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By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
November 25, 2014
© 2014

Islamic terrorists from Somalia hijacked a bus in President Barack Obama's ancestral home of Kenya on Saturday and fired a barrage of bullets at any of the passengers who were unable to quote "scripture" from the Koran. At least 28 people died in the brutal attack, many believed to be Christians, according to Gerald Kantner, a former police training officer who trained foreign law enforcement officials in counterterrorism tactics.

While this latest attack received an enormous amount of media coverage overseas, the U.S. news media gave the incident scant coverage. Some believe the reason for the lack of U.S. coverage is the fact that members of President Obama's Kenyan family are allegedly Muslim extremists who practice radical Sunni Islam, which they share with al-Qaida and its branches and affiliates.

The bus had about 70 passengers who were on their way to the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi from a town adjacent to the Somali-Kenyan border. After traveling only about 15 miles from the town of Mandera, terrorists from Somalia's al-Qaida affiliate, Al Shabaab, forced the bus driver to stop boarded the already overcrowded vehicle.

According to reports, the terrorists demanded selected passengers to recite Koran verses. Anyone unable to recite the verses verbatim was immediately shot to death execution-style while the other passengers helplessly watched.

"The background I had from my early childhood in Indonesia helped me get to know them and learn from them and to me Muslims are not to be looked upon as something strange. In my experiences up until college a Muslim was no less exotic to me than a Mormon, a Jew, or a Jehovah's Witness." - Barack Hussein Obama letter.

Al-Shabaab's leader admitted his group's attack in a statement, claiming it was vengeance for several police raids on Kenyan mosques during the week. The terrorist leader also admitted that those bus passengers executed were Christians.

"Security agencies are in pursuit of the criminal gang," Kenyan Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku said in a statement. He later claimed that police helicopters and military jets attacked the Al Shabaab camp near the country's border with the war torn and politically dysfunctional Somalia.

The remains of the departed were taken from the bus and brought to Nairobi. The Kenyan Red Crossprovided assistance to victims' family members as well as the survivors of the terrorists' bus attack, said the Kenya Red Cross secretary-general, Abbas Gullet.

The bus attack was allegedly retaliation for the police raids of mosques in the port city of Mombasa after they recovered a cache of weapons and explosives in a Sunni mosque. Those searches also prompted clashes with Muslim youths in that city, which is Kenya's second-largest.

According to the Islamic Research Foundation International (IRFI), at one time President Obama was transparent about his Muslim heritage, as he stated in an IRFI-recovered letter written by Obama:

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"Yes, it is true that I have a name that is common amongst Kenyan Muslims where my father came from and that my middle name is Hussein. Barack is a name which means 'blessing' and Hussein is a masculine form of the word beauty. Since there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of blessings from God and the beauty He creates I fail to see the problem with these names. Some will say wouldn't it be a problem to have a president with a name similar to the deposed and executed former dictator of Iraq? My answer to this is simply no; rather it is the strength and beauty of America that the son of an African man with a 'funny sounding' name, born under British Colonial Rule, can now be a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States."

Obama's letter ends: "This is what I will bring to the office of the Presidency of the United States. I will deal with Muslims from a position of familiarity and respect and at this time in the history of our nation that is something sorely needed ."

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The bus attack was allegedly retaliation for the police raids of mosques in the port city of Mombasa after they recovered a cache of weapons and explosives in a Sunni mosque. Those searches also prompted clashes with Muslim youths in that city, which is Kenya's second-largest.