William Owens, Jr.
December 20, 2014
Prophetic Perspective is the most important perspective to have. It allows those who understand both the times and seasons to see what others either cannot see or perhaps even refuse to see. It also makes sure that the context is based on a prophetic promise rooted in the Word of God.
Regardless of what we as humans see in the natural unfolding upon the world, the real issues cannot be observed with mere eyesight or reasoned with intellect alone, it has to be discerned in the Spirit so as to extract the real issues surrounding events taking place moment by moment within the world, in our nation and even in our lives.
To begin with, before we can exercise prophetic perspective on the things taking place around us, we must ascertain what is taking place within ourselves. Failure to do so makes it impossible to do so otherwise. In fact it is because we can clearly see what is happening in our own lives that we are able to then see what is happening in the lives of those around us. Failure to do so, can only project a perspective that is as flawed as our own on a personal level.
It is here that I want to clearly establish that unless God reveals truth -- there will be no prophetic perspective. God reveals truth to those who walk in truth. Those who walk in truth are those who have submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Truth is not to be confused with philosophical discussions or opinionated view points. Nor is it subject to “my” interpretation of how “I see it.” Truth is either absolute or it is not truth.
Gravity is either gravity or it is not.Up is either up or its not. Why is that we can justify our version of the truth by saying, “that's how I see it,” but not use the same argument countering gravity and up? Because we do not believe, like gravity, if we jump we can break some bones or even loose a life. However, if one observes foolish rationale regarding peoples opinion long enough, you will see some broken lives and even lost of lives for attempting to personalize the truth to fit their own preferences and hold on to their pride.
The prevailing reason why our nation and the world has become severely divided is because there is a rise of nations preparing for conflict as foretold in the Bible. There will be events that take place between nations and even nature that prophetically warned God's people of these activities to precede the end of the age.
Matthew 24:7 (King James Version) reads: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”
When we stop treating the Bible and God's Kingdom as merely a Sunday tradition and an opinion that we merely cherish like a family heirloom, we will then begin to take to heart that God rules in the affairs of men and that His perspective is all that matters. This will create a different response when we observe events, listen to the news and especially how we spend our time.Prophetic perspective changes everything because it elevates ones spirit to be in harmony with God's Kingdom. This in turn dictates our hopes and dreams and properly aligns our expectations.
Prophetic Perspective is possible and releases a power that propels us to relevance regardless of what is happening around us. I look forward to discussing this more in Part 2 next week. For part two click below.
Click here for part -----> 2,
� 2014 William Owens, Jr. - All Rights Reserved
William Owens is a prolific author, having written seven books in the Christian literature genre, including Divine Protocol, Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts, and Warriors Arise. He most recent work; Naked Before God - Words that Express My Heart is a compilation of his poetry that debuts Christmas 2014. Owens has spent two decades in the publishing industry and is also a noted activist within the Christian and Conservative communities. His current project is Race to Reconcile, a coast-to-coast bike trek in the Spring of 2015. The journey, which will include stops at orphanages, veterans’ homes, soup kitchens and prisons, is designed to inspire acts of forgiveness that will lead to reconciliation to God and one another regardless of color, religion, political affiliation and other differences. Owens’ new book, entitled Race to Reconcile: A Christian Approach to Strengthening Race Relations in America, will debut at the same time and will feature stories and experiences continuing the message of forgiveness and reconciliation. He is also launching a series of panel discussions throughout the nation called, “Celebration Forgiveness”.