By Diane Kepus
March 4, 2017
When Will It Ever Stop?
Just what in the heck have all those Republicans been doing up there in D.C. for the past 8 years except passing unnecessary and citizen damaging bills to provide themselves job security.
You told your voters you didn't like Obamacare but YOU didn't have to participate. You told your voters YOU didn't try to put something through in regard to Obamacare because Obama would have vetoed it.
only knows what kind of excuse you have for not being willing to "impeach"
Obama considering the crimes he committed against the people of this
country. Do you legislators not consider yourselves as part of this
Paul Ryan, what an absolutely wasteful human being. He never, ever should have been elected as the Speaker of the House for having taken all that money to vote yes on the TPP.
You wasteful idiots who are using up good air to breathe work for us - the American people and I can guarantee it would take half as many of us to run this country than with how you are doing things.
I totally agree with Senator Rand Paul and his remarks regarding "Obamacare Lite". What an absolute joke you people are and a waste of our hard-earned tax dollars.
Paul seems to think there are four major problems with the bill and I agree with him, but I believe there are others.
1. It retains subsidies. Obamacare was filled with subsidies for people to buy insurance. In "Lite", the subsidies stay —- you know, they rebranded them like with Common Core and they are going to call them refundable tax credits. Some have even predicted that it’s going to be more expensive than the subsidies we have under Obamacare.
Did I miss something or isn't the high cost of Obamacare one of the main reason it has failed?
As Rand Paul explained, "this isn’t you getting your own money back, this is you getting somebody else’s money. So, a family that makes $30,000 a year could get $14,000 that they didn’t pay. Let’s say they paid zero in income tax, they could get $14,000 back. One, we don’t have the money—it’s a new entitlement program and two, if you get $14,000 back do you think the insurance company is ever going to sell insurance for less than $14,000?" The $14K would become the starting point and would push insurance rates up.
I know people who have $1K and $2K dollar deductible's and no major illness. We all knew there was no rhyme or reason as to how people have been paying premiums.
2. What Ryan's Obamacare Lite bill does is they keep the Obamacare taxes—all of them—for a year. And then after a year, they keep the Cadillac Tax forever. That’s the tax on if you have good insurance, Obamacare taxes you on that too. So, does Ryan’s monster plan.
3. They are also keeping the individual mandates. All these Republicans who are endorsing this mess said they were against the individual mandates. If you didn’t buy insurance you must pay a penalty to the government, which is nothing more than another tax.
Obamacare Lite, Ryan’s recklessly selfish plan, just made a few changes so you have to pay a penalty to the insurance companies. That is still a mandate no matter how you want to twist the words.
They are not handing something that is less with less government involvement. How did all this talk about getting the government out of our everyday lives" get changed around to be all consuming?
I consider that to still be a mandate that isn’t consistent with those of us who want less government involvement. So, they keep the subsidies, they keep the taxes, and then they keep the mandates.
The government doesn't bail you out if your household is failing because you had lost your job or had to take a cut in pay because your boss was going under from all the mandates and regulations the government puts on them.
Ryan thinks he is cute and has us outsmarted in calling the "bail out" "reinsurance". Don't ask where he came up with that. Estimates are it could cost we the people through our weak government more than $100 million dollars.
I also agree with Senator Paul and others that they should just repeal Obamacare and then vote on a separate bill to replace it. Why are we worried about doing anything? Obamacare was supposed to be for those who couldn't afford insurance, yet they still had to participate or pay penalties and the ones it was aimed at are either choosing to pay the penalties because it is cheaper or they say they don't need insurance.
Once again. our government getting into our lives - we want less involvement in our lives from D.C. They can stop writing all those bills which most people know nothing about and the legislators use them for job security.
We have no money because the yahoo's in D.C. have no respect for the American people that go out and work hard every day to be able to take care of their families.
When one of the legislators tells you "we must take care of the people", ask them why? Obamacare from the beginning was embedded in dishonest accounting, side winding regulations and Nancy Pelosi I defy you to disagree - you and your "vote for the bill and then you can read it".
Paul mentioned in his interview that some of the legislators said the poor people need help. What about the rest of us - there is no Middle class anymore - you all made sure of that. Wouldn't it be better to work with the insurance companies to lower the premium rate? Rand Paul said he suggested that and the other side replied, " ‘No, no we want to give them dollars for Medicaid expansion and to buy insurance with subsidies.’ The problem is there is no money to give them so we just add to the deficit. The main thing driving the deficit up here are the entitlements."
To Paul Ryan’ I say your "refundable tax credits" are just a new name for another "entitlement" program.
If the legislators in D.C. have nothing to really do and if they can't seem to find the time to think or work constructively on creating a new health care bill, maybe they could work at cleaning up the deceit and corruption.
In fact, in today's world of electronics, I'd like to know why we are still sending these men and women to D.C. Do you know how much money we would save by not having them in Washington? Why aren't they sitting in their district offices so the PEOPLE have access to them? They could have meetings, vote and whatever else they do on Skype or a secure server. They should be where the PEOPLE can reach them not the lobbyist's.
I learned today, about all the waste and I call it fraud on the American people by the IRS. $3500.00a night hotel rooms for a conference tagged as a training event? They even misappropriated the funds to pay for all the conferences.
If you legislators don't have anything to do, work on getting rid of the IRS and ALL the non-essential departments which have been created over the years and work on disassociating us from the United Nation.
You are partially responsible for creating this SWAMP, now clean it up!
by the way, they have named this new bag of worms "American Healthcare
Act" - I personally resent that since I am an American and I find
the bill a joke and I don't want it to seem like I am endorsing it.
Thank you Mr. Ryan for thinking so little of the people of this country. Not only are we expected to pay for all the low-income children to go to any school they want, we have to pay for all the welfare folks medical insurance and then you expect us to take care of illegals and refugees and YOU! You like "mandates" so much, how about this time Congress is "mandated" to have to participate in your joke insurance.
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Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficking, Researcher, Speaker
Diane’s background is not one of an educator, but as an Auditor
showing her a love of “digging”. In 1980 when she took
up the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “she was
in deep”.
Diane has witnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda/NWO to be overseen by the UN.
Diane actually began her Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that has branched out into all aspects of education - foreign and domestic (Gulen Charter schools & UN) and now includes Charter Schools with their “unelected” school boards to embracing Home Schooling.
She no longer supports any political party seeing them as George Washington did as a division within the country that is never going to be repaired if we continue on this path. Diane considers herself mostly conservative and a strong constitutionalist and Christian who believes the work of our founders which was touched by God has served us well.
Diane maintains several web sites and blogs and she also loves spending time with all the “great-grand babies”.