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By Sharon Hughes
January 19, 2008

"Darwin Day," a celebration of "the life of Charles Darwin as the symbol for a global celebration of science and humanity" is coming to a school near you on February 12, 2008.

Sponsored by the Institute for Humanist Studies, their website encourages that Darwin Day be celebrated in many different ways: "civic ceremonies with official proclamations, educational symposia, birthday parties, art shows, book discussions, lobby days, games, protests, and dinner parties. Organizers may include: academic societies, science organizations, free thought groups, religious congregations, libraries, museums, galleries, teachers and students, families and friends."

Since Charles Darwin was both the 'father' of evolution and an atheist, a brief look at a few of the views of today's atheist evolutionists reveals some of the 'fruit' of his theory:

Richard Dawkins, a devotee of Charles Darwin, said that everyone believed in evolution except "the ignorant, stupid or wicked."

There are some atheists who believe in 'intelligent design,' but not by a Creator. They believe an alien life force is a possible option for explaining creation, and they are serious.

Many may be surprised to know that Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner and one of the discoverers of the structure of DNA, the genetic blueprint for life, believes that life forms were sent to earth in a space ship by a dying civilization. As a matter of fact, both discoverers of the DNA, Watson and Crick, are outspoken atheists.

But not only atheist advocates of evolution are promoting the theory of evolution, the mainstream media is as well, such as when MSNBC did an entire series on where the human species is headed in "Human Evolution at the Crossroads," discussing such ideas as Unihumans.

Could these, and other such worldviews, be a force behind the battle over allowing creationism to be taught in schools? Yes, I think so.

While objective scientists are investigating whether or not there is evidence that life on earth is the work of an Intelligent Designer, and despite the fact that ID (Intelligent Design) is called a theory, many in the scientific community do not recognize it as a theory but rather as a religious view, and therefore reject investigating the possibility of an Intelligent Designer.

This, of course, begs the following questions:

1) Why would scientists not welcome the search for evidence in regards to the possibility of Intelligent Design when it is the very (purported) nature of science to explore all possibilities?

2) Is science broad enough to allow for all theories of human origins?

3) And is the teaching of the theory of Intelligent Design, using scientific evidence, the same that is claimed to be used in teaching Darwinism, reasonable?

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All religions acknowledge a Creator God. So, is the debate over teaching creationism or intelligent design alongside evolution in schools a sound scientific battle -- or a worldview battle? The theory of evolution has only existed since the 19th century. Christianity has existed for over 2,000 and Judaism, longer still. What do you think?

Just for the record, Darwin believed that there is no ultimate meaning in life. I guess that makes sense if you also believe your uncle was a monkey.


1, International Society for Complexity, Information and Design
2, Origins
3, The Racist Roots of Evolution

� 2008 Sharon Hughes - All Rights Reserved

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Sharon is the President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and hosts Changing Worldviews TALK Radio which is heard on KDIA AM1640 San Francisco; WITA AM1490 Knoxville,TN, nationally on and internationally on Her column appears on several online news sites including American,,,,,,, and others. For further information on her lineup of guests and topics visit:












Just for the record, Darwin believed that there is no ultimate meaning in life. I guess that makes sense if you also believe your uncle was a monkey.