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January 26, 2005 Posted
1:00 AM Eastern Mayoral candidate Walter Moore (search) is a 45-year old business trial lawyer with 20 years experience. Moore graduated with honors from Princeton and Georgetown Law; has a degree in Public and International Affairs; was an Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal, and taught legal research and writing. Moore is taking eight months' leave of absence from his law practice, without pay, to campaign full-time, and has deposited $100,000 of his own money into his campaign fund. Moore's platform includes: ending "pay-to-play" politics, obscene waste and "welfare for the rich," hiring enough police to make all neighborhoods safe, fighting illegal immigration, repealing the business tax, establishing a dog beach and making our animal shelters "no-kill" immediately; fighting high-density development and opposing any new taxes or bonds. A comparison of the candidates on the issues indicates Moore is constitutionally oriented and not politically correct. Moore is going up against the following candidates: Antonio Villaraigosa, known as a 'Mexican Nationalist' (search). After graduating from the unaccredited People's College of Law, Antonio Villaraigosa never passed the bar after failing the bar exam four times. Villaraigosa failed in his past attempt to become Mayor. Richard Alarcon is a former California Senator and a Los Angeles City Councilman. His sister, Evelina Alarcon, an open communist, is the former Chair of the Southern California District of the Communist Party, USA and Secretary of its National Mexican American Equality Commission. At a town hall meeting last March 18, Richard Alarcon declared that health insurance was the "right" of every Californian - a major plank of the communist agenda. Alarcon is also one of the supporters of Special Order 40, the LAPD mandate that doesn't allow officers to question the immigration status of illegal alien gang members. While there has been no proof or allegations that Alarcon is a communist, the voters of Medford, Oregon learned the hard way back in 1992 when they unknowingly elected a communist. Kevin Hornbuckle never disclosed his membership in the Communist Party when he ran as a Democrat. In an interview after his admission, Hornbuckle said, "I'd simply point out that Communists in the United States are fighting for health care, housing and jobs as a human right. I'm proud to be a communist." Current Mayor Hahn. Under his stewardship, Hahn and the City Council are giving $500 million dollars of LA taxpayer money to the Nation of Islam and other such groups, for their "cooperation" in expanding LAX. Bob Hertzberg is a former California Assemblyman; 1996-2002. Bob Hertzberg is on the Board of Directors of MALDEF, a militant Mexican organization vowing to take back the border states for Mexico. Mario Obledo, co-founder of (MALDEF), considered one of the premier Hispanic activist organizations, stated in June 1998, "California is going to become a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should go back to Europe. Eventually we will take over all the political institutions of California." Councilman Bernard Parks who is on the Los Angeles City Council Safety committee on Monday, 08/09/04, endorsed state legislation that would allow illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses. The voters of Los Angeles are concerned with very serious issues affecting their city. Below are the positions of all the candidates on some of those issues. Would repeal Special Order 40, LAPD's mandate that does not allow officers to question gang members on immigration. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Opposes foreign government issued IDs which gives illegal alien felons and deadbeat dads a new identity in L.A. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Opposes awarding California Driver licenses to illegals which would allow them to Vote, buy guns, and cross border at will. Would cooperate with ICE (Immigration & Customs enforcement) in apprehending criminal aliens. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Will halt illegal Vendors in L.A., especially those who sell uninspected food to school children. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Would enforce zoning and building codes. Lack of enforcement has turned of L.A. into third world zones. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Would repudiate politicians who pander to anti-American and bigoted individuals and groups. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Will demand that Mexico change its extra-dition policy which allows L.A.'s illegal alien murderers to take sanctuary in Mexico. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Opposes city funded day labor centers for illegal alien laborers who, along with their employers, don't pay taxes. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Supports "Clean Money" Campaign Reform to clean up and rid city hall of the "big money machine" controlling it. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Voted for San Fernando Valley Secession. Villaraigosa: No. Alarcon: No. Hahn: No. Hertzberg: No. Parks: No. Moore: Yes. Moore recently put out a press release informing voters that the "Alliance of Neighborhood Councils" has refused to allow him to participate in its two televised debates scheduled for February. Moore stated, "The Alliance is refusing to do so even though the City Attorney issued an opinion letter stating that, when a neighborhood council holds a debate, it must invite all candidates, not just some of them. The Alliance is inviting only those candidates who raise $150,000 from contributors in increments of $500 or less -- i.e., is inviting only the five "big money" candidates. The fact that I put $100,000 of my own money in my campaign apparently counts for nothing. The Alliance claims its $150,000 criterion is based on the City Ethics Commission's "definition" of "viable candidate." In fact, however, there is no such definition. The City Ethics Commission never purports to determine which of the candidates on the ballot are "viable" and which are not. Rather, the $150,000 figure is what's required for candidates who seek matching funds. Viability is a matter of opinion; not a legal definition." According to their web site, "The Alliance has come together to foster communication between the diverse array of groups forming and operating Neighborhood Councils across the far flung communities of Los Angeles." However, the exclusion of candidate Moore seems to smack of blatant discrimination in denying a particular candidate the opportunity to express his opinion and position on issues. Calls to the Alliance of Neighborhood Councils by NWVs were not returned. � 2005 NewsWithViews.com - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails
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Moore's platform includes: ending "pay-to-play" politics, obscene waste and "welfare for the rich," hiring enough police to make all neighborhoods safe, fighting illegal immigration, repealing the business tax...