NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
January 13, 2017
© 2017
France Taxes It's Citizens To Pay For Terrorist Attacks Committed By Muslims
U.S. Democratic Party leaders seem to have a proclivity for duplicating European governments' policies, laws and tax rates. A perfect example is Obamacare and the push to move towards "single-payer plans." So it's not hard to imagine American lawmakers attempting to again emulate France's politicians when it comes to finding rationales for picking citizens pockets for more cash in order to buy more votes.
citizens are now paying an extra 1.60 euro ($1.69 US) on their property
insurance policies to help increase the funding to assist victims of terrorist
attacks which have recently hit the country.
The de facto tax increase officially began on New Year's Day and requires French insurance policy holders to contribute 5.90 euro ($6.21 US) instead of 4.30 euro ($4.53 US) on each monthly premium payment.
France's workers are the most taxed in the European Union and the United States. French salaries are taxed at 57.5 percent on average, compared to a European figure of 45.2 percent. Figures from the Molinari Institute show that average tax rates in the UK account for just 35.29 percent of income, while the figure for Germany is 52.36 percent. The lowest taxed nation in the EU is Cyprus, where the average rate is 23.85 percent.
French government officials had claimed they started the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Terrorist and Other Criminal Acts (FGTI) to prevent insurance companies from developing side industries that might profit from acts of violence.
More than 200 people have died in France as a result of terror attacks in less than two-years, with hundreds injured, some seriously. The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.
"French progressives claimed they were afraid the marketplace wouldn't provide such coverage, and I imagine they saw an excellent way to tax families without having to worry about them squawking about their taxes increasing during a bad economy," said George Pollack, a former counter-terrorism team member in the United States. "I wouldn't be surprised to see our own liberals try this scheme and complain that anyone against the tax is not patriotic," Pollack predicted.
According to American Military News:
• Within the last two years alone, over 200 people have died at the hands of Islamic extremists. On November 13, 2015, 130 French citizens were murdered by seven violent jihadists that were stationed in populated areas and executed a coordinated series of attacks around Paris.
• On Bastille Day in July of 2016, 86 people were murdered and another 434 were injured when a 19-ton cargo truck drove through the crowded streets in Nice where people were celebrating the holiday.
• The Bastille Day and November Paris attacks cost the country between 300 and 400 million Euros each.
• Another 17 people were killed and 22 injured when a group of Islamic Extremists stormed the office of a satirical magazine called Charlie Hebdo with guns and shot at the employees because the magazine had run a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed.
The Bastille Day truck attack in Nice which left 86 dead this summer cost between 300 and 400 million euro, approximately the same as the November 13 attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people.
"The French government has some nerve with this latest tax. Their political elite allowed hundreds of thousands of unvetted Muslim refugees into their country. And when some of them kill French citizens or destroy property, the French taxpayer is expected to foot-the-bill. It's comical to everyone except the liberal-left," said U.S. military and police veteran Nelson Glover.
The French city of Marseille has an estimated 30 to 40 percent Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous city in Europe.
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