By Diane Kepus
May 18, 2014
claim the Tea Party movement awakened a sleeping giant in the conservative
grassroots and injected a much-needed energy into the GOP. I gladly
welcome that label as do many other Conservative Americans. It was
of the work of the Tea Party wave that allowed for the 2010 Republican
House to become the majority in Congress. The unbending demands and
unfiltered talk of those associated with the movement have made life
difficult for Republican Party leaders who charge the Tea Party with
wrecking the GOP. It’s called “bringing it back to what
it used to stand for”.
Let’s remember the Tea Party movement would never have taken place if our elected Representatives and Senators in Congress and in the local and state governments had been following the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence rather than Big Business and those welding the fat wallets taking our economy out of control and at the same time ruining the very core of the country with social values.It’s called the “communist way”.It was our elected officials who created the national outrage when the Tea Party groups were only asking for limited government. Boehner and the others have chosen who they choose to sleep with and hopefully we will be able to re-create the 2010 elections in 2014 and 2016.
The Leftist Republicans have brought this on themselves! Do their families really understand that their children and grandchildren are also going to be responsible for this close to $18 TRILLION dollars in debt? Do you really like knowing our country owes everything to China and other countries? They already have control over most of our country’s treasures. It is those in congress who have created this mess with almost half the country on welfare (thank you Heritage Foundation for your implementation & support of NAFTA taking America’s jobs around the world); having stolen the Social Security funds and seems to think they have a carte blanche credit card to do as they please.
actually would like to thank all the Republican Party Rhino’s
(along with Obama)
for helping us all wake up and begin to pay attention to what has
been going on in our government and just how corrupt it is with their
added friendships of all the lobbyists. Our elected officials have
lied to us, refused to listen to us and have even gone so far as to
take the attitude that “we” the taxpayer’s actually
work for them.
Now that CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS are actually holding our elected officials accountable for their actions against the Constitution, they and their Big Business supporters are making statements that they intend to “crush” the Tea Parties and in most cases we are the ones who got them elected unless of course they have made their elected positions a life-long career.
So who is hurting the Republican conservative cause and who is helping it? Are the tea party’s causing the damage, or is the GOP establishment to blame? Is it the principled, fresh-eyed insurgents, or is it the prudent, experienced statesmen?
In this video, troublemaker and former congressman Steve LaTourette, a liberal, leftist Republican from Ohio, continues to refer to America as a Democracy. It may well be today but it was NOT intended to be and herein lies one of the biggest problems regarding the Tea Party groups and the establishment sitting in Congress. LaTourette is the President and CEO of an organization called Main Street Partnership and they have received money from left leaning unions, George Soros backed organizations, and a major Democrat contributor.
2013, LaTourette was ready to drop the word “Republican”
from the Republican
Main Street Partnership and accept Democrats into the fold. A month
later, he partially backed off, insisting the group wouldn’t
support Democrats even if it changed its name—while he still
maintained the group would “work collaboratively with anybody
who wants to find common sense solutions.” At the same time
he made it clear that he sees conservatives as the primary
source of congressional dysfunction.
In the video LaTourette also states that senators and representatives are elected to ‘support the views of the PARTY (not the People) and when you don’t support their views you then lose their support’.
The other gentleman in the video is Chris Chocola, U.S. House of Representative (R) from Indiana and he is the President of the Club for Growth, a fiscally conservative organization supporting grassroots candidates.
Hey, did you all forget us? You know, the ones who pay your salary so you can go to D.C. with a salary of $170K+ and benefits and come home a very rich individual. You don’t even have to have ever worked a day in your life or be qualified to sit on any of the numerous committees.
So where are we? Recently,LaTourette and his group sponsored an event not for ordinary Republican Conservative’s, but leftist-supported advocacy groups and Republicans. Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, and twenty-five other members of Congress flew to Amelia Island to collaborate with the group dedicated to defeating conservatives in Congress.
The event was held at the Ritz Carlton and the main topic was about “anyone who refers to themselves as Conservative and I’m sure the words Tea Party were uttered several times. Behind the scenes, LaTourette’s group is funded by the vast left-wing conspiracy. According to an email inviting people to the event, “People that are attending have donated $5,000 each to the PAC.”
Behind the scenes, the Republican Main Street Partnership established an affiliation with the Defending Main Street PAC. That organization is dedicated to targeting as many as ten primary races in the 2014 election cycle, with the goal of helping establishment Republicans defeat Conservative candidates.
Am I missing something or wasn’t the Republican Party always the CONSERVATIVE party and the Democrat Party the LIBERAL party????
Erickson of Red State complied a list of contributors to Defending
Main Street
PAC. Further exploration of those contributors reveals the disturbing
level of collaboration between Republican leadership and their leftist
supporters. They include David Bonderman, the multi-billionaire founder
of Ft. Worth, Texas-based TPG Capital. His campaign contributions
have overwhelmingly favored Democratic candidates, as well as Democrat
PACs and Super-PACs.
Soros backed groups who also donated to the PAC:
Laborers’ Political League Education Fund gave $100000.00
• The Chickasaw Nation gave $50000.00
• International Union of Operating Engineers
[EPEC] gave $250000.00
• Laborers’ International Union Of North
America (LIUNA) PAC gave $150000.00
• MEBA PAF gave $15000.00 (Marine Engineers
Beneficial Association)
• Working for Working Americans-Federal gave
$250000.00 (Building Trades / carpenters PAC)
You can readily see your elected officials will take money from anyone! They have no souls left as they sold those for pennies years ago and so we must assume this is why the ugly legislation which is now being passed makes almost everyone in Congress take on the look of a LEFTIST!
Main Street Partnerships wants to keep incumbents in office because they know they will play the “game” having been bought by lobbyists and others like Bill Gates, Jeb Bush and Murdoch. Together, the groups — including Main Street Advocacy — want to, in the words of their backers, “bolster our incumbents who are under attack from the far right, and ensure that we hold on to seats represented by pragmatic Republicans that we would otherwise loose if there was an ultra-conservative in the general runoff.”
John Boehner and Eric Cantor were criticized by their fellow “right” sided Republicans for even considering attending LaTourette’s event. Boehner backed out but Cantor, feeling strong in his support base, attended. There has been talk if Boehner steps down (of which there has been considerable talk of that) Cantor would step into his shoes. From this writer’s view it’s not a good endorsement of Cantor for people to be saying “he is of the same mold as Boehner” giving Boehner’s actions the last 2 years against the American people. He certainly has NOT been a leader.
I see danger signs in Cantor who appears to have no firm roots in the center or the right, showing no discernible political soul, hopping back and forth between the establishment and the Tea Party caucus.
Cantor is on the outs with the sizable Tea Party Caucus in the House. Some of his recent activities have made him a lightning rod for disappointment and criticism and given the fact he defied conservative groups and attended the Main Street Partnership PAC, which has been targeting all Tea Party candidates in races where moderate, establishment Republicans are fighting off challenges in party primaries is a large RED FLAG.
Cantor’s spokesman, Douglas Heye defended Cantor’s attendance to the Main Street event stating, “This is classic judging a speaker by the audience. We need to present conservative solutions to all audiences, and grow both our grass roots and our majority so we can stop President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda.” The problem is they are not presenting Conservative solutions!
Stop President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda??? What the heck have they done the past 4 years in any way to do that? They have aided and abetted them! That statement was pretty strong considering Main Street’s partnership with the Labor Unions and Soros backed organizations and using their donated funds to STOP Conservative Tea Party backed candidates.
actions certainly are not clean. He’s worked with Jeff Denham,
R-Calif., to promote scheme to swap citizenship to illegals for military
service. Cantor thinks
“we should turn our military into an amnesty experimentation
program.” A lot of eyebrows were raised in the House and among
the rank and file when Cantor, in a speech on the House floor in January,
said that “immigration reform could be an economic boon to this
Is this man smoking something? He is supposed to be the money man and yet he suggests that putting illegals into the military of which our tax dollars will pay for while at the same time they are removing Americans from Military service or not taking new ones.
Cantor partnered with Maxine Waters (one of the Tea Party’s most vicious critics) on the flood insurance bill and he also is marching to Boehner’s tune on authorizing the Obama Administration’s use of force proposal in Syria.
Tea Party members have been called “un-informed, racists, tea baggers, unhinged, insane, out of control, and out of touch among others. Now the big boys are planning a national assault against any candidates supported by the Tea Party groups by supporting “established, business friendly candidates” by “bringing down” any grass roots candidates even if they are Republican.
For America, a Tea Party-oriented non-profit headed by Brent Bozell, urged Cantor to take a pass on the conference. They told him that attending would “permanently destroy any credibility you have left with conservatives.” Following Cantor’s junket to Amelia Island, Bozell remarked, “It is betrayal. It’s also monumentally stupid.”
“Main Streets” web site proudly is displaying the names of the Republicans they gave their yearly Amory Houghton Award for Public Service. The award is named for Amo Houghton, the founder and Chairman of the Board of the Republican Main Street Partnership for 18 years. He was a congressman from NY and the former Chairman of the Board for Corning.
receiving awards were: Rep. Shelly Moore Capiro (WV) and Rep. Pat
(OH). Former recipients have been: Senators Norm Coleman (R-MN), Susan
Collins (R-ME), Pat Roberts (R-KS), John McCain (R-AZ), former Secretary
of Agriculture Ann Veneman, Secretary of Transportation and former
Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL), Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), as well as former
Main Street President Tom Davis.
I will never understand why these organizations feel such a need to give elected officials awards for doing what they are being paid to do. For this writer, matching the organization up with the recipients is always very telling.
The National Chamber of Commerce has stated it is willing to spend more than $50M for this “bring down” of conservative Republicans. Karl Rove and his group American Crossroads are pledged to support only “centrist” candidates who are pro-business rather than the Tea Party conservatives who support pro free markets.
What is truly bothering the “established” Republican Party members like John Boehner, Karl Rove and LaTourette, is the Tea Party groups are holding our elected officials accountable for their actions, asking for a balanced budget (stop spending more money than you have – what a novel idea) and looking into their finances to see just who is running the congress. The middle and leftist elected Republican’s don’t like it. We know far more about Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Heritage Foundation, the National Chamber of Commerce, ALEC and many other organizations that believe they have the right to have America their way rather than the Constitution way than we did before the Tea Parties came together.
They also realize that increasingly, the Tea Party's growing power and influence has unmoored Republican politicians from their traditional alliance with Wall Street in favor of grassroots conservative activists. These grassroots candidates want our country back to what it was before we fell asleep to what it was intended to be, not a country run by social values and phony science which are bankrupting America. Add the insurgence of communists/socialists/fascist’s laying out the groundwork for the ruination of America and even ministers who now take out of context the very words from the Bible and tell us the way we should view things is through Chrislam.
In fact, mentioning communists, you really need to re-read the Communist Manifesto and ask yourself how many of those steps you think have been completed. Do you realize Alan Grayson, Corrine Brown, Bernie Sanders and Judy Chu are not the only elected Senators and Representatives currently sitting in congress that are card carrying members of any one of 5 different communist/socialist groups?
Unfortunately, our founders didn’t lay out any protection against Communism – what they did was go along with political parties against the advice of George Washington which laid out the formula for a constant division of its people.
We are at the time Benjamin Franklin was referring to when asked what the Founders had created, “A Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Samuel Adams came close when he stated the Founders had done everything possible to make the idea of socialism and communism unconstitutional. “The Utopian schemes of leveling (re-distribution) & community of goods (central ownership of the means of production and distribution) are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the Crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic and in OUR government UNCONSTITUTIONAL!”
However, there is nothing in place to stop a communist/socialist/fascist from running for office, winning their election and occupying a seat in the government. That is our job at the polls!
And in the meantime, to support our contention that those with millions want to control our elections, we have four active politicians that will be jockeying for the financial support of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson who in 2012 poured millions into Newt Gingrich’s campaign.
is changing his strategy for 2016 - and that would be to favor the
likes of people
such as former Florida governor Jeb Bush (maybe Adelson should come
to Florida and talk to the people first), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. All four recently
descend to Adelson’s luxury hotel in Las Vegas, the Venetian,
for an important step in what some are calling the “Sheldon
Does this give you a warm, fuzzy feeling? Hopefully, Jeb Bush will listen to his mother! Officially, the potential 2016 candidates were at the Venetian for the spring meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which began with a golf outing, followed by a VIP dinner featuring Jeb Bush and hosted by the Adelsons in the private airplane hangar where Adelson keeps his fleet.
In Adelson’s choice of these four – do you see why “they” are trying to “crush” us? I believe the parents in their four respective states might have something to say about this corporate supporting conglomeration especially with their left leaning decisions over the past 4years. Read here about the strategy behind this!
Do your research people – this is your families future’s we are talking about. The work is boring and tedious, but the Tea Party mentality and values must work to secure the 2014 and 2016 elections. We are strong and have computers – we don’t need Freedom Works or Americans for Prosperity telling us how or who to vote for. Give your money to candidates you have vetted, not the parties or any so called groups.
What “they” are doing nationally, they are going to be working twice as hard in the individual States.
I highly recommend you take the time to watch this video and take notes. Do your research!
And – by the way - God Bless America!
© 2014 Diane Kepus - All Rights Reserved
Related Articles:
1- Chamber
of Commerce - Blanket Over The World, Erica Carle, August 7, 2003.
2- The
Chamber Of Commerce - It's Power And Goals, Erica Carle, June,
5, 2002.
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Diane Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
My background as an Accountant /Auditor showed me my love of “digging.” In 1980 when I took up the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “I was in deep babe.”
I am married with a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandson and you can readily understand why I chose Education or the “lack thereof” and Human Trafficking as my passions for the past 4 years.
I have witnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
I actually began my Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on to the push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the infiltration of the Common Core State Standards which are to be implemented into the states without proper state legislation.
The Common Cores State Standards (CCSS) are an important issue we must tackle by getting the information out to the parents so they can help stop this. This is not about making your children smarter, or worrying about whether they will actually go to college or not – this is about Total Control by others who are not their parents. The cost alone – wait until your property taxes go off the charts to pay for this. It is all about $$ and Big Business.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible to teach and inform them the truth about the Common Core State Standards and all the other evil things of which are being put on our children on a daily basis and most of it without parental permission.