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By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
October 21, 2014
© 2014

A number of black Christian pastors and church leaders on Thursday slammed the United States Supreme Court justices for turning down a case that would once and for all settle the dispute and divisiveness created by the issue of same-sex marriage. The National Coalition of Black Pastors and Christian Leaders characterized the court's decision -- "not to hear the case" and send it back to the lower courts -- as cowardice on the part of the nine members of the nation's highest court.

Unfortunately, white Christian pastors have been mostly silent, except for a few such as Chuck Baldwin and Doug Giles, according to Samuel Jenkins a church elder from New Jersey. “This court is on the verge of re-defining marriage and yet most churches ignore it,” said Jenkins.

On Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court simply stated that it would not review cases which overturned state laws of five states defining marriage as exclusively the union of one man and one woman. The African American Christian group was disappointed that the court gave no explanation for its seemingly arbitrary decision.

The very next day, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, arguably the most far-left federal court in the nation, overturned two traditional marriage laws, one in the state of Idaho, the other in Nevada. In their press release on Thursday, the Christian group said, "As a result of the decisions this week, 32 states are potentially forced to recognize so called “same-sex marriage” by edict of unelected federal judges holding life-time appointments."

However, the members of the National Coalition of Black Pastors and Christian Leaders, a client of the Thomas More Law Center, a public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, promised the news media and the American people that these African American church leaders would press on and fight for the traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

"While the mainstream news media -- who act as the propaganda machine for gay and lesbian groups -- attempts to portray opponents of same-sex marriage as being elderly, white Republicans, the truth is that a overwhelming majority of blacks and Latinos oppose anything but traditional marriage. It's only in the white community in which you find most of the support for same-sex marriage," notes political strategist and attorney Victor Rygardt.

Rygardt claims that one of the disturbing trends within much of the news media is the simplistic "good guys vs. bad guys" scenario. "Agenda-driven ideologues masquerading as journalists portray supporters of gay and lesbian marriages as the victimized good guys battling the evil and intolerant mob of Christians and Jews who oppose such concepts," he said. "The fact is that the nation's political leaders, the courts and the bureaucrats who run the country are supporters of same-sex marriage, so it is the Christian pastors who are David battling the all-powerful Goliath -- the political leaders and their media mouthpieces," he added.

One of the Black Coalition members, Pastor Danny Holliday, of Victory Baptist Church in Alton, Illinois, told the news media: “Just as the Supreme was all wrong on slavery, which resulted in the Civil War, it is all wrong on legalizing same-sex marriage. I have seen prayer removed from schools, Christmas Nativity Scenes removed from public property. I have watched as the words Merry Christmas have become taboo. I have watched the news as we were told that Courts have ruled that crosses were now illegal on Government property, many of them in place since the World Wars.”

Janet Boynes, a Christian evangelist and author of the book "Arise," also expressed disappointment in the Court’s ruling not to hear the cases, “It is a sad day when the Supreme Court, in its own way, comes out in support of gay marriage by refusing to hear our appeals.” Ms. Boynes admits to being a former lesbian.

In addition, Christian Minister Stacy Swimp of Revive Alive Missional Ministry, said, “The Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the marriage protection appeals is both disappointing and alarming. By its decision not to hear these cases, the Court appears to advance an anti-Christian agenda which in this case will ultimately lead to the disintegration of the family as ordained by God.”

Former lesbian Ms. Boynes also cautioned Americans: “The Generations to come will suffer the consequences of our poor choices. So many people are clueless about who they are and who God has created them to be. But, there is too much at stake for us to throw in the towel. We must rise up and fulfill the call that God has placed on us as a body of Christ. Our future as a nation depends on it!”

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During a Sept. 23, 2014 press conference, officials from the Thomas More Law Center unveiled their legal strategy to legally encounter the growing number of "rulings by lawyers wearing black robes" which have overturned state laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. According to Mike Baker, what's even more disturbing is the Department of Justice is not fighting the states that are redefining the definition of marriage as stipulated in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

According to officials with the Thomas More Law Center, a legal team of top-notch attorneys is filing a micus briefs (friend-of-the-court brief) across the United States supporting traditional marriage as the representatives of the National Coalition of Black Pastors and Christian leaders. Their legal briefs reflect the view of a majority of African-Americans: "[T]hat discrimination because of one’s sexual preference is not the same thing as racial discrimination and that tradition and morality should not be discarded as a basis of the law; as the pro-homosexual judges have done in their opinions."

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Former lesbian Ms. Boynes also cautioned Americans: “The Generations to come will suffer the consequences of our poor choices. So many people are clueless about who they are and who God has created them to be. But, there is too much at stake for us to throw in the towel. We must rise up and fulfill the call that God has placed on us as a body of Christ. Our future as a nation depends on it!”