Kelleigh Nelson
May 22, 2012
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." --Marcus Cicero
I recently finished Jack Abramoff's book, Capitol Punishment. [Link] Abramoff is a long time member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP) which I've often mentioned in previous articles. [Link] I found it interesting that throughout the book, Jack's friends and co-workers were also CNP members; mentioned were Ralph Reed, Howard Phillips, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, and Grover Norquist. According to an investigative report from the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on the Jack Abramoff scandal, released in June 2006, Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) served as a "conduit" for funds that flowed from Abramoff's clients to finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns. Records show that donations from the Choctaw and Kickapoo tribes to ATR were coordinated in part by Abramoff, and in some cases preceded meetings between the tribes and the White House. Abramoff and Norquist are long time friends and in their youth they were partners in College Republicans.
At the end of the book, Abramoff states, "In my view, only the creation of a new organization dedicated to a serious agenda of reform can push the legislative changes which must be enacted to clean up our system. The organization should be modeled like the effective and powerful group Grover built, Americans for Tax Reform, and hold Congressional feet to the fire in the same forceful way ATR does it."
I read Abramoff's final statement and I wanted to scream! Obviously he learned nothing during his stint in prison! Remember the words of Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University and author of the 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope. "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."
Abramoff never mentioned anything in his book about Norquist's membership in either the Council for National Policy nor the Council on Foreign Relations. [Link] In Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, he said this about the CFR, "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."
The Real Grover Norquist
Grover Glenn Norquist (born October 19, 1956) is an American lobbyist, claims to be a conservative activist, and is founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform. He grew up in Weston, Massachusetts and enrolled in Harvard in 1974 where he obtained both a B.A. and an M.B.A.
Norquist is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association and in 2010, he joined the advisory board of GOProud, an organization of conservative gay Republicans. He is also on the boards of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, the Indian-American Republican Caucus, and, an organization that wishes to add a Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution. The dangers of trying to add an amendment to our Constitution today have been written about many times. With today's political corruption, adding an amendment could easily lead to a Constitutional Convention and a new socialist/communist constitution. [Link] [Link].
Grover was the economist and chief speechwriter for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from 1983-1984. Erica Carle wrote a three part article entitled, "Who is in Charge of the New World Order," that exposes the Chamber's one-world-order agenda.
Norquist was Executive Director for the National Taxpayers' Union (NTU) from 1978 to 1982, the same years we fought the first accelerated drive for a Constitutional Convention under the guise of a Balanced Budget Amendment. James Dale Davidson founded the NTU in 1969 and was the major force for a Con-Con especially during the years Norquist was Executive Director. The ruse back then was a Balanced Budget Amendment, the same excuse they're using today. [Link]
Grover was formerly a federally registered lobbyist for Microsoft. The CEO of Microsoft is Bill Gates, who recently donated $1 billion to the United Nations for its population control agenda. See also, Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population | Rockefeller Foundation.
The ATR founder also supports Obama's amnesty for illegal aliens and has been a facilitator of Islamist infiltration of the right. Even fellow CNP member Joe Farah of World Net Daily wants to dump Grover from the so-called "Conservative Movement." Norquist is staunchly against Arizona's immigration law and totally supports the 13 story Ground Zero Mosque, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
American Legislative Exchange Council
ATR is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC is a member of the Council for National Policy and was founded by Paul Weyrich, the former grand poobah of the CNP. ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It's not just a lobby or front group, ALEC is one of the most powerful unelected councils in the country. Corporations hand to state legislators their "wish lists" of legislation to benefit their bottom lines. The membership of ALEC is 98% corporate and the corporate membership is the one that funds almost all of ALEC's operations. They have bought their way into the process by which corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve "model" bills. ALEC's legislative leaders are responsible for getting the bills introduced and passed. They introduce the bills in their statehouses as their own brilliant ideas.
They never disclose that corporations wrote and vetted these bills along with politicians behind closed doors at ALEC meetings. So, everyone who is a member of ALEC is influencing not only state bills, but likely most federal bills as well, written by corporations with vested interests...along with lobbyists like Grover. ALEC is also a long time supporter of a Constitutional Convention. More on ALEC in a future article.
Choice, Vouchers and Charter Schools
In 1995, Norquist was the keynote speaker at the National Conference on School Choice, which is sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA). The NCPA is a free market think tank primarily funded by private foundations established by wealthy neo-conservative business families and billionaires, including Charles and David Koch. I wrote about David Koch in The Tea Parties, Part One. Koch is a member of the globalist new age Aspen Institute formerly headed by socialist UN member Maurice Strong, who wrote UN Agenda 21. [Link] How typical of Council for National Policy members like Norquist to argue for the communist School Choice.
Other Conference speakers included Paul Hill of the Rand Corporation. RAND developed the mind control Delphi method in the 1950s for the U.S. Department of Defense. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war. Also present was Peter Flanigan who was assistant to the president of the United States under Nixon and founded the Center for Education Innovation at the Manhattan Institute. The Manhattan Institute was founded in 1978 by none other than former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Casey.
A number of Council for National Policy members are promoting School Choice, Vouchers, and Charter Schools including the Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, James Dobson formerly with Focus on the Family, and The Heritage Foundation.
Heritage was founded in 1973 by three CNP members, grand poobah Paul Weyrich, Edwin Fuelner and Joseph Coors. Richard Mellon Scaife, who funds both sides of the aisle was a major early contributor and has given a total of $19.6 million to Heritage. Scaife initially funded Heritage groundbreaking efforts to the tune of $900,000, and he currently serves as vice-chairman of the Heritage Foundation board of trustees. [Link] Scaife also funds Planned Parenthood and had a full page ad in the WSJ on April 4, 2011, stating, "Why Conservatives Should Oppose Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood."
relationship with Heritage Foundation, started in 1994 when he worked
with Newt Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation to draft the Contract
with America. See Chey Simonton's, The
Rockefeller/Heritage Connection for the truth about Heritage Foundation.
[Link] Heritage is presently
promoting Grover's new book, Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth
and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future. [Link]
Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department
of Education blew the whistle in the 80s on government activities withheld
from the public. Here's what she said about School Choice, "School
Choice is the Trojan Horse to bring our country down. The tragedy of the
matter is that many of our own people are involved in the demise of our
Constitutional system of government and are willing to merge with Russia
(the old Soviet Union). Charter schools are ungraded, continuous progress,
mastery learning, come under the Effective School Research label, are
international, involved with multinationals, and use the Skinner
method." [Link]
Another wonderful article by Jed
Brown that exposes the communist rot of School Choice is The
Dirty Little Secret of School Choice and Charter Schools.
In a 1995 letter from Charlotte Iserbyt to Phyllis Schlafly, Charlotte exposes choice, vouchers, and Charter schools. Charlotte has the documented proof that Outcome Based Education (OBE) is communist and based on the 1933 Eight-Year Study drawn up by Progressive Education Association types (PEA being a communist front). These PEA members travelled back and forth to the Soviet Union in the thirties.
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Charlotte also included the draft of a Charter School Initiative in Washington state by Jim Spady, a friend of new age futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, recommending a complete move from representative government to participatory government, using councils and unelected persons! She attached copies of letters from those who supported Spady's initiative along with letters from luminaries who supported this communist change to American education. They include former Reagan education czar, William Bennett, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander, and of course, Grover Norquist. I urge you to thoroughly read and research the people mentioned in Charlotte's letter. It is essential people understand that Phyllis never responded to Iserbyt's letter, and that they had worked closely together on education for many years with Charlotte providing Schlafly with most of her information for "Child Abuse in the Classroom." By all means purchase The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
In Part 2, we'll discuss Grover's influence with former President George W. Bush and how he ushered silver-tongued jihadists into the Oval Office of our President after the worst attack ever on American soil.
© 2012 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.