NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
July 19, 2016
© 2016
Done under cover of all the global turmoil distractions
On Thursday, July 14, the California Board of Education adopted a framework for a new "LGBT" social studies curriculum that will have national ramifications since textbooks will be written to comply.
in second grade, students must be taught about diverse family types in
a positive way and must accept having families with children deprived
of a married mother and father is a good thing. In fourth grade they must
learn about
the redefinition of marriage and thereforemust
accept that marriage has nothing to do with children and families; it
is merely a lifestyle choice for adults. By high school the focus is on
the right to create one's own sexual identity and how people have been
doing that throughout history. So far the
curriculum sticks to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender lifestyles.
"The greatest concern is that the framework tends to normalize and reinforce things that have led to negative social and human consequences in society such as fatherlessness and children deprived of married mothers and fathers," said William B. May for the Marriage Reality Movement.
"Curricula should be evaluated by how well it promotes men and women marrying before having children, discourages conceiving children with the intention of depriving them of the fundamental right of knowing, being loved by, and being in relationship with their own mother, father or both, and helps children understand the value of true friendship that can lead to stable marriages and families rather than friendships based on sexual relationships that are presented as love."
May emphasized, "It is not enough to oppose the agenda to provide our children with a corrupted understanding of love, sexuality, marriage and family that affects the choices they make in their own lives, we must provide a positive alternative to reframe the dialogue."
"The Marriage Reality Movement starts with reintroducing love and marriage from the beginning to a culture that has forgotten its meaning. It provides parents and others with new ways of explaining the reality of marriage so the young children can understand and explain it to their friends, and it is building a new coalition to take back marriage for our children and family that is defined by clear objectives based on what we are for rather than against."
How young people understand the truth about sexual intimacy, marriage, and family influences the choices they make in their own lives. The culture is feeding them a steady diet of information that is designed to lead them away from the truth. The Marriage Reality Movement first and foremost seeks to “reintroduce” marriage at all levels of society, starting from the beginning.
The California State Board of Education unanimously approved those changes in classroom instruction on Thursday to comply with the nation’s first law requiring public schools to include prominent gay Americans and LGBT rights milestones in history classes, according to LGBTQ Nation.
The website states that updates are part of a broader overhaul of California’s history and social science curriculum. During four hours of public testimony, dozens of speakers criticized the way the framework discusses Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Japan’s use of “comfort women” during World War II, but no one objected to the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.
A young high school student, Allyson Chiu, claims she just finished 11th grade at Cupertino High School. She said the revisions would make LGBT students more comfortable. She and seven others spoke in favor of how the guidelines address gay issues.
“My classmates can solve quadratic equations or cite the elements on the periodic table. They can’t tell you who Harvey Milk was or the significance of the Stonewall Riots,” Chiu said.
The California governor has signed into law a bill that will not simply require a “gay history” curriculum. It requires a form of “indoctrination” that will label Christianity as being intolerant and bigoted, one critic says.
“The bill is not about teaching gay history. That’s what the sponsors of the bill are portraying it as. That is not the language of the bill. That is not what it does, that’s not the intent,” William B. May, head of the San Francisco-based Catholics for the Common Good, told CNA on July 15.
While the history of the gay rights movement would be covered in history books as history, he said, the bill’s curriculum standards require “bringing to the attention of students the sexuality of people in history and social studies, who happen to be gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual.”
Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law on July 14 after it passed the Democrat-controlled legislature on a largely party-line vote.
“We’re disappointed that the governor signed it,” May said. “It’s a troubling precedent for politicians to dictate what’s in textbooks.”
Democratic state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco, the bill’s author, said that teaching gay history in public schools will teach students to be more accepting of gays and lesbians.
“We should not be afraid to teach our children of the broad diversity of human experience,” Sen. Leno said, according to Fox News. “It's not going away, it's always been with us. We have different kinds of people, who are, under law, to be treated equally. Why would we not want to teach our children this?”
“It also has the effect of making sure that they are portrayed in a good light,” May counters. “It’s really an indoctrination bill that is being totally misrepresented by the politicians and by the [news] media.”
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