Use of CoQ10 Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
By Dr. James
Howenstine, MD. Dr. Kilmer McCully[1], who discerned the importance of homocysteine in producing arteriosclerosis, believes that B6 (pyridoxine) has unique anti-oxidant[2] properties that cause the human body to be protected from damage from sugar loaded diets by blocking the infectious problems usually caused by excess sugar. Studies have shown that individuals consuming Western diets are more depleted of B6 than other vitamins. Fats, which constitute 30 to 40 % of the calories in the Western diet, are lacking in water soluble B vitamins. Additionally, foods grown in soils fertilized for decades by NPK fertilizer (USA) are low in micronutrients including B6 even if grown organically. In addition to both these problems Vitamin B6 is fragile so much of the B6 found in western food is lost in food processing, storage, transport and cooking. To compound this problem sugar intake depletes[3] B6 from the body. The air we inhale, our food and medicines are full of substances that destroy B6 in our bodies and thus increase our need for it. Stress, which is high and rising, depletes the body of B6 as does the new sources of electromagnetic radiation[4] according to Dr. Robert Becker. Knowing the value of pyridoxine, Dr. John Marion Ellis, of Mount Pleasant, Texas gave thousands of people in East Texas 50 to 300 mg. of B6 daily. These patients made no changes in their diets, exercise, or smoking habits. Over a 10 year period Dr. Ellis's patients had 73 % less heart attacks and anginal problems than persons living in the same region not taking B6. Women in the Nurses Health Study that took B6 had the risk of heart attack drop by 17 % for evry 2 mg. increase in B6 consumption[5] from diet and supplemental B6. In the ARIC (Arteriosclerosis Risk in Communities) study the persons in the highest quintile of plasma B6 had 72 % fewer heart attacks than those in the lowest quintile. Dr. Moses M. Susman of Johannesburg, South Africa after reading about favorable research re B6 and avoidance of heart disease encouraged non-cardiac patients to take 100 mg. of B6 daily for the remainder of their lives. These patients enjoyed good general health and had far fewer heart attacks than would have been expected. Dr Suzman was unable to recall any patient of his who ever had a spasm of a heart artery or a cardiac arrest. Increased tendency to clot and inflammatory reactions accompany all infections. Stress, smoking, alcohol, and caffeine all promote clotting whereas adequate doses of B6 resists the formation of clots. The Codex-supported RDA for Vitamin B6 in Europe is 2 mg. If this recommendation by a group of non elected bureaucrats becomes law millions of persons will die unnecessarily from coronary heart disease. If passed in Europe it will almost certainly surely come to the USA. The current concepts of heart attacks is that many heart attacks are associated with hidden infections that produce inflammatory changes in the lining of the arteries which result in a heart artery clot (heart attack). The infectious organisms Chlamydia pneumonia[6] has been identified in the heart arteries of more than 90 % of a large group of heart patients. Heliobacter pylori and bacteria from bone cavitations where root canals and extractions of teeth have been performed can spread to heart arteries. Patients with gingivitis have a much higher incidence of heart attack than persons without gingival disease. The recognition that occult infection is important in causing heart disease is so well documented that indices of inflammation (C reactive protein, sedimentation rate) are regarded as good screening tests to detect hidden heart disease. Excessive sugar intake[7] is now regarded as the number one risk factor for heart attacks in women and number two in men. Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin learned that one teaspoon of sugar immediately reduces the number of bacteria destroyed by white cells by 50%[8] and the ability to kill white cells does not return to normal for five hours. Millions of Americans are consuming 2 or more teaspoons of sugar every hour and are thus keeping their immune status constantly defective. Vitamin B6 has important infection fighting[9] capability. Persons using large quantities of sugar will have trouble eradicating bacteria from artery walls. Heart attacks can occur in arteries that have no arteriosclerotic damage. Anti-oxidant vitamins appear to stop this form of heart attack by increasing the generation of nitric oxide. Supplemental Vitamin B6 also increases the possibility of avoiding cancer[10]. The patients of Dr. Ellis who continued to smoke while taking B6 rarely developed lung cancer. Vitamin B6 has shown anti-cancer promise in animal tests and test tube studies. Certainly if your immune status is healthy because of B6 you would be less likely to develop cancer. Falling rates of heart attacks in the U.S. were attributed by Dr. Kilmer McCulley to the addition of pyridoxine B6 to white bread as the decrease in heart attacks appeared to immediately follow the fortification of bread with B6. We think that everyone would be prudent to be certain they are receiving 100 mg. or more of vitamin B6 daily. Aviding sugar intake certainly helps prevent heart attacks and anginal pain and will also greatly contribute to postponing the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Consuming Vitamin B6 daily is a simple task that can pay great dividends in improving one's health. This may decrease the damage from packaged foods and their high intake of addicting sugar for those who are unable or unwilling to remove sugar from their diets. Footnotes: 1,
Surfontein, William S. DSc. Interview near Pretoria, South Africa, 1992
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James A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal
medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients.
After 4 years of personal study he became convinced that natural
products are safer, more effective, and less expensive than
pharmaceutical drugs. This research led to the publication of his book
A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work. Information
about these products and his book can be obtained from amazon.com and
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and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached at jimhow@racsa.co.cr
and by mail at Dr. James Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box
25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.
Women in the Nurses Health Study that took B6 had the risk of heart attack drop by 17 % for evry 2 mg. increase in B6 consumption from diet and supplemental B6.