NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
January 30, 2017
© 2017
Rahm Emanuel Rather Have More Gun Control
President Donald Trump once again warned Democratic Party officials in Chicago -- especially Mayor Rahm Emanuel -- and the news media that if they can’t stop the Windy City's climbing murder and violent crime rate, Trump’s Washington, D.C. team will take action to protect the people — whites, blacks, Latinos and Asians — from the street predators, gang-bangers and other criminals.
Emanuel said that he welcomes the chance to partner with federal agencies
to curb violence in Chicago. Then he said that illegal immigrants are
welcome, as well and his city will remain a sanctuary. He also blamed
the high crime rate on the relative ease with which the people in Chicago
purchase illegal weapons including assault rifles. He blames other states
in the region that have less-stringent gun control policies.
While a number of conservatives claim that policing and crimefighting policies and actions -- the police function -- are relegated to the individual states, it has become commonplace for the U.S. Department of Justice to go into cities, towns and counties to investigate local cops and police agencies.
Trump believes that these so-called police racism and misconduct cases are at best unnecessary, at worst they are fraudulent based on political correctness and the liberal-left's anti-police, anti-military standards.
Trump spoke about The Windy City’s crime and violence after the Chicago Police Department released year-end crime stats on New Year’s Day. It showed that Chicago’s homicide numbers were worse than the larger cities of New York and Los Angeles combined.
“Chicago murder rate is record setting – 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. If Mayor can’t do it he must ask for Federal help!” the future White House occupant tweeted.
During his campaign against race-baiting Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump often highlighted the plight of blacks in Chicago. He promised them a safer, economically sound community free from gangs, drugs and violence. Whenever he asked for their votes, Trump would say, “Give me a chance [as president]. What have you got to lose?”
2016 Chicago Crime Statistics Released
Chicago, Illinois, released its annual crime report for 2016, arguably one of the most violent years for big cities in more than a decade. According to the statistics, there were 762 homicides in 2016 with a daily average of two murders. It is the most killings committed in that city in more than two decades.
Chicago, which has the third largest city population in the country, also witnessed upwards of 1,000 more shooting incidents than it experienced in 2015, according to statistics provided by the beleaguered Chicago Police Department.
“The numbers are staggering especially the dozens of shootings and monthly death tolls that weren’t seen in perhaps 20 years. The increase in last year’s homicides compared to 2015, when 485 were reported, is the largest spike in 60 years,” noted Chicago’s Top Cop Edward “Eddie” Johnson.
Police Superintendent Johnson said during a press conference on New Year’s Day, “Chicago is among many U.S. cities that have [seen] a spike in violence, including [a spike] in attacks on police.”
He told reporters that the anger at police over their alleged use of excessive force, especially deadly physical force, has actually “emboldened criminals” to commit even more violent crimes.
While Johnson doesn’t say it — being a good Democrat in a city practically bought and paid for by the Democratic Party Machine — many believe that President Barack Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Obama White House minion, now Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emmanuel may share a large part of the blame for increased friction between minorities and law enforcement.
He also said it’s becoming clearer to criminals that they have little to fear from the criminal justice system, which is run by mostly liberal Democrats. For example, not a week goes by without a news story describing another large-scale prison release by Obama, including those illegal aliens released after serving time for violent crimes who remain on the streets of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and other large U.S. cities.
Ironically, it’s those cities that consider themselves “sanctuary cities” that are seeing the highest increases in street crime. But rather than address that issue, Attorney General Loretta Lynch spends millions of tax dollars and man-hours investigating police departments and officers.
Also on Sunday, the CBS News show 60 Minutes made “some outlandish, and illogical accusations” against the Chicago Police Department: The report blamed the police officers for the increase in Chicago’s murder rate and violent crimes such as armed robberies, rapes, aggravated assaults and other serious offenses.
According to officials at the organization Blue Lives Matter, “The introduction to the [60 Minutes] segment described Chicago as being a city that more closely resembles a ‘war zone’ as opposed to one of America’s great cities.” They also said, “It’s [being] widely reported that Chicago had 762 murders, and 1,400 people wounded by gun shots during the year 2016. And 60 Minutes described the Chicago Police Department as being an agency on its heels.”
Blue Lives Matter is a media company, founded and run entirely by active and retired law enforcement officers.
“The segment was hosted by CBS Correspondent Bill Whitaker who wasted no time pinpointing what he described as being an “alarming cause” for the drastic uptick in murders on the streets of Chicago. Whitaker passionately (some might say ignorantly) placed the full blame at the feet of the courageous men and women who proudly wear the badge and patrol this described “war zone that is Chicago,” the group wrote in their statement.
Blue Lives Matter’s officials stated:
“Bill Whitaker revealed some statistics that were obtained from inside the Chicago Police Department. The data reveals an annual comparison of 2016 and 2015 pertaining to the police activity levels. It also showed that in August 2015 police officers stopped and questioned 49,257 people as a result of pro-active policing measures. A year later that number decreased to 8,859, which is about an 80% decline in people stopped and questioned.”
The data used by Whitaker can be found in the full transcript provided by CBS 60 Minutes.
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