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Rousing Young Visionaries for Radical Social Change

Societal Restructuring via Education Transformation










By Debra Rae
February 23, 2013

Part 2: Darwin’s Domino Effect

Scientific Darwinism maintains that, without master design, a single cell is responsible for all of life—this, through a process of random changes over some 4.5 billion years. My intent is not so much to challenge this theory, but rather to dispute its claim to exclusive, uncontestable king-of- the-mountain status.

You know, as do I, that to question evolution “as fact, not theory” is to wallop the wasp’s nest. At increased risk to potentially lethal stings are the purported weak predestined to obsolescence. Presumed-to-be highly evolved elitists within the ranks of academics (both in the scientific community and atop the totem pole of higher learning) afford no room whatsoever for challenge. After all, favored races in the struggle for life naturally know what’s best. For them (and them alone), experiential open-mindedness is unnecessary.

No Can Do Heads AND Tails

Academic elitists champion what David Horowitz calls institutional leftism (political correctness). Laden with laughable absurdities and ludicrous inconsistencies, politically correct thought serves as umbrella under which many postmodern “-isms” huddle. United causes include civil/ gender/ sexual orientation rights and radical environmentalism.

Problem is, Darwinism and institutional leftism are mutually exclusive. In Darwinian thought, for example, homosexuals fall short of the fittest, favored class because they don’t procreate to ensure survival of “their kind.” Repeat that out loud, and you’re certain to be branded a homophobe. Darwin’s belief system is by no means politically correct.

Ayn Rand accurately identified the racist as a person who, based upon racial origin, ascribes collective qualities to others—precisely what evolutionary-minded Margaret Sanger did upon founding Planned Parenthood. Sanger referred to blacks, immigrants, and indigents as “human weeds” and “reckless breeders”; and she went so far as to advocate extermination of the “feebleminded.”[1] Today, Sanger’s lauded as a veritable goddess of sustainability. Parrot her and see where that gets you!

Darwin likewise embraced the misogynist notion that women are “less evolved” than men. For doling out dated Darwinian dogma favoring the more highly evolved, superior male gender, you’ll likely be tarred and feathered!

My point being, if scientific evolution were indeed settled science, then its promoters could not possibly espouse mutually exclusive precepts of political correctness. Simply put, one cannot win a coin toss by calling both “heads and tails.” But some attempt to do just that by clinging to Darwinism (heads) while, to the contrary, enforcing the conceptual straight jacket of political correctness (tails).

Tolerance vs. “Merciless Hate”

Darwinists applaud man’s maturing vision (i.e., Marxism) toward superior, balanced communities. Their utopian ideal specifically excludes “useless eaters,”[2] “miserable, degraded savages,”[3] and those deemed “unfit and defective.”[4] Accordingly, evolutionary theory has been characterized as an expression of “merciless hate.”[5] Tolerant it isn’t.

Case in point: British economist Thomas Malthus influenced Darwin’s random, unplanned breeding theory. However, Malthusian speculation on dangers of population growth (which since has been soundly discredited) intended to eliminate people. To that end, the “well bred” feel commissioned to target, control, and (when necessary) eradicate “unfit” masses and thereby move the evolutionary process forward.

In Darwin’s world, the weakest links somehow deserve to be expunged as “maladjusted morons and misfits.”[6] This flawed line of elitist thinking is precisely what spawned slavery, segregation, racist immigration laws (to turn away post-war Jewish refugees), the infamous Tuskegee Project, and application of the “one-drop rule” to ensure racial purity/ hygiene.[7]

The Beat Goes On

Make no mistake. Elitism, racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and the Culture of Death all are rooted and grounded in Darwinism; even more, the evolutionary theory with all its trappings continues to ransack Western culture. Neo-Nazism, the Aryan Nation, and other eugenic, neo-Nazi groups all take their cues from Darwin. Whether by abortion, infanticide, forced sterilization, euthanasia, “comfort care,” or assisted suicide, “useless eaters” are targeted for extinction; and “the unfit” remain subject to human experimentalism and pharmacological abuse.[8]

Because humans are perceived as mere products of time and chance, it stands to reason that life is devoid of elevated meaning. Rather, Darwinian theory resurrects the non-transcendent, religious expression of social enlightenment and defers to the overriding principle that “ends justify means.”[9]

Marketed to appeal to man’s best intentions (the common good, survival, advanced societies), evolutionary thought instead perpetuates a host of societal ills—e.g., unrestricted freedom in commerce, called social Darwinism. Recall that, when the housing bubble burst, only the “favored fittest” were bailed out.

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Accepting as settled science that “the strong” naturally crowd out and kill “the weak” arguably opens the door to anarchy, terrorism, back-to-nature extremism, and perpetual war.[1] When a privileged few (the strong) held sway over emasculated underlings (the weak) in Nazi Germany and Russia, respectively, the Holocaust and communist genocides ensued.


Okay, let’s see if I’ve got this straight. Without challenge, I’m to accept as settled science no other hypotheses than those of a college dropout who borrowed elements of his theory (about which he expressed doubts) from a pseudo-scientist’s poem. Fortuitously, Darwin’s theory validated his “good old boys” network of British elitists; and, arguably, it spawned socio-political atrocities of monumental proportion. Yet, I’m expected to reject Bible belief and personal relationship with my Creator for non-transcendent, 17th-century social enlightenment principles with which Darwin identified. Call me ignorant, but I’m not buying it.[2]

� 2013 Debra Rae - All Rights Reserved


1. Retrieved 28 January 2013.
2. Margaret Sanger presumed blacks, immigrants, and indigents to be “useless eaters,” "...human weeds,” and “reckless breeders,” “spawning ... human beings who never should have been born," Pivot of Civilization.
3. On 17 December 1832, as part of his world tour aboard H.M.S. Beagle, Charles Darwin arrived in Tierra del Fuego at the southernmost tip of South America. Here he got his first view of the native inhabitants, whom he described as “miserable degraded savages,” a phrase he repeated often in his journal concerning these people., retrieved 29 January 2013.
4. Dean Pernkopf (“National Socialism and Science”) used the phrase, “unfit and defective,” while addressing university faculty and students of Vienna, stronghold of the new Reich (from selected essays of Gerald Weissmann, 1998).
5 In a 1905 speech, the great statesman, William Jennings Bryan claimed “the Darwinian Theory represents man reaching his present perfection by the operation of the law of hate, the merciless law by which the strong crowd out and kill off the weak.”
5. In a 1905 speech, the great statesman, William Jennings Bryan claimed “the Darwinian Theory represents man reaching his present perfection by the operation of the law of hate, the merciless law by which the strong crowd out and kill off the weak.”
6. During the 1960 Presidential campaign, Margaret Sanger referred to Catholics as “black moles invading our buildings of democracy.” Sanger called for the segregation of “morons, misfits, and the maladjusted” and for the sterilization of races that she deemed to be genetically inferior (i.e., blacks).
7. Angelo M. Codevilla. The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It (New York: Beaufort Books, 2010), 26-51.
8. In 1961, Aldous Huxley, an important evolutionary thinker, lectured at the California Medical School in San Francisco where he stated: “And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. As part of a plan to help pilots, sailors, and infantry troops become capable of superhuman performance, many German soldiers were high on Pervitin (speed) when they went into battle. However, Nazis failed to monitor side effects. Retrieved 29 January 2013
9. The process of mystical (cosmic) evolution holds promise for humanity to awaken to esoteric knowledge. Presumably multiple reincarnations with upward mobility (called transmigration) provide opportunities needed for the modern mystic to ascend from embryo god to pantheistic oneness with divine essence.
10. (Morse, The Monkey Trial).
11. Debra Rae. TRUTHTalk: Beyond the Sound Bite (San Francisco: Changing Worldviews Network, 2011).

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Having authored the ABCs of Globalism and ABCs of Cultural -Isms, Debra speaks to Christian and secular groups alike. Her radio spots air globally. Presently, Debra co-hosts WOMANTalk radio with Sharon Hughes & Friends and hosts TRUTHTalk radio, plus she contributes monthly commentaries to a number of Internet news magazines. Debra calls the Pacific Northwest home.

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Ayn Rand accurately identified the racist as a person who, based upon racial origin, ascribes collective qualities to others—precisely what evolutionary-minded Margaret Sanger did upon founding Planned Parenthood.