NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
August 25, 2016
© 2016
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee -- that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer -- is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
In fact, a former prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice was already in the process of suing President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, for inciting what amounts to a race war that led to a number of cop killings including Dallas police shootings.
founder of two top government watchdog groups -- Judicial Watch and Freedom
Watch) Larry Klayman filed the class-action lawsuit in federal court.
Klayman is seeking more than $2 billion dollars in damages from all those
named as defendants.
“That amount of damage is for everybody who's been harmed here,” Klayman told the Fox Business Network’s anchorwoman Deirdre Bolton. “It’s law enforcement across the board—whether it’s black, white or whatever color, race or creed—police have been trashed, law enforcement trashed… it’s a severe crisis. This President would like to think that he’s king, but he’s no Martin Luther King. In fact, he’s closer to Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton in terms of the way he does things.”
Klayman is also quoted as saying, “[The lawsuit] is about racial equality, it’s not about prejudice. Meaning everybody should be treated equally.”
Klayman claims that President Obama has not been representing all of the American people.
Besides this latest lawsuit, on August 8, Klayman appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia with the heartbroken parents of Benghazi victims (Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith) Charles Woods and the outspoken but ignored Pat Smith, and filed lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is in the midst of a presidential campaign.
Woods and Smith are seeking justice against Clinton for her allegedly causing the death of their sons at the hands of Libyan Islamic terrorists. They are also charging her with defamation as well as intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
Besides her allowing former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who served as a contract security agent in Libya, and Sean Smith, a foreign service officer with the State Department, to be killed by Islamists, the plaintiffs claim Clinton blamed the attack and the killings on a U.S. filmmaker's movie denigrating the Muslim religion and its leader Mohammed. She later denied she told the family members about a film and insinuated they were liars.
Upon filing suit, Klayman made a statement to the news media on behalf of the aggrieved parents of the brave men who died for their country in what the survivors call The Battle of Benghazi. "Having used a secret private email server that we now know was used to communicate with Ambassador Christopher Stevens with confidential and classified government information, and which we also now know was likely hacked by hostile adversaries such as Iran, Russia, China and North Korea aligning with terrorist groups, it is clear that Hillary Clinton negligently and recklessly gave up the classified location of the plaintiffs' sons, resulting in a deadly terrorist attack that took their lives," said Klayman.
"To add insult to deadly injury, Hillary Clinton told the plaintiffs that their sons were killed as the result of a video mocking the Islamic prophet Mohammed when she knew that they were murdered by Muslim terrorists. When the families exposed her lies, she called them liars to protect her reputation and to further her own presidential ambitions. She thus defamed the parents of fallen heroes Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith, as well committed other wrongful acts, as alleged in the complaint.," declared the experienced attorney.
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