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By Graham Strachan  

May 5, 2002 


In the book ’22 Steps to Global Tyranny’ (p.79), I quote Frederico Mayer, Director-General of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as saying that one of the aims of globalism and UNESCO is to bring about “the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind.” Translating the globo-speak, that means everybody in the world must be conditioned to think the same things and hold the same set of values.

This goal is to be achieved through mass social conditioning and behavior modification programmes with on-going monitoring and correction, along the lines suggested by behavioral psychologist B.F.Skinner in his book ‘Beyond Freedom and Dignity’. It is to take place under the banner of promoting and maintaining ‘mental health’, where the meaning of ‘mental health’ has been expanded to include “how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life’s people look at themselves, their lives, and the other people in their lives ...and explore choices,” (quoting UNESCO).

Psychological assessments are planned for young and old, which will identify who might be ‘at risk’ of not meeting the required mental health standards. Says UNESCO, “Mental health policies should enable all individuals whose mental health is disturbed, or whose psychological balance may be compromised, to obtain services adapted to their needs, and to promote the optimal development of the mental health of the population.” In other words, this is mass social conditioning under the guise of ‘optimising the mental health of populations’.

Implementing these grossly totalitarian measures was never going to be easy. UNESCO started out by promoting voluntary programmes with friendly names like Healthy Start, Healthy People, Healthy Communities and Healthy Cities. Canberra, where many of Australia’s global totalitarians operate on the national payroll, has had a Healthy Cities programme since 1987. But progress was slow. Since 9-11, however, the globalists have become much bolder, and have figured out a way to slip these measures into the Australian community without raising too many eyebrows: by targeting a group that is in no position to object because it is dependent upon the state for assistance – the unemployed.

Job seekers are now to be screened for mental disorders by staff psychologists at Centrelink (unemployment) offices [Mental test for jobless, Sunday Telegraph, 28 April 2002]. According to Centrelink’s national manager, “The initiative will provide Centrelink customers with much greater access to a professional service to assist them reach their potential and enhance their participation in the community.” These words are almost identical to those used by UNESCO. Translated, they mean that the unemployed will now have to submit to compulsory psychological testing, and those deemed to have ‘problems’ will be obliged to undergo taxpayer-funded treatment with follow-up counseling.

According to Centrelink’s national manager, this will create “exciting new employment opportunities for both recently graduated and experienced psychologists.” You bet it will, which is precisely why nobody will object to this gross infringement of individual rights. According to the corporatist mindset, now part of the culture, if it creates jobs who cares about rights?

The mastermind behind this is Australia’s Family and Community Services Minister, Amanda Vanstone. The victims, whom Vanstone and Centrelink management insist on calling ‘customers’, will include not only dole bludgers but innocents thrown out of work through global corporate downsizing – which could include anybody. Those unfortunate enough to find themselves in that situation will now be subjected to the indignity of obligatory psychological testing, and to having their profile entered, along with the rest of their private information, into the central government data bank.

It gets worse: they will then be assigned their very own government parasite – a personal adviser who will plan and coordinate their ongoing monitoring and correction programme. According to Ms. Vanstone, “Personal advisors will work with specialists, both internal and external, in order to select the most appropriate pathway and services for the customer.”

But these people are not ‘customers’; the word ‘customer’ implies voluntarism. The target group in this case has no choice, and the ‘pathway’ being sign-posted by Vanstone is the pathway to global tyranny.


© Graham Strachan All Rights Reserved




Born in Queensland, Australia, in 1941, Graham graduated in Science from the University of Queensland in 1965, and went into Animal Husbandry research. After a few years, he joined a large corporation as a personnel/safety and training officer, then a multinational consulting firm where he trained, then worked as a production management consultant, putting costing and incentive schemes into factories, helping large companies establish operator training departments, and the like.

In his forties he went back to university, this time the University of New South Wales, and obtained a law degree while moonlighting as a pianist in Sydney clubs. He was admitted as a barrister in NSW (1984) and Queensland (1985), and practised for a while from chambers in George Street Brisbane.

After another stint at music, he set about researching, writing and self-publishing books on globalisation and world affairs. Out of the books came offers of speaking engagements, and today Graham devotes his time to writing and speaking.  Web Site: 


