Rosalind Peterson
November 22, 2009
U.S. Senate Bill 1733 – Promotes Nuclear Power & Coal Industries While Enriching Venture Capitalists, Banks & Wall Street at Taxpayer Expense
SAY “NO” TO BRINGING ANY NUCLEAR WASTE INTO THE UNITED STATES FOR PROCESSING & STORAGE. (U.S. House of Representatives Hearings on October 16, 2009 Broadcast on C-SPAN.[2] This critical issue should be addressed today before this becomes a standard policy of the United States.
The United States, under President Obama, is allowing U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to make agreements with foreign countries (already alleged to have signed an agreement with Italy), to bring in radioactive waste into the United States for processing and storage. [2]
United States is now in the process of importing low-level radioactive
waste from foreign countries. Energy Secretary Chu has signed an agreement
in 2009, with Italy, to take their radioactive waste. There may be more
agreements in our future unless the public objects and says no to this
new policy. Mexico, Canada, England, and other countries will all be
making deals with the U.S. in the near future. (It is alleged that there
is a court case in progress with regard to this issue according to statements
made at the October 16, 2009, U.S. House Hearing.) [2]
The amount of low-level radioactive waste produced in the U.S. has been
reduced, according to statements made at the U.S. House hearing on October
16, 2009, in the last ten years.[2] Now, with the U.S. agreeing to take
low-level radioactive waste, process, and store it in the United States,
there is no incentive for foreign countries to reduce the amount of
radioactive waste they produce. They can just make agreements to dump
their waste in the United States to be processed and stored here in
dump sites in Idaho, Washington, and other states.
In addition, the United States has no place to store radioactive waste for the long term or process this waste which is produced by the nuclear power plants we already have in use. Hanford, Washington, has a massive radioactive site which is leaking radioactive toxics into surrounding water sources. Military sites are also on the EPA toxic clean-up list – waiting for funding. Many onsite ponds at nuclear facilities are filled with radioactive materials waiting for storage, in the future, because there are no facilities that can reprocess or store this waste.
Another critical issue facing the United States in the near future is U.S. Senate Bill 1733 (which is being rewritten at this time according to Senator Barbara Boxer’s Office). This bill proposes, streamlines or eliminates regulations that would have protected the public and drive funding for new nuclear power plants in the United States. [5] This bill is a nuclear and coal driven, offshore oil drilling boondoggle.
U.S. Senate Bill 1733 (or introduced under another Senate Bill #), will be brought before the U.S. Senate for passage in 2009. Senators Barbara Boxer and John Kerry,[5] are driving this bill forward in the U.S. Senate.[26] This bill promotes nuclear power as a “so-called clean source” of energy. This is far from the truth when one considers the amount of water needed to cool these plants, the release of water vapor (a greenhouse gas), from these plants,[8] the amount of radioactive waste that will need to be stored safely for generations, and the negative impacts of uranium mining. To say that this is a source of clean energy, considering the safety violations and accidents at many of the plants in operation, fined or closed due to these problems, is to entirely avoid this problematic and costly solution to our energy needs.
It should be noted that citizens from California (Senator Boxer’s home state), and from around the United States fought against increasing the number and construction of nuclear power plants for these reasons and continue to stand guard against having to begin this fight again. Mendocino County, California stopped PG&E from building a nuclear power plant, at Point Arena on an earthquake fault years ago, and are prepared to stop new attempts in the future. The NRC map of proposed plants is a warning for citizens in areas where these plants are proposed to be built in the near future if U.S. Senate Bill 1733 passes this year,[4] or in the near future.
In addition, the U.S. House Hearing on October 16, 2009, elicited the fact that thirty (possibly one-hundred), new nuclear power plants are planned for construction in the United States, [4] in the near future, without the facilities to process or store nuclear waste or to protect our water, soil, air, and humans from the consequences of increased uranium mining, radioactive waste problems, and power plant accidents. In addition, our public lands are proposed to be auctioned off, at bargain basement prices, to mining interests in the United States. Foreign countries with uranium will have increased pressure placed on them to open and exploit their uranium mines polluting their air and water. This plan continues our dependence on foreign uranium sources for our nuclear power plants.
Medical & Other Risks Uranium Mining & Nuclear Power
Radiation Inhalation
Milling-Enrichment-Fuel Fabrication
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
Few Safe Reprocessing Facilities
No Long Term Storage Facilities for Radioactive Wastes
Air, Water & Soil Contamination
Radioactive Tailings Disposal or Storage
Workers Exposed through the Entire Nuclear Process
Note Problems – Hanford, Washington (and other military nuclear
use sites including Lawrence Livermore Laboratory)
Cancer & Genetic Mutations [20]
The U.S. Energy Department, under Secretary Chu, has been awarding monetary contracts to universities and others who will be working in the nuclear energy field. This money could be awarded to universities for the study and promotion of alternative sources of energy and alternative means of transportation. We should be using TARP and other funds for research and development of alternative clean sources of energy and transportation instead of studies designed just to promote the costly and highly polluting nuclear power industry.[10] In addition, our military service branches use a tremendous amount of oil-based energy – this issue should also be addressed in order to reduce this demand.
It should be noted that aircraft affect climate. [25] According to the book, Aviation and the Global Atmosphere (IPCC), “…Aircraft emit gases (this includes carbon dioxide and water vapor both greenhouse gases), and particles directly into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere where they have an impact on atmospheric composition. These gases and particles alter the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases...” Another deficiency of U.S. Senate Bill 1733 is that it does not address the impacts of aviation (either commercial or military), with respect to their negative impact on climate or increasing pollution from their fuel emissions. [27]
It is time to oppose bringing in any nuclear waste from any foreign country-contact your elected representatives today. U.S. House Bill 515,[3] bans the importation of all types of radioactive wastes now and in the future if it passes without exceptions to this rule being written into the legislation. And we should restrict Energy Secretary Chu from signing agreements with regard to importing nuclear radioactive waste immediately before he makes more agreements with foreign countries.
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It is time to defeat U.S. Senate Bill 1733 due to the above deficiencies. This bill only regulates one greenhouse gas (not the six or seven other greenhouse gases which include water vapor, nitrogen oxides, methane, hydrocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, and CFC substitutes, halon and methyl bromide emissions (25). This legislation will undermine the EPA Clean Air and Water Acts and gut the powers of the EPA, while rewarding the nuclear, oil, and coal industries with the ability to continue to pollute through being given free offsets (credits), or the ability to “buy and sell the right to pollute.” [11]
- Information,
See Trojan
Horse Cartoon. Rosalind Peterson
2 - U.S.
House of Representatives Hearing October 16, 2009 C-SPAN
3 - U.S.
House of Representatives Bill H.R.515. A BILL: To prohibit the importation
of certain low-level radioactive waste into the United States. Be it
enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may
be cited as the `Radioactive Import Deterrence Act'. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION
4 - United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Information Nuclear
Regulatory Commission - Listing of Current Nuclear Power Plants - October
16, 2009 NRC. Project
Location of Proposed New Nuclear Reactors in the United States -
October 16, 2009 See Map Below.
5 - U.S. Senate Bill 1733 - Introduced by Senator Barbara
Boxer & Senator Kerry - October 2009. This bill has been designed
to promote the use of nuclear power in the United States and to streamline
the regulatory process which protects the public (See Section C), of
the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. U.S. Senate
Bill S1733 can be found at this site. Note that this bill promotes
new nuclear power plants in the United States along with Cap & Trade
(PRI), money market schemes which allow polluters to be given free or
to purchase the right to keep on polluting as part of a stock market
6 - Senator Boxer – C-SPAN
Search on Nuclear Power & Nuclear Power Plant – October
18, 2009
7 - Greenpeace October 18, 2009 – Opposes
New Nuclear Power Plants – Discusses Key
8 - May 12, 1998 - Nuclear
Facility Management Problems-Broadcast on C-SPAN. House Committee
Commerce House Committee National Security | Oversight and Investigations
Subcommittee members heard testimony regarding the Hanford nuclear facility
in Richland, WA. There have been reports of management problems, possible
violations which have lead to unsafe conditions and endangering bodies
of water near the plant. (View Online or Transcript)
9 - "U.S. Senate Bill 1733 is a Radioactive Ponzi
Offset Scheme Dressed up as a Coal, Pollution Snorting, Trojan Horse."
10 - U.S. Department of Energy News – June 16,
2009 Energy Secretary Chu “…announces Nuclear Energy University
Program Awards – Nearly
$9 Million to Benefit Nuclear Science and Engineering
Students and University Research…”
11 - "Buying & Selling
the Right to Pollute"
12 - New York Times September 7, 2009 – As
Battlefields Shift, Old Warrior for Peace Pursues the Same Enemy
by Dan Frosch
13 - New York Times - Strategic
Arms Reduction Treaty Expires Soon – October 2009
14 - New York Times June 10, 2009 - Republican
Draft Energy Bill With Heavy Focus on Nuclear Power by Broder.
15 - New York Times March 1, 2002 - CDC
Almost all of us have been exposed to nuclear fallout by Glanz
16 - National
Cancer Institute May 30, 2009 – Website – Exposure to
Radiation – How Americans Were Exposed
17 - Runkle
Canyon Contamination – Los Angeles, CA History Power Plant Meltdown
– LA Times July 7, 2009
18 - Hearld
News – Tritium Problems – Nuclear Power Plants – Business
as Usual? By Kim Smith Braceville – Exelon officials say tritium
was released…100 feet into the air around 9:00 P.M. Tuesday…as
part of normal nuclear power plant operations…normal when there
is a power outage…” August 4, 2009
19 - Washington
Post October 5, 2001 – Article
20 - Uranium
Mining History
21 - Uranium
The Deadliest Metal 2002
22 - California
EPA Uranium Mining Health Effects Search November 9, 2009
23 - *Source – CA
Environmental Protection Agency – November 9, 2009
24 - Uranium
Genetic Effects Search November 9, 2009 California EPA Uranium Public
Health Goal in Drinking Water 2001
25 - Book: Aviation and the Global Atmosphere –
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1999
26 - More Nuclear
Power & Offshore Oil Drilling being pushed to pass U.S. Senate
Bill 1733
AGENCY PA420-R-99-013 - Final Report "Evaluation
of Air Pollutant Emissions from Subsonic Commercial Jet Aircraft,"
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency April 1999
� 2009 - Rosalind Peterson - All Rights Reserved