Other The Government's Take: What is Caesar's
Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D This article is a companion piece to my Part I on symbology, and is the third part of several installations on secret societies and symbols. Symbols, which are all around us, serve as a form of communication, especially by the secret societies which find a need to shroud their ideals, their philosophies, their plans, their religious beliefs, their ugliness in camouflage, lest the average person figure out their evil. These signs, also called pictographs and ideograms, are not created idly. Instead, each is extensively thought out, sketched, re-drawn, voted on, re-designed, and finally approved. The symbol not only represents the object, group, product, but it also offers inside information to those who are a part of the clan. Symbols may be characters, numbers, or other abstract or concrete depictions. A simple example is a yellow triangular road sign in the middle are black figures looking as though they�re walking. To Americans, this represents �pedestrian crossing,� even though no words were used to convey this message. There are many symbols that we don�t even think about but rather just naturally react to, such as a red traffic light. Instantly, we know it represents �stop.� Thus, symbols reach us not only on a conscious level, but subliminally as well. The lamb is symbolic of Agnes Dei and the sacrificial Jesus Christ. And astrological signs are filled with various meanings. Another good example of the use of symbols and double entendres (multiple hidden meanings) is the commercial where a character named Bob needs to enrich his sex drive through a drug. The commercials feature him with a long iron in gulfing, and a narrator who uses words that subliminally give the meaning of an erected penis, just as the golf club conveys. Many symbols are subliminal in nature. The globalists front endless volumes of symbols to convey their ideas to the same of their ilk without revealing what they mean to the general public. Just as Satan used Scripture to his advantage, he is equally notorious for perverting Christian symbols in mockery of Christ and in deception of the unknowing person. Such symbols, of many, include an inverted cross, the black mass, and a circle around a hexagram. Occultism often parallels the godly or what is holy, such as a raven instead of a dove. Most secret societies and their symbols operate out of Hegelian Dialectics, with the intent of taking something existing and manufacturing its opposite to create a blend or something new. As an example: Capitalism would be the something existing (thesis); Marxism would be its opposite (antithesis) and Fascism or Totalitarianism would be the blend or the new (synthesis). Symbols help clarify this for those in the Inner Circle. Freemasonry is built on symbology, with each symbol bearing several different meanings that can be manipulated by whoever is using them for whatever purpose is being presented. The malleability of symbols and their double entendres (multiple meanings) is what makes them so useful to the shadowy entities. Below are some symbols, many of which are New Age in nature, and representative of the New World Order. Much detail could be offered on each of these signs but due to lack of space, a brief overview will suffice. The authors of, or the sites where these cryptograms exist are noted in the text. Many of the ideographs or images below have alternative symbols. The
Great Seal = As seen on the one-dollar bill, it�s e front
is Circle
= This connotes a son god. The circle is referred to because it plays
a key role in both evil and good. A point or Black Cats = are associated with the moon, and attributed to darkness and Satan, and evil, though some countries see it as a good luck charm. In general, they are seen as representative of Wicca and witchcraft, and are at times subjects of ritualistic sacrifices by non-witches. Of course, unfounded superstition is attached to this creature. Satanic
Cross = is an upside down question mark with a horizontal bar
at its top, forming the cross. Its Three = The number three is used both in Satanism and Christianity. In the latter, three fishes in a circle (see Atriangles below), represent Christ because the first five words, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior spells Ichthus which in Latin means Afish as in ichthyology, the study of fish. A thamaturgic triangle which is a plain triangle represents the entrance to hell which the beast must pass through. It=s also used in diabolic rituals. Trefoil
= Similar to the number three above, the trefoil is often seen in
different shapes representing Swastika
= This is an ancient symbol (even before Hitler used it) sublimed
with complicated Peace
Sign = also erroneously referred to as the Cross of Jesus, and
the Cross of Nero, with a vertical Sixes
= Three sixes (man=s number) in any form Caduceus
& the Rod
of Asclepius: Believed to be part of the medical practice,
this symbol is a winged Hammer
and Sickle: This is the emblem used by the Communists, so symbols
can be political in nature Triangles:
The triangle is often associated with A
triangle pointing upward denotes male, and thus is a phallic Because
the downward triangle is female and water, and the Conclusion Certain actions are also a part of symbology and shadow groups, such as secret handshakes, circling counter-clockwise around certain objects, holding ones� fingers a particular way, dressing in exacting colors, and much more. For example, during the MVA show, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were dressed in white and Madonna in a black tux to represent a ritualistic wedding. �Madonna stepped out of the wedding cake wearing a modified tuxedo. What ensued was a drag show of sorts in which Madonna was the �groom� and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were the virginal brides, culminating in a french-kiss [sic] between Madonna and Britney, and then between Madonna and Christina. During the performance Madonna's dominance was clearly established through the body language and interaction between her and Britney and her and Christina.� [Read] Recently, a picture of John Travolta appeared in the celebrity section of The Daily Times (June 21, 2007) featuring a torso shot of him with his right arm crossed at his chest and his fingers forming the Diablo sign; His left hand was partially in his left pocket, save for the two fingers forming the devil�s sign. Likely, he was conveying a message to those in the realm with him, as this is a common gesture presented by members of various secret societies.
Thus, it can be seen that there are many ways the secret societies and evil-doers communicate their messages and plots. We need to be alert to this while also realizing that sometimes a rose is a just a rose, and not to read into everything. Look for the next article in this series. Footnotes: 1,
A Missions
in the New World Order, Kew, Richard. 02/26/98. Page 197 � 2007 Gianni Hayes - All Rights
Reserved Listen to Gianni Hayes on American Voice Radio Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale Dr. Gianni DeVincent Hayes is an internationally recognized author of 14 royalty-published books (creative-services.biz and amazon.com) and over 100 articles and short stories in highly circulated and commercial newspapers and magazines, such as PARADE, US, PEOPLE, REDBOOK, WOMAN'S DAY, MOODY, and many others. One of her novels, "22 Friar Street," had been under a movie option, and her novel and screenplay on cloning, "Thy Brothers' Reaper," also had been optioned by a production company. "Jacob's Demon" is her newest novel on the Apocalypse. She also owns American Drug Testing Consultants which sells drug and alcohol test kits and does workforce testing, americandtc.com. She's completing a full-length book on substance abuse as well as one on conspiracies, symbols, and secret societies in all aspects of our lives. See thenazarzine.com to learn about her religious/patriotic stance. Her writing service website is theamusezine.com. She has her own radio show, "New World Order Disorder," on theamericanvoice.com, Wednesdays, from 8:00pm-10:00pm, EST, which is heard worldwide. Contact her at info@thenaz.us. Hayes has a doctorate in writing/comparative literature /humanities, with a focus on eschatology (Bible prophecy and politics); her bachelor degree and first and second master's degrees are in biology/chemistry and education. Certification has been achieved at several universities, such as the University of Rochester, University of Pittsburgh, and Middlebury College's Breadloaf. She speaks worldwide and has appeared on dozens of national radio and TV shows. Book her for speaking engagements. E-Mail: ndhayes@att.net
Certain actions are also a part of symbology and shadow groups, such as secret handshakes, circling counter-clockwise around certain objects, holding ones� fingers a particular way, dressing in exacting colors, and much more.