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Never Give Up our Electoral College











By J.B. Williams
August 31, 2010

Unfortunately, for Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and all of their commie comrades here and abroad, capitalists know communism when they see it and they ain’t investing in it! Hence, the sudden realization that Obama’s so-called economic recovery via communism has indeed hit a stall.

Billions in investment capital left the American free market on the mere hint that Obama might become the new temporary resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Successful investors make their living predicting the future, anticipating financial trends before they happen. In the good ole days of the free-market economy, these predictions were all based on supply-side economic trends that we have witnessed for more than 200 years of economic supremacy in the U.S.

But in recent years, those predictions have been made more on the basis of predicting government manipulation of the not-so-free markets. When the communists come to town promising to strip some of their rightful earnings and redistribute the earned wealth of some to others in exchange for their votes, he with the gold will make a new set of economic rules.

As parts of the world that tried and failed with varying degrees of socialism are now openly embracing fiscal responsibility and free-market principles, capitalists are happy to take their bird-in-hand and shoot for the two in the bush elsewhere, where the willingness to risk capital is rewarded with the potential for profit.

Call it “outsourcing capitalism,” - the practice of penalizing success in tax codes and anti-free-market regulation, aka government manipulation of economic freedom - forcing American investors off-shore to foreign markets hungry for investors to help them grow their economies.

Without economic freedom, the individual right to work, risk, sacrifice, earn, own and pass down to the next family generation, there is no individual freedom at all. Capitalists understand and embrace this reality. However, those seeking government powers instead of individual power couldn’t care less. They live in an imaginary utopian reality of their own, with visions o someone else’s sugar plums dancing on the dining table.

All of our economic indicators are in the toilet, none more foretelling than the abysmal state of housing sales. Thanks to the BIG SPENDING Marxist policy decisions of the American left, the American Dream is now a nightmare for most decent Americans watching their life savings evaporate!

In the end, the overwhelming message is quite simple – Capitalists don’t invest in communism!
They never have and they never will.

To kill the goose that laid the golden egg of unparalleled wealth and prosperity in the shining city on the hill, you need only remove the incentive to invest. Clamp a regulatory vise on the will to risk and achieve, then tax the rich and famous into equality with the homeless and desperate and you have killed that goose.

Investors escaped the U.S. assault on success before Obama was sworn into office and they have not returned since. Those who have made a profession of acquiring wealth are not foolish enough to allow a bunch of done-nothing Marxist ideologues to rape and plunder their earnings.

That money is long gone, off-shore long ago and working in countries now growing their way out of the socialist economic abyss by championing the same free-market principles that once made America the most powerful nation on Earth.

The economic justice regime currently destroying the U.S. economy and way of life cannot stop the bleeding without completely reversing course. Their patient is on its last gasp and the fact that they want every voter to believe that it’s all Bush’s fault, only demonstrates that they have no clue how to save our economy, and no intention of reversing course.

As a result, things MUST get much worse before they can get any better.

Our horrific economic condition is not yet directly affecting every American. Most still live like there is no bottom to the well, even as the nation is clearly scraping bottom.

Obama & Co. have increased the nation’s debt by 40% in the first two years of unbridled expansion of government. This accounts only for the actual losses incurred during the current fiscal year. It does not account for another hundred trillion in unfunded forward promises that will drive us from the existing 100% debt to GDP – to 300% debt to GDP over the next ten years.

No nation has ever survived such policies, yet here we are, rushing towards the cliff.

CBS reports that only 20% of Americans still think Obama is headed in the right direction economically. The other 80% can’t decide if we are in a holding pattern or headed for the cliff.
Investors know that there is no such thing as a “holding pattern” in economics.


Like life itself, an economy is either living or dying, expanding or contracting. This reality might go missing on the average citizen though, who are largely of the optimistic view that nothing can truly destroy the American Dream. But trust me when I say, investors live by this reality. Don’t confuse the terms investor, gambler and donor.

Day trading is not investing - it is gambling. It’s akin to betting on which lotto ticket is going to have the winning number today. Day traders watch for short-term trends in market movements, once again, largely based on morning headlines and government manipulations of the markets.

They are in and back out of a stock in minutes or hours, usually without even knowing the name or product of the business behind the trading ID.

Gamblers are even planning to catch the brass ring one last time in a market crash.

Donors are charitable givers. They are not investing - they are giving. They are not seeking a return on their investment. They are only seeking to help others with no expectation of anything in return. Those who are unable to help themselves are also unable to help anyone else.

Donors give of themselves, from their own resources, by their own will and God bless them for what they do. But they are not investors…

An investor bets his bird in hand on the two in the bush, on an educated guess that while an element of risk exists, it is a calculated risk with a reasonable chance of success. The motive for risk is profit, or gain. There is no other reason to invest. Without profit motive, there are no investors.

When the potential for gain is removed or even greatly reduced or restricted, the reason to invest is eliminated.

Abusive taxation and regulation removes or limits any chance of return on investment. It’s not complicated, nor is it avoidable. Still, Obama is running a daily assault on capitalism.

American Democratic Socialists fail to grasp these inescapable concepts. They do not seek investors, whom they see as “greedy capitalist pigs.” As a result, they run investors out of the market leaving only gamblers and donors in place. The economy contracts without investment and every American Dream will soon become a nightmare, as the jobs market retracts and workers lose the ability to keep up with the increasing cost of living and shrinking earning capacity.

The only way to reverse these trends is to reverse course. But Democratic Socialists have no such intention.

Many voters hope to force a reversed course in the 2010 mid-term elections, removing Democratic Socialists from congress and replacing them with Republicans.

Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 of the important issues regularly tracked, according to Rasmussen Reports.

When asked which party they now trust most to deal with the top 10 issues of our day, voters chose Republicans over Democratic Socialists 47% to 39%. After twenty months of unbridled Obama and only an 11% congressional approval rating, that spread should be much greater -- especially since nations all over the globe are bankrupt from the same Marxist ideals espoused by Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

Like the words patriot, hero and constitutionalist, the word communist is often overused and abused. But when blatant policies are perfectly aligned and open connections are easily confirmed, calling things by their proper name is pretty vital to the decision making process of voters.

At this late date, calling communism by the politically correct terms, progressive, socialist, liberal or Marxism is a disservice to the voting population. If people want communism, let them vote for it out in the open. Tricking voters into voting for communism under another name must stop!

As for the American Dream, if the people want that back, they will have to take it back from the Democratic Socialist found in both the Democrat and Republican parties today. As Karl Marx said – Democracy is the road to socialism. Democratically voting themselves gifts from the public trough will end in socialism every time.

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November may return Republicans to power leaving Obama a lame-duck resident of the people’s White House. But it is the people who must return the nation to constitutional conservatism and fiscal sanity after the election, no matter which party is in power.

The future of this nation is not in the hands of a few politicians. It is in the hands of millions of average Americans, a growing number of whom seem ready to engage. Getting rid of the communists in DC is key to bringing investors back to America. Until we do that, the economy cannot recover or even survive.


1, Bernanke delivers blow to bond-buying hopes
2, Existing Home Sales Worst on Record.
3, Poll: Americans Growing More Pessimistic about the Economy.
4, How to Play a Stock Market Crash
5, Voters Now Trust Republicans More On All 10 Key Issues
6, AFL-CIO Joins Communists, La Raza, ACLU, Other Unions in Voter Registration Drive

� 2010 JB Williams - All Rights Reserved

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JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. He is also a Founder of Freedom Force USA and a staunch conservative actively engaged in returning the power to the right people in America.

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Successful investors make their living predicting the future, anticipating financial trends before they happen. In the good ole days of the free-market economy, these predictions were all based on supply-side economic trends...