NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
February 18, 2015
© 2015
While Republicans and Democrats in both houses of the U.S. Congress continue to battle over President Barack Obama's immigration enforcement -- or non-enforcement -- an "Inside the Beltway" legal group released a report that further casts suspicion on border security directives issued by the White House.
The latest report from the nonpartisan, public-interest group Judicial Watch alleges that the Obama administration ordered members of the Customs and Border Security bureau -- who are tasked with protecting life and property at arguably the most active and crime-infested regions near the U.S. border with Mexico -- to cease arresting drunk drivers. Judicial Watch points to an internal government memo that also concedes an officer who elects to detain them is “acting within the course and scope of his employment.”
by Judicial Watch, the internal memorandum titled, “Enforcement
Options With Alcohol-Impaired Drivers,” directs U.S. Border Patrol
agents deployed
in the Tucson,
Arizona sector to turn loose anyone caught driving under the influence
(DUII) and “allow them to go on their way.” The memo, however,
does acknowledge it may appear to be a strange directive for Border
Patrol agents. The memo, quoted by officials with Judicial Watch, reads:
"If you allow this driver to continue down the road and they kill
someone, aren’t you liable?” The answer is no, according
to the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo. There is no legal
requirement for a Border Patrol agent to intervene in a state crime,
including DUI."
The Obama administration's Border Patrol directive offers another scenario: state or local law enforcement officers (LEOs) requesting the apprehension of a suspected DUI driver. Judicial Watch again quotes the memo: “There is no duty to detain the alcohol-impaired individual, but if you do this option can raise potential liability for the agent and the agency.” The internal memo also states that U.S. Border Patrol policy is to cooperate with local and state law enforcement officers who alert of suspected violations under state law.
"[The Border Patrol's] primary mission is to protect the nation by reducing the likelihood that dangerous people and capabilities slip into the country through our many ports of entry. It’s beyond belief that the Obama administration has asked the federal officers tasked with this important duty to turn the other way when they encounter a drunk driver," Judicial Watch stated in his own report.
"This is outrageous when you consider that American citizens suspected of driving while intoxicated may be stopped, arrested, tested, jailed and dragged before a judge, but illegal aliens get a 'get out of jail free card' thanks to a radical president and a radical administration," said former police sergeant Hugh Tilliary.
Border Patrol agents are charged with protecting the nation's sovereignty, enforcing immigration laws and protecting the U.S. from those who enter the homeland with the intention of causing harm to the nation and the American people. But it seems that instead aiding and supporting enforcement agents, Obama and his administration's officials believe that it's much more important to find the means to garner more complaints against these federal law enforcement officers as well as opening them up to ridicule.
Recently, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, D-Illinois, one of the main activists seeking amnesty for Latino illegal immigrants, actually called U.S. Border Patrol agents "the Gestapo." On Friday, he was joined by eight of his Democratic colleagues at a press conference held to announce a tour will include workshops and other activities "to educate [illegal] immigrants and the broader community about the President’s executive actions on immigration. The goal is to prepare families to apply for relief from deportation when applications are available later this year. My Democratic colleagues and I want families who fear deportation to know that we have their back.”
"The National Border Patrol Council is dismayed and disappointed that the administration continues to focus on supporting the agendas of extreme pro-illegal immigration groups instead of advocating for additional resources and training for agents and quick implication of a fair compensation system," say Judicial Watch officials.
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