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Societal Restructuring via Education Transformation

Deception of Global Democratization










By Debra Rae

March 9, 2006

Pioneer sociologist Max Weber reasoned that the Reformation played a major role in the economic revolution that brought unprecedented affluence to America (The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 1905). Clearly, the triumph of America�s economic prosperity is her free market system based on these Judeo-Christian principles: respect for rule of law, individual effort, and fair dealing. With no national debt until the 1980s, America once boasted the largest middle class in the world. Since the 1960s, however, household debt is at its highest level as a percent of personal disposable income. The nation�s debtors have, in essence, consumed the entire investment value of the United States!

Until 15 August 1970, U.S. currency was backed by gold, but no longer. Once we became a debtor nation, the dollar increasingly lost its undisputed primacy as an international currency. Today, America�s economy has become one of false appearances. As long as the Fed can set interest rates and print money at will, the value of our dollars remains subject to whims of politicians and powerful special interests. Shouldering trillions of dollars of debt, America takes the prize for being �largest debtor nation in the world.� Analysts predict that devastation resulting from collapse of this bloated debt system likely will exceed that of 1929, when the U.S. was a creditor nation. Clearly, there is no way of escaping globalization. Without open borders, free commerce, and international collaboration, the entire world economy would topple.

Defined by strategic global alliances, collaborative commerce creates a new hierarchy of concentrated economic power. With this global economy comes a new level of economic participation and political agreement�in short, a New World Order. Economist-author William Greider fingers multinational corporations collectively as �the muscle and brains� of this New World Order. Most agree that national interests no longer guide actions of finance capitalists and multinational corporations; however, successful globalization degrades control of governments by global industrial regulations, weakens labor, and threatens our coveted middle-class lifestyle (One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, Simon & Schuster, 1997).

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln opposed the global theory of free trade that siphons off America�s wealth and brings her economy to the level of others (socialism). You see, socialism serves as steppingstone for expanding bureaucratic controls, tightening regulations, invading privacy, and confiscating, then redistributing wealth (classic Marxism). Mirroring the Marxist/Leninist maxim of �earning one�s keep on Earth,� sustainable development guides the global economy by this socialist principle of State-managed development. While top-notch university research demonstrates the value of market-based principles, trendy eco-socialists work hard to supplant private with public ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange.

The World Future Society has become the global forum called for in the Club of Rome�s 1972 book, The Limits to Growth. The WFS is where the political, spiritual, and economic aspects of one-world government can all merge. As an organization, the society is linked closely to the goals of the world federalist agenda; and its influence is considerable. Each of its annual conferences examines global trends and seeks to reshape current political structures in light of internationalization.

Collective economics is indicated by birth of multinational corporations, true, but also by the World Bank, World Trade Organization, G-8 (partners of seven of the richest nations, plus Russia), and the International Monetary Fund, tantamount to global welfare. Added to deregulation, these corroborate the reality of our already having entered the global economics age. One need only witness how a crash in the New York Stock Exchange is felt instantly in Tokyo, London, and Bonn to discern how economically interconnected the world has become.

As of 1 January 1999, the Euro clearly denotes a turning point in global finance. According to the Washington Post, the Euro is �the dream of monetary union become reality.� Its implementation preceding political unification is nothing short of revolutionary. Nevertheless, the drive toward global economics is by no means new. For virtually decades, international banking has been the Rockefeller�s single most important business. Rockefellers have interlocking control over the other most powerful foundations, the Carnegie Group and Ford Foundation. Along with Rockefeller�s Chase Manhattan Bank, other families (and the banking institutions they own) virtually control the money supply of the world.

Former Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) complained that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund lack sufficient accountability, squander U.S. funds, and impose lending programs that damage poor nations in the long term. Nonetheless, the UN calls for converting the IMF to a world central bank, providing preferential credit to developing nations. This central bank would align with North American Free Trade Agreement goals�namely, �equity� and �social justice��both achieved by transferring wealth to underdeveloped countries.

At Sea Island, Georgia, the Summit of the Group of Eight brought together heads of state from the U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Representing the European Union, the President of the European Commission likewise attended. This multi-day event focused on shaping world order by furthering national, regional, and global trade and security agendas. By merging the U.S. with Canada and Mexico, NAFTA creates an even larger free-trading block of nations than the European Community. No wonder Henry Kissinger described this agreement as �a first step toward the New World Order.� Then there�s the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), promising expanded markets for U.S.-produced goods�but in countries half of whose people live on $2 dollars a day, or less!

According to Pat Buchanan, the GATT trade treaty transfers American sovereignty to the World Trade Organization, which acts as a giant international economic Supreme Court in its non-democratic dispute resolution function. Indeed, it locks nations into rules and regulations that exceed authority of their own constitutions. This being the case, the WTO is the closest thing we have to world government. Through it, Americans yield significant control over the domestic economy to an international body that has ruled against the U.S. a number of times.

Because privacy and use of cash disallow monitoring and control deemed necessary in the New Economic World Order, the WTO is bringing about a cash free, electronic global economy. Toward this end, super computer hackers in the CIA have developed powerful software that can monitor bank accounts worldwide. The gravity of the privacy issue expands dramatically as the stored-value smart card takes on multiplied applications. In the name of combating crime and threat of terrorism, hitherto unthinkable laws are being proposed and even passed worldwide. Many all too quickly forfeit privacy in exchange for perceived security.

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Given central control of world markets, the economic reach of globalism maintains a stranglehold on the goose that laid the golden egg�namely, our free enterprise system. In the words of Henry Lamb, publisher of Eco-Logic, this interdependent one-world state will result in our taking on �the lowest common denominator that forced equity demands.� Unfortunately, America�s unprecedented �economic revolution� is fast fading under the shadow of global socialism. If American persists in esteeming too lightly her God-given material blessings, Gorbachev will be proven right in insisting that her extraordinary privilege is not tenable over the long run.

� 2006 Debra Rae - All Rights Reserved

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Daughter of an Army Colonel, Debra graduated with distinction from the University of Iowa. She then completed a Master of Education degree from the University of Washington. These were followed by Bachelor of Theology and Master of Ministries degrees-both from Pacific School of Theology.

While a teacher in Kuwait, Debra undertook a three-month journey from the Persian Gulf to London by means of VW "bug"! One summer, she tutored the daughter of Kuwait's Head of Parliament while serving as superintendent of Kuwait's first Vacation Bible School.

Having authored the ABCs of Globalism and ABCs of Cultural -Isms, Debra speaks to Christian and secular groups alike. Her radio spots air globally. Presently, Debra co-hosts WOMANTalk radio with Sharon Hughes and Friends, and she contributes monthly commentaries to Changing Worldviews and

Together, Debra and her husband traveled throughout Africa, Asia, East- and West- Europe, North- and South- Americas--once on the British Concorde. Now widowed, Debra calls the Pacific Northwest home.

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Because privacy and use of cash disallow monitoring and control deemed necessary in the New Economic World Order, the WTO is bringing about a cash free, electronic global economy.