Seven Deadly Sins of Public Education

By R.C. Murray
November 16, 2007
old proverb recently came to mind, causing me Google the phrase,
�give a man a fish.� It�s a Chinese proverb, but it is not
a Communist Chinese proverb:
a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you
feed him for a lifetime.�
reason I�m so sure it�s not a Communist Chinese proverb is that one
of the major tenets of a socialist/communist society is to strongly
discourage independent thinking and self-sufficiency. Schools in Communist
China are not designed to produce well-educated, independent-thinking
and self-reliant citizens. Guess what? America�s public schools aren�t
designed for that purpose either.
150 years ago, nearly 80% of Americans were self-employed. Today that
figure is about 10%. About 150 years ago, over 85% of Americans were
educated at home or in one-room, church-affiliated, community schoolhouses,
and America�s literacy rate was over 95%. Today, 85% of American children
are �schooled� [as opposed to educated] in public schools,
and barely 60% of Americans can be called literate.
Do you see a pattern here?
back to give a man a fish and think about it. If you give a
hungry man a fish but don�t teach him how to catch a fish, he�ll be
hungry tomorrow and probably come back to the source of free
fish. Make him dependent on you as the source for free meals, and
he�ll be indebted � enslaved � to you. It sounds simple, but
it�s more complicated than that.
devils who are giving away allegorical fish but discouraging/preventing
most Americans from learning to fish are the ones I referred
to as Principals of Newspeak in a previous article, The
Seven Deadly Sins of Public Education. Some folks thought
this English teacher was using the wrong homonym, so I thought I�d
better explain why I deliberately used a play on words to describe
the principal malefactors who�ve been using George Orwell�s Principles
of Newspeak to dumb down and control Americans. If you�d like
a scholarly explanation, read Dean Gotcher�s paper, The
Dialectic and Praxis: Diaprax and the End of the Ages. My
less-than-scholarly explanation follows:
Our knowledge is the sum of our experiences, which includes our
experiences in the classroom [book knowledge] and life
itself. If academia can limit our experiences, they can
limit our knowledge. Public schools were thus designed to control
academic [and biblical] knowledge. I don�t have space for
a thorough history here, so I�ll refer you to the best source
on the history of public education, former New York public school
Teacher of the Year, John Taylor Gatto�s The
Underground History of American Education. If you must,
cut to the chase and go to Chapter Eight�s subchapter, entitled
�German Mind Science.� From kindergarten to grad school,
American academia doesn�t even try to educate a generation
of free-thinking, independent Americans. That�s why our colleges
have become cesspools of liberal ideology and anti-Christian,
anti-American nutcases.
Business. Americans used to educate their children with middle
class work ethics and moral values, a tradition that continued,
at least at first, when compulsory public schooling began.
Teachers then were primarily from middle class, Christian families.
But the very, very rich [i.e., Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan,
Peabody, Ford, Vanderbilt and others] felt threatened by the growing
middle class. Carnegie and Rockefeller were so concerned, they
bought control of local schools from their perspective states.
Schools were �purchased� via land grant incentives and money for
textbooks [dumbed down textbooks] and teacher colleges,
etc. Eventually, their control of schools was passed on to the
federal government, which they also owned. Again, I refer you
to John Gatto�s book, Charlotte Iserbyt�s the deliberate
dumbing down of america, David Kupelian�s The Marketing of
Evil or David Rivera�s paper, Final
Warning: A History of the New World Order. If you think
it�s not all about money, your independent thinking skills have
been seriously hampered. See Academia.
Industry. Americans used to read profusely � newspapers, novels,
and especially the Bible. Reading, family meals and worship services
were our primary entertainment. Not anymore. A whole industry
has evolved to stop us from musing by amusing us. Like our schools,
they feed our emotions and starve our minds.
We get their selective �headline� news from an electronic box.
For many Americans, sports are the very center of their lives,
but they�re not playing a sport and thereby getting the benefit
of physical exercise. Even hunting and fishing have become
spectator sports! [Every Saturday I watch some vegan throw
back perfectly good fish.]
o Although very few people waste their money on them, movies
about sodomite cowboys get rave reviews and awards. Television
gets better results. Most TV programming consists of vulgar sit-coms,
unrealistic reality shows and dumb detective dramas � nothing
for the mind.
o Comedy is especially effective in promoting the homosexual
agenda. Gay and lesbian actors and talk show hosts have hours
of air time to brainwash Americans into accepting their perverted
lifestyle because Bible-ignorant Americans no longer know that
the God their parents believed in and obeyed considers
homosexuality an abomination.
With the same rhetorical skills I talked about in a previous article,
It�s Just an Act, entertainers
manipulate the masses into seeing the world their way, even to
the point of convincing them to give up politically incorrect
albeit constitutional rights.
Courts & Bureaucracies. Supreme Court decisions in 1962, 1963
and 1980 didn�t take god [lower case] out of public schools. Religion
� Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and especially Humanism
� are still quite welcome. It�s Christ and Christianity they don�t
want. For over 60 years, our courts have been stacked with anti-Christian
liberals and neo-con internationalists who disregard the
Constitution and legislate from the bench. These un-elected tyrants
are re-writing the Constitution and will soon outlaw the Bible,
but history-ignorant Americans don�t realize it. Rights never
granted to the federal government have been stolen from the states
and citizens [i.e., freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
private gun ownership, education, etc.], and rights never
mentioned in the Constitution have become law [i.e., right to
commit murder in a doctor�s office or sodomy in public]. To enforce
these judicial laws, a myriad of bureaucracies were created [i.e.,
AFT, CDC, EPA, CPSC, FDA, FEMA, IRS, OSHA, VA, Homeland Security,
Department of Education, etc.]. To understand how the courts
and bureaucracies work hand-in-hand to control us, I suggest an
article by Virginia Birt Baker called Public
Schools, Home Schools, and Private Schools. Without a
third political party that�s totally dedicated to restoring our
Constitutional [hint, hint] Republic, it really doesn�t matter
who holds the most seats in Congress or who lives in the White
House. This country is ruled by the unelected.
Media. It�s the news media that explains to the ignorant masses
what is is. They decide what is newsworthy
and what is not, covering only those stories that support their
pro-abortion, homomaniac agenda and ignoring those stories that
might hurt their cause or reveal the debauchery of their comrades
(i.e., gay pride parades in which nude men and women openly perform
perverted sex acts in public or chant �we want your children�
as they pound on the doors of a church). Whether it�s a TV or
radio news network, newspaper or magazine, the news media as a
whole has the notorious reputation of pre-selecting, pasteurizing
and propagating their own warped version of the truth, thus fulfilling
the role of George Orwell�s Ministry
of Truth.
[as opposed to Christian] Organizations, Balaamites & Mega-Churches.
Go back to the fish proverb and instead of fish, think
in terms of bread. The Israelites were made to wander in
the desert for 40 years. God fed them bread from heaven or manna,
enough food for a day. He was teaching them to depend solely on
Him for food but not just food, for as He told them in Deut. 8:3,
��man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord�� Please note
that modern bibles, all based on 4th century manuscripts from
Gnostic headquarters, Alexandria, Egypt, record Jesus, the
Bread of Life, quoting only half this verse in Matthew 4:4
and Luke 4:4. Why? Someone doesn�t want you to understand the
full meaning of the verse. We should depend on God and
God alone. Big Brother now tells us to depend on him,
that he�ll take care of us from the cradle to the grave. With
an almost religious fervor, we�re told to show our unquestioned
patriotism to Big Brother. This fervor is not only supported by
the liberal mega-churches and pseudo-Christian organizations [i.e.,
NCC, WCC] but by many evangelical and fundamentalist churches.
Like that Old Testament prophet for profit, church leaders are
selling us out to the god [lower case] of this world. Each year
seminaries turn out thousands of Balaamite preachers who
know more theology than Bible and teach [not preach] feel-good
messages that invite all [except Bible-believers] to join
their universal church. Are you a member? Please review Pastor
Chuck Baldwin�s recent articles, American Pastors: Preachers
of Truth or Promoters of Tyranny or The Church
in Apostasy, or get a copy of any of the following books:
Late Great Evangelical Church, The
Coming Destruction of the Baptist People, One
Book Stands Alone, Things
That Are Different Are Not The Same and New
Age Bible Versions.
Subversive Organizations. These are the demons who support the
devils above, sometimes overtly but usually subversively. Here
are just a few:
ACLU. The anti-Christian liberals union exists for the
sole purpose of legally opposing your freedom of religion and
the free exercise thereof.
CFR. The council on foreign relations was organized by
international elitists who created the UN with the sole purpose
of subverting U.S. sovereignty with treaties beneficial to socialist/communist
and third world countries.
o NEA/AFT. The teachers� unions have one purpose
� maintain control of public schools and the minds of your children.
Education is not part of their agenda.
o PP. This group�s planned infanticide ensures the
abortion industry suffers no financial losses by claiming the
earth, which is capable of sustaining a human population of over
50 billion, cannot sustain its current population of six billion.
I haven�t used the word conspiracy in this article. These principals
don�t have to conspire with each other. They all work for the same
superintendent, whom the Bible calls by many names. I call him Big
as writer/activist Barbara Peterson suggests, it�s time we took lessons
from that old fisherman, Henry
David Thoreau. If only Americans would stand up for what we say
we believe as Thoreau did in 1849. I heard a story of how he was jailed
once for protesting the institution of slavery [like the institutions
abortion and public schools]. A friend visited him at the jailhouse
window and asked him what he was doing �in there.� Henry�s reply was,
�On the contrary, what are you doing out there?�
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you�re content receiving free fish, please stay outside. But
if you prefer freedom, and you�re really opposed to slavery, join
the fray.
Murray is a disabled veteran and former public school teacher. He left
a good job as a technical writer for a satellite manufacturer in order
to teach high school English, only to immediately be told he could not
expect, much less require his students to read their literature assignments.
After four years of fighting The System and having a stroke then a mini-stroke,
he decided he was safer in the airborne infantry and returned to being
a technical writer for a military contractor.
has also dedicated the rest of his life to exhorting parents about what�s
really going on in their local public school, the one they think is a
good school. R.C. Murray is the author of two books, Golden Knights: History
of the U.S. Army Parachute Team and most recently, Legally
STUPiD: Why Johnny doesn�t have to read.
Website: www.voicefromthepews.com
E-Mail: bakea3@aol.com
I haven�t used the word conspiracy in this article. These principals
don�t have to conspire with each other. They all work for the same superintendent,
whom the Bible calls by many names. I call him Big Brother.
