By Thomas R. Horn
April 28, 2009
of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and
manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power
somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete,
so pervasive, that
they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation
of it." –Woodrow Wilson
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." –U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter
On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush during his first inaugural address faced the obelisk known as the Washington Monument and twice referred to an angel that "rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm." His reference was credited to Virginia statesman John Page who wrote to Thomas Jefferson after the Declaration of Independence was signed, saying, "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?’’
Five weeks after the inaugural, on Wednesday, February 28, Congressman Major R. Owens of New York stood before the House of Representatives and prayed to the "Angel in the Whirlwind." He asked the spiritual force to guide the future and fate of the United States.[1] Twenty-eight weeks later (for a total of 33 weeks from the inaugural—a number invaluable to mysticism and occult franternities), nineteen Islamic terrorists attacked the United States, hijacking four commercial airliners and crashing two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third into the Pentagon, and a fourth, which had been directed toward Washington, DC crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. What happened that day resulted in nearly 3000 immediate deaths, at least two-dozen missing persons, and the stage being set for changes to the existing world order.
When Bush was giving his second inaugural speech four years later, he again offered cryptic commentary, saying, "For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical - and then there came a day of fire...." A few paragraphs following, Bush added, "By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well - a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world."
The phrase, "a fire in the minds of men," is from Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s nineteenth century book, The Possessed (The Devils), a novel set in pre-revolutionary Russia where civil resistance is seen championed by nihilist Sergei Nechaev who tries to ignite a revolution of such destructive power that society will be completely destroyed. The fact that a United States president would quote this phrase in an official speech of record was astonishing to many analysts, given that The Possessed is about violent government crackdown on dissent that sparks civil unrest and revolution marked by public violence.[2] Fire in the Minds of Men is also the title that historian James H. Billington chose for his famous book on the history of revolutions, including the origin of occult Freemasonry and its influence in the American Revolution. In his closing comments, Bush himself tied the inaugural crypticisms to the Masonic involvement in the American Revolution, saying, "When our Founders declared a new order of the ages… they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled." The phrase "a new order of the ages" is taken from the Masonically designed Great Seal ("Novus Ordo Seclorum") and Bush further acknowledged that the secret society members were acting on an "ancient" hope that is "meant to be fulfilled."
To the illumined elite and a handful of historians and scholars, the inaugural addresses by the president were important editions in a larger series of carefully crafted speeches in which line-by-line analysis of his public references uncovered what appeared to be coded language designed to convey shrouded messages at regular interval to select members of his global audience. Biblical scholar Bruce Lincoln’s examination of a speech delivered by Bush to the nation on October 7, 2001, announcing the U.S. attack on Afghanistan [3] repeat verified this practice, producing redundant hidden references from Apocalyptic books of the Bible concerning the End Times. Lincoln concluded that the word crafting was a strategy of "double coding" to secretly appeal to people who saw Bush as divinely called to stand up to the enemies of God in an unfolding event in the Middle East, which they believed was foretold in the books of Revelation, Isaiah and other ancient texts. In this instance, Lincoln concluded that Bush was mirroring the dualistic conflict Osama bin Laden had used in speeches to pit his worldview against the West as a struggle between good vs evil and thus to appeal to religious sentiments and traditions. U.S. officials were clearly uncomfortable with anything that allowed bin Laden to be cast in a sympathetic light through propaganda and the transmission of veiled messages, therefore according to Lincoln, Bush joined Osama in constructing public perception of "a Manichaean struggle, where Sons of Light confront Sons of Darkness, and all must enlist on one side or another, without possibility of neutrality, hesitation, or middle ground."[4]
In American Dynasty, Kevin Phillips confirmed this practice of message-coding by Bush, pointing out the ever-present references in the president’s speeches to words such as "evil" and "evil ones."[5] At the top of Phillip’s list is reference again to the use of the metaphysical phrase "whirlwind," which Phillips interprets as "a medium for the voice of God in the Books of Job and Ezekiel." From an esoteric point of view, Phillips was either unaware of or unwilling to discuss the deeper contemporary meaning of this language and its importance to secret societies. But such phrasing in the president’s public speeches assuredly did not go unnoticed by the appropriate members of his audience. Lincoln comes closest to acknowledging this when he writes: "Enlisting the specialized reading/listening and hermeneutical skills they cultivate, he encouraged them to probe beneath the surface of his text. There, sotto voce ["under voice"], he told them he understands and sympathizes with their views, even if requirements of his office constrain him from giving full-throated voice…."[6]
Of course Bush was not the first president to use the language of the divine to cast himself as "defender of the faith" in order to win support for public policy. Who can forget Ronald Reagan’s view of the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire" and his feeling that war in the Middle East might draw "Gog" into nuclear war and fulfill biblical prophecy. In his 1984 debate with Walter Mondale, Reagan admitted, "No one knows whether those prophecies mean that Armageddon is a thousand years away or the day after tomorrow."
Yet few would argue that with George W. Bush the language of godlike appointment went disturbingly deeper. Even members of his own Methodist denomination saw a change in him after he took office. He seemed to them to have become a man on a mission; somebody who believed he was "chosen" by God to initiate a prophetic "master plan." And until the 2006 mid term elections unseated Republican control of congress and effectively stopped the juggernaut of his administration’s changes to domestic and foreign policy, the presidency of Bush was believably on a path toward an Apocalyptic vision led by inspiration from the Angel in the Whirlwind. Whether the president fully understood the ramifications of his words and actions, he and others around him had: 1) acknowledged; 2) prayed to; and 3) welcomed supernatural agents to guide and influence the future machine of national sovereignty in a way oddly familiar to end times prophecy and Dostoyevsky’s novel.
Though we allow that the president might have been unaware of parts of his abstruse actions because he was not the author of his speeches in the conventional sense and members of his staff with input from unnamed guides crafted most of these words, Bush nevertheless delivered these speeches after reviewing them, contemplating them, practicing them and making personal margin notes. More importantly, "he spoke in his official capacity as head of state, representing the state and beyond that the nation," notes Lincoln. So whether Bush was aware of his actions or was puppeted by dominionist allegiances that he and his father had nurtured (or at a deeper level spoke for fraternal societies), occultists in and behind government knew exactly what they were doing. Their choice of words and actions—from the president’s speeches to the council he received from members of an elite, top secret cell of spiritual authorities in Washington (note: this is not a reference to the Christian groups or Faith Councils that meet with US presidents)—reveal subtle but informing truths: words were placed in the president’s mouth to be spoken in mystic harmony of a sacred craft, an otherworldly discourse, which the men behind the president, the ‘voices behind the voice,’ believed would invoke the arrival of a spiritual ‘Kingdom on Earth’ led by an embodied theocratic representative if these words were uttered at the right moment in history and from chosen men of God. For this "Angel in the Whirlwind," wrote Christopher Findlay, "also carries unsettling connotations of a day of vengeance and judgment… a notion that appeals to… the apocalyptic frame of mind… reminiscnet of Winthrop’s ‘shining city on a hill’ image, coupled with the fear of being expelled from this earthly paradise if the new society should fail to fulfill its role in the divine plan."[7]
Later, when some in the public were taking courage that the midterms backlash of November 2006 had sufficiently restrained the administration’s dreams of playing a vital role in initiating Armageddon, behind the scenes in Washington DC this influential group of powerful men retained faith in their paranormal forces. Setting their eyes on the timeframe 2009-2012, they were not for the moment concerned if congress or even the executive branch changed hands now and again. They had received what they wanted—official invitation to supernaturalism by the nation’s leaders and, for sufficient time, conformity by the majority of uninitiated Americans. An Angel from the Whirlwind spread its powerful wings, and a new epoch in American history was ushered in; a time when the government of the U.S. was intentionally brought under influence to dark angelic power.
The statement above may seem daring. But the connection between the president’s speeches, signals to ‘the family’ of spiritual advisors as well as to the leaders of The Craft (discussed later), the Bush administration’s subsequent actions, coalescence of congress and for a while the majority of Americans, set in motion the rules for cosmic game play as defined in the sacred texts of all major religions, including the Bible. Invitation to angels by elected officials combined with passive civilian conformity is key to opening doorways for supernatural agents to engage social governance. This is a classic tenant of demonology. Spirits go where they are invited, whether to possess an individual or to take dominion over a region. One could contend therefore that starting in 2001, the United States became so disposed in following and not challenging unprecedented changes to longstanding U.S. policies including the Christian rules for just war, that a powerful force known to the Illuminati as the "Moriah Conquering Wind," a.k.a. "the Angel in the Whirlwind" accepted the administration’s invitation and enthroned itself in the nation’s capital. Immediately after, it cast it’s eyes on the ancient home of the Bab-Illi, Babylon, where the coveted ‘Gate of the Illi’ had opened once before.
Despite a series of ever-changing explanations as to why George W. Bush was stubbornly resolved in taking the U.S. into Iraq/Babylon, the home of the ‘Etemenanki’ (House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth, the ‘Tower of Babel’) even though Iraq was not connected to the events of September 11, 2001, years later if you asked a room of 20 analysts to define what was the true nature behind the U.S. entering that war, you would probably receive 20 different answers.
Some say it was strategic placement of U.S. military resources against what the administration saw as a growing threat from Islamic radicals. Some say it was an effort to seize and maintain control of Iraqi oil reserves. Others contend that 9/11 was itself either a convenient or orchestrated event (false flag) allowing the Bush administration to extend a global domination project. Still others believe something unusual connected to biblical sites in Babylon had been uncovered during Saddam Hussein’s reconstruction of the ancient city, and that the administration went there to capture it. But according to the British press, Bush let his real reasons slip during a meeting with Palestinian leaders in June 2003 when he admitted that he had committed the United States to enter Babylon because, "God told me to invade Iraq."[8]
Did a voice from God instruct the leader of the world’s most powerful nation to begin what quickly resulted in, at least on the surface, a debacle? One disturbing possibility is that the president was delusional. On the other hand, if God did tell Bush to invade Iraq, given other ‘signs of the times,’ we tune our ears to the prophets who foretold an end-of-days event when Babylon would be overthrown by a foreign invader, followed by the release of apocalyptic forces—powers known by the prophets as the descendants of fallen angels who went into Hell "in full battle dress."[9] When the prophet Jeremiah prophesied the future of Babylon, he specifically foresaw the catalyst for its destruction as happening when the God of the Angel-Armies (LORD of hosts) sends a warning that "evil" (Ra) is to be unleashed upon the nations of the world by "a great Whirlwind" that is raised up from the coasts of the earth (Jeremiah 25:32). The people of earth are afterward viewed as hopeless and in need of a savior.
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Forebodingly, the end of Bush’s second term witnessed such civil clamor for renewed "hope" amidst widespread messianic fervor surrounding the election of America’s current president, Barack Hussein Obama. Bush’s Angel in the Whirlwind administration was indeed prophetic in that it accomplished exactly what elite occultists wanted: a fire burning in the minds of men, fanned by multinational chaos and desperation, resulting in universal entreaty for an inspirational and political demigod—a savior—to arise on the global scene promising a New World Order.
Major R. Owens.
Bruce Lincoln, Holy Terrors (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003),
pp 30-32
Rhetoric of Bush and Bin Laden, University of Chicago, Bruce Lincoln,
Kevin Phillips, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics
of Deceit in the House of Bush (New York: Penguin Books, 2004), pp.
Rhetoric of Bush and Bin Laden, University of Chicago, Bruce Lincoln,
Christopher Findlay, Millenarianism in US domestic politics, ISN Security
Watch, 22/04/05
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq, The Independent, 07 October 2005
Ezekiel 32:27, The Message Version