PART 1 of 2
Anita Hoge
October 23, 2013
nation is being hypnotized and manipulated by skillful propagandists.
Most debates about Common Core are very off-track. Stay focused. This
is a power-play. The Common Core Standards aligned to funding in federal
legislation, HR 5 and SB 1094, will ultimately have total control of
education, nationalizing education
in the United States of America. Common Core will be used to TRACK
individual students to meet individual standards. By stopping
the Common Core Standards in your state, the federal government will
not have the legal authority to access your child for tracking
individual workforce plans and funding attached to your student.
Choice legislation is waiting in the wings. Charter schools are lining up at the federal trough for Title I funding that will follow the child in the choice legislation. By stopping HR 5 and SB 1094, we can stop the funding that follows the student linked to choice at any private, public or charter school. This legislation will diminish representative government and feed the charter school socialist take-over of education. Common Core was needed first to identify the student.
This is Obama's Dream Come True: public funded- private charter schools with unelected school boards. This is a complete erosion of representative government; Control of K through 12 education; Obama expanding federal money for daycare starting at birth; the international connection, the Bologna Model, calling colleges in the United States to be "tuned" into this agenda of global convergence. Socialism is knocking on our front door and on all sides. We must act, now.
Overview of Propaganda
The educrats want the debate to be off track away from the power that will be able to mandate to the individual student, just like the individual mandate in Obamacare. Do not agree to this power-play. The debate about which academics in the Common Core should be taught, is a side issue. It's like debating which flavor of poison should be given to everyone, when poison is the issue. The word is CONTROL. The national standards, the national curriculum, and national testing, are being put in place. Your child is called human capital that will be molded to fit the global child for the new world order. True academics are being replaced by dumbed down, subjective standards.
Choice and Charter School Take-Over of All Education
Obama's 'Race to the Top' model schools call for individual education or career plans (school to work) to be created for the Common Core based system. Did you get that parents? Common Core Standards will target your individual student for change, not just the school curriculum. Good teachers will be forced to teach to the standards. HR 5 and SB 1094 will complete the vicious circle by controlling the purse strings.
Common Core College and Career Standards were needed to identify Johnny in the classroom. Place Johnny in the choice legislation, the model for abolishing representative government (where students, teachers, and schools must comply to federal accountability when the federal money follows the child in an IEP, (individualized education plans or career pathway), we have set up the failure of public and private schools and opened the door for unelected charter school take-over. Government will now have COMPLETE control over molding the personality and values of every child in the United States and parents will have no authority to change the system. Chilling. Not a future for our Republic as we know it.
ACTION- These are the Weaknesses in the System
The Common Core Standards are not federal law. This is the weakest link. Stop Common Core in your state and the federal government will not have the legal authority to access your individual child for tracking an IEP, or an individual career workforce plan and funding, Title I, identified for your child. Remember a standards based system means individual students must meet individual standards. Fight Common Core , NOW.
Funding- By stopping or slowing down the combination of HR 5 and SB 1094, the federal government cannot fund the individual student without Common Core which is linked to CHOICE at any private, public or charter school. This legislation will diminish representative government and feed the charter school socialist take-over of education, nationalizing education. HR 5 already passed the House. Do you think the Democratic Senate isn't going to pass SB 1094? The combination of these bills will demolish our Republic & representative government. Choice & Charter Schools will abolish representative government in the United States!!! TARGET THESE BILLS!
States Rights- Title I funding 'following the child" bypasses the state legislature. Does your state legislature truly understand that they will have NO power once CHOICE funds are directed to the individual child? They will have no control of the purse strings!
Local Control- Common Core Standards control the workforce curriculum bypassing local school boards and teachers in the classroom. Choice diminishes control over local taxing authority when funding goes directly to the student. Common Core & Choice create the perfect storm for the socialist takeover by Charter Schools that have no elected school boards. Parents will have no voice in workforce curriculum or how the tax base will be destroyed with Choice stipends exploding across district, county & state lines. Regionalization is on the move.
Privacy- Has anyone filed suit against FERPA for allowing the fascist corporations to access our kids' personally identifiable information without informed consent? Who has access to those written agreements? This access is how these corporations, foundations, non-profits, and businesses that have gone into contract with the government are developing software and curriculum for INDIVIDUAL students to meet Common Core international workforce standards. This digital curriculum will be the IEP's or career pathways that will control a students upward mobility and learning genome.
Access, Funding, Local Control, States Rights and Privacy are the Debate Issues.
Choice allows the tax base to implode.
Charter Schools-the socialist plan for a CORPORATE FASCIST – PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP SYSTEM is waiting for this legislation to be passed.
Fait accompli!
(See these other articles for documentation, 'Obama's Dream Come True-Nationalizing Education,' 'States Under Republican Leadership Fall for Obama's Carrot,' 'Common Core Molds Cookie Cutter Kids In Obama's "Race To The Top" Schools' , 'Charter Schools Are A Trap, Choice is the Bait, Are You on the Hook?" by Anita B Hoge)
Abolishing Representative Government Through Education
Background On Testing Global Subjective Standards
Pennsylvania EQA, Educational Quality Assessment, the test that I filed my federal complaint against, was the model for the NAEP, National Assessment for Educational Progress. The NAEP Civic Frameworks of today continue to test the same dispositions as were developed in the EQA. PARCC and SMARTER Balanced tests measuring Common Core have technical committees from NAEP working alongside. Ditto that for the new degree for Higher Education. Pennsylvania was the "affective" test for the nation that tested attitudes and values. Responsible Citizenship was not what normal Americans thought was being measured and taught. The government goal was to collect information on the individual and the family. But, how do you measure and score a standard like honesty or integrity in our free society? We must ask these questions to clarify when measuring workforce skills and values, what will the standard be... what will be taught? What is the cut-off for how much honesty, integrity, and responsibility that a student needs to graduate? Liberals as well as conservatives should be very concerned about the manipulation and psychoanalyzing that comes with vague and subjective standards. Here is why!
EQA and NAEP background questions were always asked in the beginning of the test to categorize your family: books in the home, education of parent, race, do you own a computer, college education of the parent, salary of father, salary of mother, do you like to study, all related to as conditions or variables. There were also over 300 questions on values, 30 in math, 30 in reading analogies.
Deception, betrayal, and using our children as guinea pigs was the only way the behavioral educrats could access our kids. The educrats got away with this subversive agenda for a long time by deceptively using words and phrases you would agree with. There were 10 Pennsylvania Quality Goals in 1965 that were taken from the 10 Cardinal Principles of the NEA from 1913. The goals were expanded to 12 in later years including: communication skills, mathematics, science and technology, citizenship, arts and humanities, analytical thinking, family living, work, health, environment, self-esteem, and understanding others. Every goal and stated objectives could be taken from Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Pennsylvania was the pilot in the affective domain for the world. Lets look at one of the goals, Citizenship.
Tempest in a Test: the Pennsylvania EQA, the model test for measuring attitudes and values for World Citizenship.
The top behavioral scientists of the world were in Pennsylvania in 1965 formulating the Pennsylvania EQA which was the model for the national test, NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress.)The Advisory Standing Committee included: Urie Bronfenbrenner, Cornell University; Warren Findley, University of Georgia; Joshua Fishman, Yeshiva University; Eric Gardner, Syracuse University; David Krathwohls, Michigan State University; Robert Thorndike, Colombia University; Melvin Tumin, Princeton; Ralph Tyler, Palo Alto, UCLA, along with ETS, Educational Testing Service. ESEA was the federal funding that secretly moved this agenda along.
Pennsylvania Goal:Citizenship. Quality education should help every child acquire the habits and attitudes associated with responsible citizenship."
We can ALL agree to the idea in this goal, but, what you, as an American, thought was really being measured, was totally opposite. The information that follows about the testing is scientific and complicated, but important. Please bear with me while I try to explain what B F Skinner was all about and how the social engineers above, went about the task of measuring our children's attitudes and values. I have the tests and the scoring materials. Lets dig in....but hold onto your hats.The following quote was taken from the Pennsylvania Resource manual, "Getting Inside the EQA Inventory,"
"The National Assessment of Educational Progress developed 9 citizenship objectives. These national objectives were used to provide a frame of reference for what was to be measured. Objectives in the factual domain, knowing structure of government or understanding problems of international relations were not considered in developing the scale. Arriving at a satisfactory definition of citizenship was much less complicated than applying the definition to the assessment of students' attitudes and behaviors. The display of responsible citizenship behaviors like honesty or integrity are most often situational. A person's display of good citizenship under one set of motivating conditions tells us little about the way he or she can be expected to act if those conditions are altered. The context in which the behavior is elicited therefore becomes at least as important in determining the outcome as the preposition of the individual involved."
"To assess citizenship, a behavior-referenced model incorporating elements related to the psychological notion of threshold is used. In reference to citizenship, threshold refers to that set of conditions necessary to bring about the desired responses. Thus by varying the situation & introducing conditions of reward & punishment, we are able to determine the cutoff levels at which the student will display positive behavior. In this way it is possible to assess not only the students' predisposition to behave in a manner consistent with responsible citizenship but also to provide some measure of intensity of that predisposition across a wide spectrum of situations."
Betrayal and Deception. Let me remind you that positive behavior was the government desired responses, not what you as a citizen might think. Thresholds were being tested by reward and punishment. This is BF Skinner to the MAX. This was the only way the federal government could do its research on unassuming children at our neighborhood schools. EQA was really the national test. Parents were uninformed. Teachers were uninformed. The federal Department of Education has been testing attitudes and values of your children for years and monitoring behavior change. Let's define predisposition: Noun: A liability or tendency to suffer from a particular condition, hold a particular attitude, or act in a particular way. Synonyms: inclination, tendency, propensity, proclivity
The test questions were hypothetical situations or 'social situations' in which the students were asked to decide what they would do or what action they would take. Each story had 3 items which listed positive or negative consequences resulting from the action. There were 3 sub-scale objectives which were used to SCORE the behaviors to a minimum positive desired response according to the government;
The Science of Scoring Attitudes and Values Toward Collectivism: What Was the Government Looking For: Read The Question Carefully. Look at the Sub-Scales.
NAEP Sub-Scales
willingness to protest unfair treatment, tendency to accept new members
into a group, degree of restraint from teasing or degrading others and
concern for others feelings
(2) willingness to report law breaking of others, obey authorities during
emergencies, prevent classroom disruptions, restraint from violence
to harm others or damage property
(3) personal responsibility and integrity, willingness to honor self
made commitments to individuals or groups, willingness to take responsibility
for one's own mistakes, report mistakes made in one's favor.
Citizenship Question On the Test
Situations were used for the student to respond to. The answers were "yes, maybe, no." One story is about Midnight Artists that go out late at night and vandalize. The student is placed in a vandalizing situation and made to roll play in the first person, and asked if they personally would join the club to vandalize, scored toward group think, collectivism.
The first question is, " in this situation I would join the club when I knew," 'my best friend had asked me to join'. Scoring to sub-scale #3, what is your willingness to honor self-made commitments to individuals or groups; you got 1 point for yes, (I would join the club if my best friend would join,) 0 points for no. If the student said " No" I would not go out to vandalize with their best friend, that is a weakness, that student got a zero because there was not a willingness to commit to a best friend. Thresholds measure at what point your child will act. The sub-scale was looking for your loyalty to your best friend. So the government desired answer was "Yes" you would go out to vandalize if your best friend was going to do it. Everything was geared to group goals and group action.
The 2nd question is the same sub-scale, I would join the club when...'most of the popular students in school joined the club', both positive reinforcements. What is your commitment to the group: 1 point for yes, 0 for no.
The 3rd question is interesting using a negative reinforcement. I would join the club when...'my parents would ground me if they found out I joined'. In this response, Skinner would want to know if punishment is incurred, will the student obey. The correct response is 'no'. You got 1 point for no, 0 for yes. In this question, the government was looking for obedience to authority. The idea of collecting this particular information from this question on the student, explains what personality tendency the student has and will the student respond to punishment. The idea is to get information on the disposition of the student in differing situations, obedience....What would you do if? (Re-read the NAEP objectives on dispositions. You will begin to understand. The government is looking for information.)
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you see, if your school had enough students that portrayed 'weaknesses,'
( that they wouldn't go out to vandalize with a friend or a group of
friends,) that was a target for specific curriculum to begin behavior
change. Noble sounding goals would be used to hoodwink the parents while
a sinister deceptive test was being used to develop an analysis that
measured attitudes and behavior to find out how a person would act in
certain situations. Citizenship was defined as measuring compliance
to group goals & group action. The Skinnerian agenda measured the
personality of the child according to a minimum positive attitude according
to what the government standard was, which was scored toward
collectivism, group think. They are measuring what you, as parents,
have taught your children. Remember, this was only one goal. There were
11 others goals that tested the psychological profiles of your family
and your child. (Remember,
this was the test my son came home and said the test was weird. This
is where my journey began fighting Outcome Based Education.)
It's all about data collection. First, the government would place children and parents into sociometric groupings according to background information and answers to the test. These groupings were then populated to an entire state. This psychographic, ( psychograph n. A graphic representation or chart of the personality traits of an individual or group), could then be used for marketing where conservative, individualist thinking groups, liberal leaning, group-think areas, cross-referencing other census data collected, to target population groups located in the United States. Wow, let's follow along and keep going if you dare. So, how do you happen to get controversial curricula in you school?
EQA, Resources for Improvement or 'How to target a school to change their curriculum.'
So, what was done with the scored psychological data, or information collected from these tests? Each goal area had lists of VALIDATED RESEARCH and DEVELOPED CURRICULA piloted from separate states to change attitudes and values all listed under the Pennsylvania EQA. Question? How could a program from Texas, Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, or Maine be validated under the EQA, unless Pennsylvania was the national validating criteria? Answer. EQA is the NAEP. For part two click below.
Click here for part -----> 2,
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