PART 1 of 2
By Debra Rae
September 13, 2008
Rule of Law
Our family favorite, Baskin-Robbins ice cream parlors are known worldwide for their "31 flavors" and for the iconic small, pink spoon inviting would-be customers to sample their wares. The business slogan "Count the Flavors. Where Flavors Count” may well be catchy, but an ice-cream treat dwarfs in the bigger picture.
I’m thinking “Count the Consequences. Where Consequences Count.” Significantly, in recent decades, America has sampled its share of legal flavors from Constitutional law to international “soft” law. Add to these extremes of cosmic self-law, on one hand, and Sharia (Islamic Law) on the other; and it becomes manifestly clear that options truly matter when it comes to implementing regulations and principles under which justice is administered and order is enforced.
Ignoring global trends in rules of law serves enforcers more so than the people held accountable. For this reason, it behooves us to understand overarching worldviews that shape global policy. Let’s start with law as seen through the lens of traditional Bible perspective.
Biblical Law; Constitutional Law
Be assured, our founding fathers understood the critical nature of establishing law and order. Accept it or not, our legal system established as its overarching worldview the very essence of the Ten Commandments coupled with New Testament amplification.
In the Bible, law is likened to a “child conductor,” referencing a trusted designee whose job on behalf of his master’s child is to ensure safe transport and diversion from bad company all the while imparting “street knowledge” to that youngster.
In the biblical scheme of things, enforceable behavioral limits forever remain intact; however, once the spirit of law is understood and embraced, there remains no continued need for a “child conductor” in the form of, say, Nanny State or Big Brother.
To the contrary, in free society, mature adults enjoy autonomous liberty in the least restrictive environment possible, yet always within lawful limits for the good and protection of all.
That being the case, Constitutional law is decidedly anthrocentric, ascribing humans their rightful position as crown of creation with God-ordained dominion over every living thing on earth. In contrast, biocentricity elevates life-sustaining systems over people, who of necessity become subservient to the sacred Planet, Gaia or Mother Earth.
For Christian believers, Old Testament ceremonial laws were voided when fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus; but moral laws were not. In fact, Christ magnified the latter and subsequently held His Holy Spirit-empowered followers to an even more stringent code of conduct than that which was written in stone and delivered by Moses. Moreover, in new-covenant theology, the law is written, as it were, on the tablets of redeemed hearts.
In order to live out the “perfect law of liberty,” Christian believers are bound to the “royal law of love” (James 1:25; 2:8; Romans 2:14). Founding Father John Adams connected principles of civil government with these very principles.
Furthermore, for many founders of America’s first 120 colleges, the Puritan principle prevailed. In the College Laws (1642), for example, said benefactors of Harvard University—yes, the Harvard—emphasized need “to lay Christ at the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.”
Centuries later, America’s highest court called for scriptural principles of law and order, discipline and individual effort. In 1948, a powerful ruling of the Supreme Court established that our traditional public education is church-based, Bible-believing and piety-instilling (McCollum versus Board of Education).
The 1960s so challenged this judgment that America’s legal flavor of choice underwent an extreme make-over. Thereafter, the prophetic words of statesman Daniel Webster rang all too true. In the late 1820s, Webster rightly warned that “If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.”
Laodicean Lawlessness: Rule of the People
In the 1970s, Mark Satin was best known as co-founder and executive director of the New World Alliance, a U.S. New Age political organization that sought to go "beyond left and right." Satin drew on the ideas of transformational thinkers who hold that personal power can be perfectly exercised only in societies that abandon law in the traditional sense.
For the Cosmic Humanist to honor what he perceives as counter-evolutionary rules in the face of “inner truth” is to forfeit his own godhood. His mandate instead is to follow the “evolutionary imperative” to sidestep law, engage his inner state of mind and thereby shape reality to his own liking.
For this cosmically-inspired universal law to function, God’s law must fall to the wayside. After all, Satin reasoned, the biblical worldview doesn’t “fit” because of its dependence on “outside authority” and its “adherence to a moral order based on the transcendent nature of God.”
Laws of the Universe; Eco-Law; Law of Biomimicry
In the emerging New Earth, laws of the universe (i.e., cosmology) regulate conduct. Earth is distinguished as “one planet; one humanity; one government,” authority for which resides entirely within the individual. In this skewed world view, every person is god, and god is every person. Even more, the Universe itself is god.
Because Planet Earth allegedly was meant to be “a house of worship” for cosmically illumined citizens of the world, it stands to reason that a simple rule of reference for planetary management is to make Earth a paradise. Green strategies for doing so include shopping locally, recycling waste as a resource, consuming materials sparingly and gathering and using energy efficiently—all reasonable choices for good earth stewardship, but there’s more.
In today’s global economy, many requirements favor green products over conventional ones for use in construction; however, if truth be told, green labels more reflect a company’s environmental campaigns and political activities than any realistic ecological impact.
The emerging new eco-science credited to Janine Benyus takes inspiration from nature’s models and even elevates nature as supreme ecological standard and mentor—i.e., “child conductor”—whose job is to strategize for living out inherent connections in life. This is known as the Law of Biomimicry.
Earth Charter
To ensure enforcement of this law, a type of planetary commandment, the Earth Charter, is deemed necessary. The charter’s chief spokesperson is Mikhail Gorbachev. His is a Magna Carta of New World civilization ostensibly based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace. One human family and one earth community—all sharing a common destiny distinguished by self-god consciousness—deserve nothing less.
Problem is, governing the sacred planet as a whole for the benefit of all requires nothing short of earth servitude. Accordingly, every year on Lenin’s birthday, Earth Day is celebrated as a show of the Marx-Leninist concept of “earning one’s keep on planet earth.” The United Nations calls this sustainable development; others believe it to be a specious term for Draconian global control.
Indeed, Gorbachev fingered radical environmentalism as “the international disaster key” to warrant global governance. It comes as no surprise that the concept of sustainability is found, not in the Constitution of the United States of America, but rather in the USSR Constitution (Chapter 2, Article 18). World law to “save our Mother” serves a global agenda to establish elitist control more than it enforces environmental stewardship.
Law unto Self
Shirley MacLaine and her ilk believe that mankind is basically good; therefore, who needs law? Law just keeps us from being totally free to realize our own divinity.
Because the creative power of the universe is determined to be within, the Cosmic Humanist emerges as a law unto self. Only when unencumbered by external authority and validation is he free to “follow his bliss” and exercise to the full his personal power.
A pioneer in personal development Shakti Gawain is also a best-selling author, internationally renowned teacher of consciousness and environmental activist. Gawain’s belief is that, as we bring more awareness to our daily lives, then and only then can we learn to live in balance on our planet.
“The real problem with commitment to an external form,” explains Gawain, “is that it doesn’t allow room for the inevitable changes and growth of people and relationships.” “If you promise to feel or behave by a certain set of rules,” she adds, “eventually you are going to have to choose between being true to yourself and being true to those rules.”
Law of Attraction
In being true to self, the Cosmic Humanist applies theosophical principles to conscious desire. In so doing, he adheres to the Hindu-based “secret” that "like attracts like." That is to say, with or without taking action, a person’s emotions, beliefs and thoughts purportedly cause a shift in the physical world. This change attracts corresponding experiences, whether positive or negative. Its new-thought version was popularized by a 2006 film, The Secret.
"Harmonious vibrations of the Law of Attraction" ensure that you get what you think about, and your thoughts determine your experience. Trendy, yes; but by no means new to the world scene. In 1877, this law was articulated by occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in her first book on esoteric mysteries, Isis Unveiled: Secrets of the Ancient Wisdom Tradition.
You may or may not recognize the name, but you do know of Adolph Hitler. He kept at his bedside a copy of Blavatsky’s book Secret Doctrine and, compliments of Madame Blavatsky, the Nazis incorporated a Tibetan symbol, known as the swastika.
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In Isis Unveiled, Madame Blavatsky likewise warned that “interference by man in this civilization can disrupt the life-forces of Nature.” Only in countries where there is no civilization, or law, can the power of Nature be found. For part two click below.
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