By Diane Kepus
June 17, 2014
Of course, some people lie just to lie, get attention or to cover up their actions. It seems to be the popular way of communicating these days with our elected politicians, especially those who have made a living by living in D.C.
Sanders, in case any of the readers are not aware, is our sole openly
Socialist elected to Congress. Some hide within the Democratic Party,
Bernie just votes with them. Others certainly think and act like Socialists.
Recently Bernie chided the Koch Bros. and others for speaking against the Veterans Administration (VA) regarding their lack of “good” care of our military, active and retired.
Let me be clear here – I am not a fan or supporter of the Koch Bros. – they play manipulation games with their money just like the rest of the liars, but in this case they are telling the truth.
Americans have heard stories for years about the miserable care given to our returning soldiers and those retired that were promised good care for their service for protecting the citizens of this country.
Anyone remember the movie “Born On the Fourth of July?” At the time it was reported the movie was very factual and if you had a heart and soul, upon leaving the movie theater you were crying at the disrespect and humiliation portrayed upon our soldiers.
I for one said, “they will never get my son, he can do more for America right here”. I believe that is more true today than when the movie was made.
Sanders in all his glory linked the VA with a number of other “popular” federal bureaucracies stating, “The point is, you have government entities themselves — Social Security, enormously popular, “Medicare, enormously popular, Postal service (USPS), popular and the VA, popular.”
He forgot Medicaid!
Because they are popular and used does not in any way mean they are being operated effectively (we know better) nor do they hold a candle to the care that should be given to our soldiers – especially when compared to an entity like the post office.
I always find it interesting that the American people have more information and historical facts in their brains than those puppets who are supposed to be serving them.
Let’s compare two of these agencies – the USPS and the Veterans Administration.
Knowing full well any Federal Agency is rocked with deceit, the Post Office is no different with its politically appointed, bipartisan board of governors which awardsexecutives lucrative deferred compensation deals and incentive bonuses, year after years compensation increases come mostly in the form of pension plan earnings.
Anyone who has ever studied accounting knows bonus’ only are to come on the back side of profit. Not so for the USPS! They reported in 2012 a loss of over $16B for the year but still made sure Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe was treated handsomely.
earned a base salary of $276,840, but even without a bonus or incentive
payout, his overall compensation came to $512,093
in 2012, compared
with $384,229 in 2011, according to regulatory filings. It should
matter not to the readers the man has worked for the USPS for 37 years.
His being given that kind of payout in the midst of such a huge loss
should have caused outrage among Americans.
Not only the total compensation should bring up your blood pressure, but his retirement account grew by $186,536.
Additionally, two other executives — Ellis Burgoyne, chief information officer, and Mary Anne Gibbons, general counsel — also received hefty increases in their retirement plans.In fact, Mr. Burgoyne’s retirement plan grew by more than $270,000, bringing his total compensation to $510,505, slightly less than Mr. Donahoe‘s.
In addition, the Postal Service’s chief human resources officer, Anthony J. Vegilante, received $60,000 in retention bonuses for fiscal 2011 and 2012 on top of his $240,000 annual salary, filings show. Nonetheless, Mr. Vegilante’s overall compensation for 2012 dipped to $363,002, compared with $364,667 the previous year.
COO/Exe.VP Megan J. Brennan, earned a salary of $235,000 in 2011 plus her benefits. By the time we add these figures up and the payroll of more than 626,764 employees and approx. 211,654 vehicles, it is no wonder they are in the hole.
People question how the USPS could be losingso much money! It’s not all because of the internet and e-mail! The problem is - it is run like the rest of the federal government agencies which is in the sewer and top level compensations.
Now the ugly behind the VA! The VA is a little different but the bottom line is the same. There is a total lack of transparency and accountability to those who are paying the bills. In addition, with the VA it also includes the standard of care and needless deaths and damage.
Does Bernie Sanders not understand the important issue here and how the VA is different than the other government agencies he mentioned? Probably because he doesn’t believe in “love of country” and has never served his. Not well anyway!
We would have no use for the Veterans Administration if the United States was not always going to war under part of the ELITE’s directions as a means of population control and making money for themselves.
HELLO! We, the United States of America are NOT the gatekeepers of the world. We are having trouble taking care of our own country to think we have the right to interfere in the actions of other countries.
Isn’t that what the United Nations is in place for? Speak about another form of failure and deceit layered in lies!
There have been years of inaction and healthcare abuse through the VA. Now because of this evil war our men and women have been sent to fight in the Mid-East, we are seeing an enormous increase of loss of limbs, PTSD and suicide. A returning veteran having to wait even a month for care let alone a year or two should be addressed as a crime or at the very least malfeasance by the hierarchy.
Now the inept bureaucracy is coming to the surface as more and more of our elected officials are being contacted and held accountable for the lack of service to our men and women.
healthcare abuse accusations of the VA have become widespread especially
in Florida where the largestnumber of retired veterans reside. Florida’s
Congressman Ron DeSantis (R), Senator Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott are
asking for more veteran healthcare oversight in Florida. Gov. Scott
has recently accused the VA of blocking state healthcare inspectors
from its hospital facilities, while Republican congressional candidate,
Jorge Bonilla, has called for VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign.
House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) has said he requested action at an April 9 hearing but that the department did not comply for eight days.
As with any government agency using taxpayer $$, there should be full transparency and accountability. Rubio has penned a letter to Shinseki, requesting that he “provide secret electronic wait list data for ALL Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMC) in Florida,” after reports surfaced stating that veterans have died while waiting for medical care.
According to the American Legion, The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Phoenix has been keeping a secret list of patients with long-delayed appointments, a practice which has been linked to the deaths of at least 40 veterans, in a 2013 CNN report.
American Legion National Commander Daniel M. Dellingeris sending this month a team of American Legion experts to Phoenix to give local veterans a chance to discuss the quality of their VA health care. The team, part of the Legion’s System Worth Saving Task Force, will also conduct a two-day site visit to the Phoenix medical center where they will interview administrators, medical staff and patients.
CNN interviewed retired VA doctor, Sam Foote, who worked at the facility for 24 years. Dr. Foote stated the Phoenix hospital also maintains a “sham” list that it shares with the VA Central Office, which falsely indicates Phoenix has been providing timely appointments for its patients.
May 1, 2014 it was revealed that CNN has attempted to make an appointment
with Secretary Shinseki for the past 6 months and has received no
effective responses from the VA Public Affairs officer Drew Brookie.
Also on May
1, Secretary Shinseki revealed he was placing the director of the
Phoenix VA Health Care System Sharon Helman and two others on administrative
leave stating, “We believe it is important to allow an independent,
objective review to proceed.”
A later report from the VA’s Office of the Medical Inspector said Fort Collins, Colo., medical center falsified appointment records to give the impression that staff doctors had seen patients within the department’s goal of 14 to 30 days.
Keep in mind, these reports surfacing are also addressing reports of it taking veterans years in some cases to collect benefits from the administration.
You would think that since Shinseki is a retired former 4 star Army General having served for 38 years he would have on his heart as #1 the care of our military. Last report given in 2010, Shinseki’s salary as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs was $199,700 per year plus health care and a building retirement fund. Any retired military person can guess what his military retirement monthly check is for 38 years of service.
Update from May 8, 2014, Shinseki is brushing aside calls for his resignation. The secretary said, quote, "I take every one of these incidents and allegations seriously, and we're going to go and investigate." NO SIR! They should never have gotten this far but for YOUR failure to properly oversea the department and individuals you were charged with protecting.
Maybe Shinseki feels as Obama stated in an NBC interview that he shares a kinship with Mr. Shinseki, who like the president ‘supposedly’ is a native of Hawaii.
This recent video report is extremely telling!
Will conditions within the VA hospitals change any for the better? Time will tell! We can pray, but the record since the Viet Nam War tells a different tale!
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Diane Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
My background as an Accountant /Auditor showed me my love of “digging.” In 1980 when I took up the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “I was in deep babe.”
I am married with a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandson and you can readily understand why I chose Education or the “lack thereof” and Human Trafficking as my passions for the past 4 years.
I have witnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
I actually began my Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on to the push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the infiltration of the Common Core State Standards which are to be implemented into the states without proper state legislation.
The Common Cores State Standards (CCSS) are an important issue we must tackle by getting the information out to the parents so they can help stop this. This is not about making your children smarter, or worrying about whether they will actually go to college or not – this is about Total Control by others who are not their parents. The cost alone – wait until your property taxes go off the charts to pay for this. It is all about $$ and Big Business.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible to teach and inform them the truth about the Common Core State Standards and all the other evil things of which are being put on our children on a daily basis and most of it without parental permission.