By Diane Kepus
December 16, 2014
The words of Republicans and Conservatives are not necessarily a bonding of thoughts, ideas, morals or values.
One represents a frame of mind, the way you want your children to grow up with respect for others and themselves with a strong set of morals and values to carry with them through their lives.
The other is merely the name of a Political party backed by liars and huge money sources. Don’t misunderstand me, I believe the Democrats as a party are also liars. It just so happens the Republicans just came back into full power and they will certainly not clean up their act for the likes of the American people. In addition, the Republicans did nothing for us in stopping Common Core.
We are being told we should trust the Republican party but as a parent and grandparent I can’t do that. They lie – repeatedly. Example – this morning I was cleaning out some papers and I came across the list of the “supporters” listed on Jeb Bush’s web site for the support of the Common Core State Standards.
You know, the web site that is so hard to find. The URL is but the actual name of the web site is “Conservatives for Higher Education”.
All REPUBLICANS and I wouldn’t call any of them CONSERVATIVE because they support the CCSS. The only changes you will find in the list of supporters are the removal of the names of Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Ghee, I wonder why?
Maybe it’s because they had the intelligence and backbone to stand-up to the forceful orders of a bunch of “cash cows” telling them how to think and speak. They obviously finally decided to take the time to read the standards, found them unacceptable, below previous standards and unfit for consumption by our children. Maybe they even decided corporate heads were not qualified to decide what our children should learn – we did do very well before unions, government and cash cows got into education.
Interestingly enough, one name still remains on that list. It’s the name of that Preacher who stood in front of his TV cameras in December 2013and stated he no longer supported the standards and then shortly thereafter went and had lunch with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and gave them his worldly advice. You guessed it –
I’m not sure which direction some of the ministers in this country are headed, but this one openly lies to the whole country two nights in a row and then at lunch urges state education officials to get rid of the “Common Core” name because it has become “toxic.” However, it would appear he intends to support the standards given the instructions he gave to the CCSSO. “Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat”.Ouch!
It would seem Mr. Huckabee has become toxic!
Some of our REPUBLICAN governors took Huckabee’s advice to heart:
• Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has used an executive order to purge the name “Common Core” from the standards and refer to them, instead, as Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards: "The Executive Order requires that executive agencies refer to the standards, adopted in 2010, as Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, and encourages citizens and education stakeholders to do the same." Their standards are still CCSS.
• Iowa’s Governor Terry Branstad (R) also chose to “rebrand” now referring to the standards as the “Iowa Core”. Imaginative!
• Florida’s Governor Rick Scott (R) opted to rebrand by removing the words “Common Core” from all official education documents. Floridians are under the impression the new standards name is the “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards however that name was put in place in 2007 and remains today for all except the ELA and Math Standards. Those are being referred to simply as 2014 Language Arts Florida Standards and the 2014 Mathematics Florida Standards and they were renamed in February, 2014.
When Scott was asked if the standards had just been re-branded he replied, “The Florida Standards are derived from the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, which was derived from earlier versions of the Sunshine State Standards. These standards pre-dated Common Core and are truly Florida’s own standards.”
What about Florida’s obligation to the Federal Government from our acceptance of Race to the Top money? Gov. Scott said:“Race to the Top was a four-year grant. That grant has expired, it’s done. We are no longer under obligation to the Federal Government. So we are pushing back against any Federal intrusion into our public schools.”
This statement is also a lie since Florida applied for an extension to complete all their requirements when they filed their last report.
Scott Lied again – we still have money and he has an extension until Sept 1, 2015 – the RTTT deal is not over!
• Indiana’s Governor Mike Pence (R), the first to accept the CCSS and then the first to supposedly “replace” the CCSS is still in hot water with his parents and voters. It is obvious the new Indiana standards are so close to the old ones that stating they are “rebranded” is certainly more appropriate than saying they are changed.
Florida’s Governor Scott thought he was smart to call for 3 meetings to hear complaints about the standards, but he forgot two things at those meetings – the parents and himself! He couldn’t find the time to attend any of those meetings or the Town Hall events he called for – but at the same time he found the time to go all the way to South Florida to have dinner with Jeb Bush.
How is your state doing? Are they continually lying to you, playing a cover-up game? Florida tells us they have made 99 changes to the CCSS to make them our own, but no details showing what those changes supposedly are.The 99 changes involving cursive writing and calculus will not be tested on in the general state tests, out of eleven thousand math and English standards means nothing.
All the participating CC states were required to file a yearly report to the FDOE if they received Race To The Top (RTTT) funds explaining how they spent the funds, how much they have left, what goals they listed on their applications have been completed and which ones haven’t and why! Florida RETAINED most of the $700M they received in Tallahassee in round 2 according to their own words to pay for a flubbed up CCSS web site and contracts they needed to put in place to be compliant.
I noticed this past week several local school districts around the country had amendments or referendums on their ballots to increase school taxes. I’m not surprised, but I am surprised the voters were dumb enough to vote for the increases to their property taxes to pay for this boondoggle of a Trojan Horse. Are you really prepared to take head on the estimated costs of the CCSS? $1,024,163,000 is one estimate.
Interestingly enough in Florida, Scott stayed as far away from the topic of the CCSS as he could during the campaign. Even Jeb Bush hitting the trail for Scott tried to stay away from the topic, but Bush never does know when not to lie. When asked about the changes to Florida’s CCSS he said, “he agrees with Scott's statement that "Common Core is out" in Florida. Florida’s changes to Common Core were not substantial, and standards are now "Florida-based" and higher”.
How can Bush say "CC is out of FL" & then "concede FL made changes to the CCSS that were not substantial"? Makes Absolutely No Sense and in my playbook it’s called “doublespeak”!
How do the Master Deceivers in your state work? The ones in Florida tried to convince the FDOE they have complied with all requirements while at the same time convincing the public that the Florida standards are something other than Common Core with a new name or "lipstick on a pig."
Florida powers to be tripped all over themselves in trying to convince everyone the CCSS were gone, yet at the same time, after having asked for an extension and renewed their NCLB waiver in June 2014, it would have broken the rules of the waiver – and Rick Scott really likes to play with money.
Equally interesting is these states have all had to sign a “memorandum of understanding” with the FDOE regarding RTTT if they were planning to apply for the grants or expect to be picked, which is what Florida did. Contrary to what Florida’s governor said, it is obvious the rules still apply regarding RTTT because they asked for the extension to comply.
I hope the “powers to be in charge” of these states understand clearly “we” have NOT been educated with the CCSS. We know full well you are liars, fence jumpers, manipulators, deceivers, and in bed with the likes of Carnegie, Gates, Soros, Bush Dynasty, ALEC, NEA, NTA, Charter School Management Companies and actually too many others to name. Anyone who is willing to put some “cash” into your election “cow” – you will cop a deal with.
That is everyone but the American people.
Florida’s raging battle over Choice/Charter/Vouchers is beginning to take on a sickening level. Actually there is no difference between the “money men” involved in vouchers, choice and charters. They are all part of the same pot with the same legislature passing all this lenient legislation.
Vouchers/Choice nor Charters get our children away from Common Core and I thought that was the main issue. The Florida Supreme court has already ruled once against Vouchers being unconstitutional according to the state statutes. The legislature did it anyway and now they are back in court.
Politics had its ugly hand in the last election when it came to education right down to the local boards. There is no love loss by me for the “Step Up For Student’s” and nor should there be for you. They are just another “cash cow” looking to fill coffers in the name of the “low-income” children. But they all have been playing the low-income game since 1965 and it never gets any better. Why? They all continue to use those children as scape goats rather encouraging them and laying out the world in front of them. Money does not buy good education!
Interesting the support of the voucher programs and like the Charter school mess, there is no one minding the store. There are so many scandals surrounding the McKay Scholarship program along with the legislation that was passed that even though a Private school is receiving Public taxpayer funds, they don’t have to abide by FOIA requests. So who is minding the stores?
David Figlio of Northwestern University, who has evaluated the scholarship program on an annual basis for the state – guess whose side he’s on. If he is being paid by the state, you need to look no further.
Some in Florida believe that in re-electing Scott he would be “thankful” and be willing to talk “dump the CCSS” completely. That’s not going to happen. Not only is the man a businessman first and foremost, he never (even in his own lawsuit) faces his accusers nor answers questions about anything.
Although it was Charlie Crist and the Republican House & Senate that gave Florida the CCSS, the state would have been better off to elect Crist with the monopoly of republicans in Tallahassee since they would never have given Crist anything he wanted. They won’t give it to us either.
Nor will those in D.C. The republicans took charge of the House and Senate in ’94 and ’02 and exactly what did that give us? Promises!
You are right if you think my faith in any politician has flown out the proverbial window and I still don’t understand why you put all of your faith in them rather than your own intelligence especially after they have lied to you so many times.Most should have been removed from their jobs at the local level already. You would have been!
They are ruining our children’s futures, actively working at creating the North American Union as a prelude to the New World Order and pushing your children into UN/UNESCO communist education.
As J. Edgar Hoover (FBI) stated at the time Eisenhower signed The Communist Control Act in 1954, “you are forcing the Communist Party movement to go underground” which is exactly what it did for a period of time. Once they realized no one was going to act on the ACT, they began to slowly surface through the building up of unions and control all over the country. We now even openly elect communists into elected offices.
I see this country as having been an expansive experiment – touched by the hand of God, implemented by Godly people and what do we have today? Nothing but scraps left – 97% of the people asleep or could care less. If you are sitting on the sidelines watching what politicians have done to this country with their egos and self-serving attitude it is truly a sad sight.
I sincerely hope more states are successful in gaining back the control of the education of their children and along with that the morals and values that were once the strong force behind this great country.
“Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude and democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number.” —Alexis de Tocqueville 1848
© 2014 Diane Kepus - All Rights Reserved
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Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
Diane’s background is not one of an educator, but as an Auditor
showingher a love of “digging”. In 1980 when shetook up
the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “she was in
Dianehaswitnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
She actually began her Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on tothe push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the indoctrination of our children with the Common Core State Standards.
Diane does at times branch out into other topics important to Americans and the preservation of America. Her special projects are Charter Schools, Child Abuse, Abortions and Human Trafficking.
Diane is married to her high school sweetheart/very best friend and they have a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and three great-grandsons so you can readily understand why she chose Education or the “lack thereof” and the world’s danger to our children as her passion.
She maintains 5 web sites, belongs to manydifferent groups, has a blog site and is also very active in the Fraternal Order of Eagles.