NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
September 8, 2015
© 2015
multi-billionaire businessman and television star Donald Trump still
climbing in the polls measuring the popularity of Republican presidential
more than a few left-wing commentators, Democratic leaders and anti-conservative
groups are bashing the political outsider with all they've got, especially
the characterization of him being a racist. For example, during his
press conference held at New
York City's Trump Tower on Thursday, a group of illegal-immigration
advocates -- many of them believed to be Latinos -- dress in the white
garb of the hated Ku Klux Klan.
A video by citizen-journalist Ty Dixon is circulating in the nation's newsrooms -- and being ignored by most of them -- shows protesters outside of Trump's headquarters building dressed as KKK members during the political phenomenon Donald Trump’s press conference to announce he signed the Republican National Committee’s loyalty pledge. The document, which he displayed to his loyal followers and to the news reporters stipulates that should he fail to win the Republican nomination for president, he will not run for office as a third-party candidate.
The protesters were not angry about that but they were protesting Trump’s immigration policy as was explained to them by their biased leaders and equally biased news media, such as a Spanish-language television newsman with Univision, Jorge Ramos. The KKK clad protesters held signs that said “Make America Racist Again” – a distortion of Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”
"Perhaps they forgot that one of their Democratic Party icons, the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, served as the Grand Kleagle of an active chapter of the notorious racist gang." - African American police officer
During the limited coverage of the event and the protest, news organizations such as the New York Times concentrated their coverage about an altercation between a Trump security officer and one of the protesters. A member of Trump’s security team allegedly pulled down a large blue sign reading “Trump: Make America Racist Again” that was hoisted up by protesters gathered outside Trump Plaza.
The protester, identified by the news media as Efraín Galicia, chased and attempted to tackle the security officer. In an act of self-defense, the security officer then turned and swung. As Mr. Galicia was restrained, the security officer took the sign into Trump Tower. The New York Times only focused on the protesters in street clothes and totally avoided mentioning the KKK aspect of the event. In fact, the photograph used by the Times blocked out those dressed like the KKK.
"Someone should remind the Times and others on the left that the Ku Klux Klan was a creation of Democrats after the War Between the States. Perhaps they forgot that one of their Democratic Party icons, the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, served as the Grand Kleagle of an active chapter of the notorious racist gang," said former police detective Sid Franes, an African American who admits to supporting Ben Carson, the only black running for the presidential nomination.
As far as his ideas on immigration reform, Trump's rhetoric and his plans appear to coincide with the opinions of a majority of Republicans and so-called Independents despite Republicans and Democrats in the news media who claim the majority of Americans want Obama-style amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States. And as far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting immigration-related felonies.
This week’s Rasmussen Reports national survey appears to show many Americans agree with Trump's views on border security and criminal aliens. The pollster found that 70 percent of likely GOP voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided.
Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree. Among all likely voters --- Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- 51 percent favor building a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border; 37 percent disagree, and 12% are not sure. A whopping 80 percent said that they support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; while only 11 percent are opposed and nine percent aren't sure.
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