise level for fear it could be chopped off, figuratively speaking of course. Our lives are comfortable and we are very reticent about upsetting our precarious apple cart. But those who fall afoul of the law through no fault of their own cannot escape the long hand of government by hiding in the shadows. They become sacrificial lambs to government's power and those in close proximity to the victim scurry for cover, saying to themselves "..... thank God it wasn't me". This is equivalent to running from the battlefield while the real heroes hold the enemy at bay, or advance upon the enemy. The federal government is reading our articles and rifling through our website all the time. We have put ourselves in danger just for writing this. Those that continue to say that America’s best days are ahead of us are delusional. Its best days can hardly be ahead of us, if the last three generations have been brainwashed in the public school system, a school system that has dumped out millions of dunderhead idiots that believe everything the government tells them, including the fraud that is man-caused global warming. Why else would millions of Americans vote for a Barack Obama, a Hillary Clinton, or a Bernie Sanders? And you have to go through 100 or more colleges to find one that isn’t loaded with liberal professors that have consumed gallons of the socialist-laced Cool-Aid. Most of the press has gone liberal. But hey, what’s the problem? Life is good in America. Most people aren’t going hungry and the poor do better in America than anywhere on the planet. Only 93,000,000 people don’t have jobs and have given up looking. But that’s OK, they are just living at the expense of the dumbed-down compliant taxpayer that is afraid to open his or her mouth for fear the government might raise taxes even more. So what if the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other federal agencies are coming down hard on the rural landowner. What does the urban dweller care if a few ranchers and farmers lose their land or their way of life to abusive government agencies that don’t recognize or ignore the law. So what if the national debt is at $19 Trillion and headed to $33 Trillion in 10 years? America’s rich. It can pay the debt back by just raising taxes, or printing more money. Can’t it? So what if ISIS is sending terrorists into the U. S. to do us harm. We’ve got the FBI. They’ll get ‘em. Won’t they? So what if the government has been decimating our military readiness to the point where we may become vulnerable to attack by another super power, or some Islamic splinter group like ISIS or Al Qeada that don’t fear us any more. So what if illegal aliens are flooding across the border and filling up the welfare rolls and getting “free” money from the government for children living in Central or South America? So what if some of the thousands of those illegal aliens have evil intent in their hearts, or will vote Democrat? So what if Obama Care is going broke and is on its way to bankrupting America. No big deal! America is a rich country. We can afford it. Can’t we? So what if all of our jobs are being shipped offshore in international trade deals that provide better benefits to foreign countries than they do to American workers and American interests? It’s OK if we reduce America to a third-world nation. We deserve it. After all, America is bad ….. in the Liberal’s mind. So what if the student loan debt is over $1.2 Trillion and could be the next bubble that drives America back into recession, or depression, or bankruptcy. You can’t pay the loan if you don’t have a job.
So what if millions of Americans live on food stamps and are getting many kinds of aid from the government, paid by the ever-shrinking taxpayer? Pretty soon there will be more people in the wagon than those pulling the wagon and those pulling the wagon will join those in the wagon. Then the wagon will stop and the people in the wagon won’t know what to do, especially if the wagon is rolling backwards and picking up speed. So what if every government agency, at every level, is systemically corrupt, where Constitutional fundamentals are purposely ignored. The people aren’t watching. They don’t care what the government does. Sure, millions of Americans know of these different problems, but then what can any of them do about it? The problems are just too big to try to solve them, aren’t they? It’s hopeless, so why even expend the effort? Why indeed! Because if the effort is not expended, there will be no more free America where life is good and everything is just peachy. We will just become another third-world nation where everyone is scratching to stay alive except the very rich and government becomes a dictatorship, declares martial law, suspends the constitution (if it wasn’t suspended already) and rations everything, you know, like food, gasoline, tires and toilet paper. So many people are looking for a cheap way to reclaim freedom. Or, they are wishing for a savior that will sweep the bad guys out of the way and open the door to freedom so they don’t have to lift a finger. That’s why so many people are looking at Trump because they think he is that savior. They are delusional. One man can’t save America from committing suicide. The hard truth is, there is no John Galt, or a Ronald Reagan, showing up on the scene to set America right again and restore her values, her strength and her liberty. The people are going to have to reclaim America all by them selves, that is, if they aren’t totally brainwashed by the public school system and the liberal colleges. And if they do decide to take the plunge, it’s going to take millions of them to do it. Unfortunately, most people just like to talk or write about freedom. Very few ever get in the game, or pick up a sword. Thomas Paine called these people “Sunshine Patriots.” In spite of what Americans are up against, they don't have to resort to frontier justice ".... to set the country right." The tools to win were handed down to us from our Founding Fathers in the form of a Constitution that took our natural, God-given, individual rights and codified them into the law of man. All we need is the courage to fearlessly proceed under those essential tools of freedom and restore the vision of those great men for our time and our children and grandchildren's time, unless we cower in fear, or refuse to challenge authority because of that fear. In a Constitutional Republic, the people have the power but only if they choose to exercise that power. The sad reality is, you can’t take on a powerful government without a large group of smart people and lots of money, just like an army can’t take on an enemy without soldiers, weapons and money ….. lots of money. Government has the law, the attorneys, the courts, the police and your tax money to fight you. They won’t go quietly into the night.
It is abundantly clear that Americans can’t restore America at the ballot box. Knowing that, we have come up with a Plan containing three viable components to get around government’s power and the vexing problems we all face. We have uploaded a brief description of this Copyrighted Plan to our website HERE. Our solution is not dependent on which party controls Congress, or who sits in the White House. But our Plan and its viable components won’t happen without the people and it is certain that: “There will be No People, There will be No Organization and There is No Solution ….. Without the Money!” Of course, you won’t be looking for a solution if you can’t see or won’t admit to your self that there is a problem, or if you fear government, or if you don’t care. We do care, but it isn’t enough just to write weekly articles, which we have done for the last 10 years. We have tried for five of those years to get people to “get in the game” and make a difference and even take up the sword if need be. We are “in the game.” What about you? [NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] � 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at info@narlo.org. Website: www.narlo.org E-Mail: info@narlo.org
The sad reality is, you can’t take on a powerful government without a large group of smart people and lots of money, just like an army can’t take on an enemy without soldiers, weapons and money ….. lots of money. Government has the law, the attorneys, the courts, the police and your tax money to fight you. They won’t go quietly into the night.