Kelleigh Nelson
February 24, 2016
The NWO Establishment: If we can't get Jeb, well take Rubio
The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. —Samuel Adams
by DonkeyHotey
Marco Rubio Affiliations
The Aspen Institute is sort of an American Bilderberger Group. In addition to the globalist Aspen and Brookings Institutes, there are a staggering number of private groups that shape and command American policy, including the CFR, and Trilateral Commission, etc. Nearly every elected official is influenced by them, and this includes Marco Rubio. The Aspen Institute is largely funded by one world government foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation, none of whom have freedom and liberty as their top priorities.
Surely most folks remember that UN Agenda 21 author and promoter, Maurice Strong, was the Director of the Aspen Institute for some years. If you like Smart Growth and the elimination of property rights, you'll love Agenda 21 and the Aspen Institute.
Aspen Institute named Marco Rubio as one of the top young elected officials to its third class of Aspen-Rodel fellows. The Institute's Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership program brings together bipartisan groups of public officials judged to be the rising stars of American politics. Isn't that just lovely?
Aspen Institute President, Walter Isaacson, said the Rodel Fellows "represent the best hope for America's future—upcoming leaders committed to working together for the common good." The "common good" is code for the globalist socialist agenda of destroying free market growth and leveling all the playing fields.
Scroll down in the article to see the list of names including Marco Rubio, along with the photo of Rubio as Aspen Inst. Rodel fellow. [Link]
Walter Isaacson is the former head and CEO of CNN and the Managing Editor of Time Magazine. Aspen participates in the Ethical Globalization Initiative (EGI), headed by former UN official Mary Robinson, who calls the International Criminal Court, which could prosecute and imprison US citizens, "a great legal enterprise." Isaacson serves on the EGI board, along with global tax supporter, Jeffrey Sachs, an advisor to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. George Soros is extremely involved in the Aspen Institute. [Link] Sure doesn't make me feel warm and cozy. And there you have Marco Rubio...
Marco Rubio and the CFR
Post reported on Marco Rubio's speech at the Council on Foreign Relations
in May of 2015. He was invited to speak on foreign policy with member
Charlie Rose, and was introduced by the president of the CFR, Richard
Haass. Link
The American
Conservative believes Rubio's speech was pretty lame, but you can
decide for yourself. He stated that America's role in the world is as
a security guarantor. Rubio also claimed as president, he would "use
the American power to oppose any violations of international waters, airspace,
cyberspace, or outer space. This includes the economic disruption caused
when one country invades another, as well as the chaos caused by disruptions
in chokepoints such as the South China Sea or the Strait of Hormuz."
Personally, I do not believe we have any business being the world's policeman, and neither do I believe the president has the right to use any military power without Congress's approval.
The New American article on Rubio's CFR speech, stated, "Were the 2016 election to be a contest between Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton, the future of U.S. foreign policy would be clear. It would mean a continuation of the same policies that have dominated our nation since the onset of World War II — interventionism, more war, and more casualties."
Rubio's Liberal Voting Record
Is it any wonder Rubio has been named an Aspen-Rodel fellow, or invited to speak at the Council on Foreign Relations? Take a look at his voting record and you'll see why these organizations love Senator Rubio.
Amnesty and Refugees - The Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight amnesty bill likely would not have passed the Senate had Rubio not been such a prolific supporter. [Link], [Link] He's now waffling on the fact that he is a great supporter of illegal aliens gaining citizenship.
Senator Rand Paul wanted to restrict the amount of Muslims entering our country, and his amendment would have suspended visas to 30 Muslim countries with Jihadist populations. Rubio, on the other hand stated that he would "hate" to block funding for Obama's refugees. (Yes they're Obama's, they're certainly not main stream American's ideas of good immigrants.) Rubio even stated he felt limiting Muslim migration might be unconstitutional. Excuse me lawyer Rubio, but you obviously haven't read any of our immigration laws lately. Needless to say, Rubio joined the rest of the Ryan moderate (euphemism for socialist) Republicans in voting down Rand Paul's amendment.
Rubio has been one of the most ardent champions for increasing Muslim migration. The U.S. has admitted roughly 1.5 million migrants from Muslim countries since 9/11 on a permanent lifetime basis. Yet Rubio has sought to grow that number vastly. In 2015, Rubio introduced an immigration bill which would have allowed for an unlimited increase in Muslim migration. [Link]
One wonders if Rubio's love of amnesty is payback. His grandfather was ordered deported by a judge after flying in from Cuba without a visa. [Link]
Trade Agreements - Remember Ted Cruz voting for Fast Track for the TPP trade agreement? Well guess who cast the deciding 60th vote to give Obama Fast Track?
Yep, it was Marco Rubio!
The entire purpose of fast-track is for Congress to surrender its power to the Executive for six years. Legislative concessions include: control over the content of legislation, the power to fully consider that legislation on the floor, the power to keep debate open until Senate cloture is invoked, and the constitutional requirement that treaties receive a two-thirds vote. Legislation cannot even be amended.
By contrast, without fast-track, Congress retains all of its legislative powers, individual members retain all of their procedural tools, and every single line, jot, and tittle of trade text is publicly available before any congressional action is taken. [Link]
Tell me again how Republicans are the stop gap to Obama's destruction of America!
Food Stamp Reform - Marco Rubio is almost the only republican to take the democrat’s side on this bill. The bill would have saved taxpayers about 10 billion a year by blocking families with substantial assets from receiving food stamps.
When Rubio served as speaker in the Florida House, he stopped bills from coming to the floor that would have deported illegal immigrants in state prisons and that would have denied food stamps to illegal immigrants.
He even stopped a bipartisan proposal that would have allowed the deportation of about 5,000 illegal immigrants in Florida prisons, provided they had served half their sentence and agreed to be deported. Similar legislation saved $141 million and $13 million in prison costs in New York and Arizona.
Cap and Trade - As Florida speaker, Marco Rubio aggressively pushed for Florida to adapt to the inevitable federal "cap and trade program." Cap and trade is an environmental system that hardcore liberals including former Vice President Al Gore support. A federal cap and trade program would be centered around a carbon tax.
Watch Rubio Back Cap and Trade:
Worst Attendance Record - Rubio's attendance record for votes is one of the worst in Senate history. His seat is regularly empty for floor votes, committee meetings and intelligence briefings. He even missed the vote on Obama's Omnibus bill which he probably would have voted for anyway, although he stated the outcome was predetermined.
That outrageous $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Bill funds the most horrendous programs, which also locks in huge spending increases!
• funds entirely Obama's 2012 executive amnesty for “DREAMers”—or illegal immigrants who came to the country as minors and has granted around 700,000 illegal aliens with work permits, as well as the ability to receive tax credits and federal entitlement programs
• funds sanctuary cities (remember Kathryn Steinle)
• funds all refugee programs
• funds illegal alien resettlement
• quadruples H-2B foreign worker visas
• funds the release of criminal aliens
• funds tax credits for illegal aliens, and much more
Political Influence
While the Majority Whip of Florida House, Rubio used his official position to urge state regulators to grant a real estate license to his brother-in-law, a convicted cocaine trafficker who had been released from prison 20 months earlier, according to records obtained by The Washington Post. [Link]
Marco Rubio's brother-in-law was the 'front man' for a multi-million dollar cocaine-smuggling ring headed by a drug kingpin who ran the operation from an exotic animal sanctuary, it has been revealed.
Orlando Cicilia was arrested for his part in the illicit operation in 1987 during Miami's narcotics heyday when Republican presidential hopeful Rubio was just 16. Cicilia, 58, who is now working as a real estate agent, served just 12 years in prison despite being sentenced to 35 for his part in the scheme.
American Bridge put out a Marco Rubio Report in 2012. It is 500 pages long, but tells a great deal about Rubio. Take a gander at it...really telling.
It appears as though we have a socialist Democrat running as a conservative on the GOP ticket....again.
Stay tuned, there's more to come, soon.
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© 2016 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.