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By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.  

April 29, 2002 


The Florida Forum Editor's note: This is a particularly important article to understand some of the disruptive forces which have altered our way of life in America. The socialists clearly point out that this was their goal. Few people understand the Socialist's role or goal in the establishment of the Smithsonian Institute. The underlying Socialist/globalist interconnections of various movements in our society are rarely understood, and we owe Dr. Cuddy a deep debt of gratitude for his tireless efforts to inform our society of these interconnections, and the impact of such movements upon our lives. The dates of these movements show that the Socialists movement in the U.S. is not new, nor without influence.


The impression of most Americans regarding Indiana is that it is a rather typical midwestern state. Historically, however, it is much different. The first commune in America was founded in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825 by British Socialist Robert Owen and his son, Robert Dale Owen, with Robert Owen stating: "I am come to this country to introduce an entire new order of society"


In 1829, Robert Dale Owen and others formed the Working-Man's Party in New York, and its "great object was to get rid of Christianity, and to convert our churches into halls of science."  This was according to Robert Dale Owen's partner in the effort, Orestes Brownson, who later converted to Christianity and exposed their earlier plot. Brownson went on to say that "one of the principal movers of the scheme had no mean share in organizing the Smithsonian Institute."  The Smithsonian Institute was established through the efforts of Robert Dale Owen as an Indiana Congressman. 


One of the ways that science was to undermine Christianity was through the theory of evolution (prominent at the Smithsonian) as proposed by Charles Darwin beginning in the 1850's. Darwin's first cousin was Francis Galton, who coined the term "eugenics," which he promoted and which included sterilization of "the unfit."  At the end of the 1800s, many people in Indiana were being sterilized, so much so that even the Nazi doctors during the later Nuremberg trials after World War II referred to "the Indiana procedure."


David Starr Jordan was president of Indiana University from 1885 to 1891. He later was founding president of Stanford University, founder of the radical environmental group called the Sierra Club, and he was a member of Society for Psychical Research.  At Indiana University, Jordan taught a course called "Bionomics," and when he went to Stanford, he took with him his prize pupil, Elwood Cubberly, who would become the Dean of the School of Education at Stanford. In 1915, the Education Trust was formed to control American education through the placement of politically correct "progressive educators" across the land. Cubberly was a leader in this regard, and David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot in Managers of Virtue wrote that Cubberly has "an educational Tammany Hall." The same year the Educational Trust was formed, 1915, Jordan was president of the National Education Association.


About the same time, the New York City Board of Education was adopting "The Gary Plan," named for the "innovative" educational system of Gary, Indiana, introduced by William Wirt of that city, who had been hired by the New York City Board of Education as an "expert" educational consultant. Judge John Hylan successfully ran for mayor of New York City opposing this plan, stating on March 26, 1922: "One of my first acts as Mayor was to pitch out, bag and baggage, from the educational system of our city the Rockefeller agents and the Gary plan of education to fit the children for the mill and factory."


On April 11, 1933, Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason assured foundation trustees that in their program, "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control, ...the control of human behavior." In this same month, Birth Control Review featured an article by Nazi official Dr. Ernst Rudin on eugenics. Rudin was curator of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, which for many years was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. And less than a year later, in a February 1934 "progress report" by one of the Rockefeller Foundation's division heads, one finds the statement: "Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men?" (See The Circuit Rider: Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern Science by Gerald Jonas, 1989.) After the Second World War, the Rockefeller Foundation would also fund the establishment of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations to see if the kind of social psychiatry developed by the army during wartime could be relevant for civilian society.


Two years after Mason's statement to the trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, sexologist Alfred Kinsey was well into research and writing about sexuality. And in 1938, Indiana University president Herman Wells approved Kinsey's course there on marriage. Kinsey's research into sexuality expanded, and in 1941, he began to receive funding from Alan Gregg, Rockefeller Foundation medical director, who would also fund the establishment of Tavistock.


The year that Gregg began to look for an organization to fund that would examine wartime social psychiatry's application to civil society was 1945, which is the same year that Hermann Muller began his long career at Indiana University in the Zoology Department, which was where Kinsey was also located. Kinsey's perverted sex research is well-documented in Judith Reisman's Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences. And in her book, one reads that "on February 4, 1933, when Hitler formally assumed power, Muller wrote to Henry Allen Moe, Secretary of The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in New York, seeking a 'fellowship reneeeral.' Muller explained that he had been working on 'artificial production of mutations...visiting other (Nazi) investigators, planning new experiments.' He continues: "it has now become evident to me ...that a second year of the fellowship would be invaluable....(Earlier) I stayed in Munich, where I acquainted myself with the genetic work of the Zoological Institut, and of the Institut fur Psychiatrie, under Dr. Rudin, whose very comprehensive material offers a rich field for the study of mutations in man, and of their inheritance.'"


In former Fabian Socialist H. G. Wells' 1928 book, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution, Wells wrote about "the supreme importance of population control," and he stated that "there is the clear hope that directed (human) breeding will come within man's scope." Hermann Muller believed in selective breeding, and in September 1932, he began  work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute in Berlin (Rockefeller-funded), and continued there for a year (under the Nazis), until he went to the Soviet Union from 1934 to 1937. After he began work at Indiana University in 1945, he received Rockefeller funding via the National Research Council. From 1955 to 1959, he was president of the American Humanist Association, and in 1963 he was named "Humanist of the Year," all the while still at Indiana University.


During the 1950's, while Kinsey and Muller were conducting their research at Indiana University, Eli Lilly & Co. of Indianapolis in 1953 was "making up a batch of LSD for the CIA," according to John Marks in The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" The CIA and Mind Control (N. Y. Times Books, 1979). Marks further wrote that "the CIA generally presided over the LSD scene during the 1950s." Today, the Lilly Endowment supports religion, education, and community development, giving a great deal of money to such organizations as Planned Parenthood and the Center for Population Options. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had edited Birth Control Review (which she began) mentioned earlier, and she was a close friend of John D. Rockefeller.


Concerning education today, Indiana University is a promoter of global education. In the 1980s, the School of Education at Indiana University submitted four International Module/Field Test Edition course booklets developed under the auspices of the "Internationalizing Teacher Education Project," which aimed to infuse international perspectives into selected courses that serve as requirements in the preparation program for elementary teachers. Then over the next 3 years, the project worked to internationalize 13 required courses.


© Dennis L. Cuddy All Rights Reserved



Dennis Laurence Cuddy has a Ph.D in American History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has taught in the public schools and at the university level, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education, as well as a political analyst for an international consulting firm. He has 16 published books and booklets, and articles in journals such as The Lincoln Review and The Australian Journal of Politics and History. Other articles of his have been printed mostly in major American daily newspapers about 500 times over the past decade. Two of these articles have won awards in the annual Amy Writing Awards, which promote biblical values in the secular press. Dr. Cuddy has also been a guest on radio talk shows in various parts of the nation, such as ABC-Radio in New York City. And he has also been a guest on the national television program "USA Today" and CBS' "Nightwatch." 


Dennis L. Cuddy's Books;  "NEA Grab For Power"  "Secret Records Revealed"  "Now Is The Dawning Of The New Age NEW WORLD ORDER"  and  "The Globalists; The Power Elite Exposed"  Can be purchased through Walter Publishing by calling 1-800-955-0116  

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