By Cliff
January 10, 2014
Having suffered a major setback when Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” got his job back, the gay lobby is now going for a softer target—a pro-family activist in Ohio whose book, Maybe He’s Not Gay, undercuts their recruitment efforts among kids.
Author Linda Harvey, who runs a pro-family ministry called Mission America, seems to have emerged as more of a target than Phil Robertson.
Robertson was suspended—then reinstated—from the show after making comments critical of homosexuality, some of them based on biology and the facts of life, and others on Bible passages.
The Maybe He’s Not Gaybook “seeks to tell kids the truth about homosexual behavior,” Harvey says. It explainsin a conversational tone why no one is born homosexual, the health risks associated with the lifestyle, and factors which may lead to same sex attractions.
Harvey asserts that the homosexual movement is revolutionary and designed to overturn traditional cultural values. “It’s a revolution, both inside the minds and hearts of today’s youth—and in our culture,” her book says.
In response, the pro-homosexual Huffington Post attacked the book as “potentially dangerous” because it suggests children don’t have to engage in dangerous homosexual conduct, and that parents can influence how their children turn out. The publication also claimed that Amazon had “pulled” the book in response to homosexual criticism.
But Harveytells Accuracy in Media she asked the publisher to pull her book from Amazon because it “had attracted the usual ‘gay’ mob with ad hominem attacks and even numerous review[er]s that admitted they had not read the book.”She said, “They just wanted to attack the idea of a book for kids, and me personally.”
She adds, “So once the book has been out for a while, we may put it back up on Amazon and hope to get actual reviews of thoughtful people who have read the book.”
However, in the meantime her book is available on her own website.
Last June, Harvey spoke at a press conference in front of the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign, the leading gay rights lobby, to protest the organization’s inordinate influence on the public policy debate. “Their goal is nothing less than total suppression of all opposing viewpoints,” she said.
Her book argues, “At school, in the media, in books, kids are being urged to consider whether or not they are homosexual at younger and younger ages.”
She says the “You could grow up to be gay” message is being given to children even in elementary school, “creating a lot of emotional upheaval for many” and leading some to come to the false conclusion that they are homosexual.
It’s being done “to satisfy the goals of adults who want to change society through kids,” Harvey says. “Get people to accept homosexuality at a young age, and a small group of people can revolutionize the world. Trouble is, kids aren’t getting the whole story and the facts. In my opinion, they are being set up.”
The “revolutionary” aspect is apparent in that Harry Hay, a member of the Communist Party USA and supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, founded the homosexual movement in the U.S.
“As a mother,” Harvey writes, “I especially want children to gain understanding about critical issues at the right time. To withhold information from young people, or worse, be intentionally deceptive, is a profound betrayal when adults ought to have the best interests of children at heart.”
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In terms of those adults, the gay lobby, which is heavily funded by Hollywood and the media, reacted with dismay and outrage to Phil Robertson being reinstated on the “Duck Dynasty” show, which is carried by the A&E cable channel.
The reinstatement occurred because hundreds of thousands—perhaps millions—demanded it. Visitors to one site—www.mailtheduck.com—had a free, personalized, camouflage postcard with the message, “You Can’t Camouflage Anti-Christian Bigotry. Reinstate Phil!” sent to A&E.
Robertson’s company, Duck Commander, a maker of duck calls and other products, declared “Fan Appreciation Month” in response to the outpouring of support.
© 2014 Cliff Kincaid - All Rights Reserved
Cliff Kincaid, a veteran journalist and media critic, Cliff concentrated in journalism and communications at the University of Toledo, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Cliff has written or co-authored nine books on media and cultural affairs and foreign policy issues. One of Cliff's books, "Global Bondage: The UN Plan to Rule the World" is still awailable.
Cliff has appeared on Hannity & Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, Crossfire and has been published in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Chronicles, Human Events and Insight.
Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s
Survival, Inc.
E-Mail: cliff.kincaid@aim.org