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February 25, 2005 Posted
1:00 AM Eastern Homemakers for America is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Their mission and goals are defined as "making every woman who makes their home in America, married or single, working within the home or in the workplace, a powerful voice that, by our sheer numbers, gets the attention of media, national leaders, and educators in an effort to convince them to return to our traditional values that support God, Freedom and Family." HFA wants to let women know that this organization "is to inform and educate women throughout America on the issues that affect their lives; and offer them outlets, guidance and opportunities to take a proactive role in their families, communities and our Nation; and teach them how to be productive in their efforts to positively effect the course our nation is taking." The organizers of HFA maintain that the National Organization for Women (NOW) with its 500,000 strong membership doesn't speak for the women of America. HFA will launch a public relations campaign in May 2005 to push their membership to the million mark. One of their current efforts include a petition to convince Ruppert Murdock, who owns FOX News, to finance a morning and evening program on non cable channels that will balance out the "incomplete, biased and often even false information" from the big three networks. Everyone has a story to tell and HFA might be looking for yours. Their organization is in the process of putting together written works for a new book. According to president, Kimberly Fletcher, HFA is encouraging women to send a story, article, poem, essay or any written work that addresses issues relating to God, Freedom & Family for consideration. The substance of these writings could include: Education, Social Security, Freedom of Religion, Media, Taxes, Moral Issues, War on Terror, Military, and anything related to God, Freedom, and/or Family. HFA wants women to know this is their chance to be heard and share their concerns with other women across America. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2005. For more information on this project, you can contact HFA at: www.homemakersforamerica.com/ or by calling 1-937-477-5200. � 2005 NewsWithViews.com - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails
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HFA wants to let women know that this organization "is to inform and educate women throughout America on the issues that affect their lives; and offer them outlets, guidance and opportunities to take a proactive role in their families, communities and our Nation