Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
December 22, 2010
There have been a variety of terms for it: pork; graft; favors; riders; earmarks.
You've noticed that the massive federal-budget bill is loaded with earmarks—those money deals that legislators bring back home to their states to gain reelection.
Harry Reid boldly defended this practice by saying, This is what we do. This is why we're here. For Harry, earmarks are good and sacred.
There is a brewing battle in Congress about earmarks, about their attachment, like barnacles, to pieces of legislation.
“Let's see. The defense spending bill. Let's attach a piece about inspection of food processing factories, and then this other piece about building highways in Virginia, and this other piece about a ten-million-dollar memorial for Ted Kennedy...”
It's endless.
The battle over earmarks is so fierce and bitter because, well, the federal government and state governments and, hell, the private sector keep running because of earmarks, in the form of government contracts.
To put this another way, the nation runs on bribes. Payoffs.
Governments essentially tell the people, “You do what we say, because we're paying you money to keep going. We're extending you credit, we're returning some of your tax dollars to you, we're inventing money out of nothing and handing it over to you. Here's the kicker. We have NO constitutional authority to operate in this fashion, but you're going to forget about that, because we're paying you to forget it.”
That's the deal.
Imagine this. Let's say a guy owns a factory in Indiana. He makes vials. The vials are used to house vaccines. He's got a federal sub-contract for $20 million to produce a lot of vials. Now, the feds are doing everything they can to make sure millions of Americans get their flu shots every fall and winter. They're propagandizing the need, the threat, even the patriotism of taking a shot. They're paying drug companies to make vaccines. In some cases, these companies are automatically exonerated if the vaccines injure or kill people. But focus on the fact that the federal government has no business being in the vaccine business in the first place. The Constitution gives no power to the feds to stick their noses in the ongoing season to season vaccine business. It's illegal.
If you approached this guy who owns the factory and makes vials, and if you convinced him of the unconstitutionality of the federal vaccine involvement, he'd just laugh at you. Of course he would.
He's got a $20 million contract. And quite possibly, if he didn't have that contract, he'd be pumping gas at a local station, except local stations don't have attendants anymore.
At the highest level, at the most basic level, we're talking about payoffs. Bribes.
“Forget about what we, the federal government, are permitted to do, according to the Constitution. Forget all about that. Instead, take this $20 million. Okay?”
How many people would refuse?
How many people are refusing?
Earmarks are essential to maintaining this “social contract.”
That's why the fight in Congress is so bitter. At some level, legislators realize what's at stake. They realize that if they were forbidden to attach earmarks to pieces of legislation which are surely destined to pass, like the budget—if they had to introduce each earmark as a separate bill, they'd be in deep trouble, because lots of earmarks, nakedly exposed, would be voted down.
That can't happen.
And that's why the line-item veto, for the president, by which he can okay certain pieces of a bill and cancel other pieces, will never be permitted in any far-ranging fashion.
The entire budget process of the federal government is illegal and unconstitutional. It stinks to high heaven. It's loaded with funding imperatives for programs which the feds have no constitutional right to operate.
But to obscure that fact, we have the Bribe. The payoff. The whole system by which people in the private sector and people in state governments develop convenient and deep amnesia, in order to cash in and stay afloat.
It's so deep not many people can even conceive of a different way of doing business.
If you were to read the federal-budget bills concocted and passed during the years of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon et al, there would be no doubt in your mind that we are living in a de facto socialist society, and things are not getting better.
Yes, it's matter of degree, but the degrees are getting hotter as time passes.
To support and run and expand this unconstitutional system, we must have earmarks. It will be interesting to see what the new Congress does about all this, when the rubber meets the road in January.
Because, when you are running a bribe and payoff operation on a grand scale, it's not fun and games. The stakes are very high. The determination to keep the system going is very intense.
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The old bank robber, Willie Sutton, used to tell people, when they asked him why he went after banks, “That's where the money is.” Well, that's why so many people converge on Washington. That's where the pork is. That's where you can make a case to make money. Lots of it. That's why the federal government has been permitted to expand into a bloated Frankenstein-monster, beyond any constitutional limits imposed on it by the Founders. Because it can pay you to remain silent.
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Jon Rappoport has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize early in his career, Jon has published articles on medical fraud, politics, alternative health, and sports in LA Weekly, CBS Healthwatch, Spin, Stern, and other magazines and newspapers in the US and Europe.
He is the is author of several books, including The Secret Behind Secret Societies and The Magic Agent (a novel).
Jon is the author of a new course for home schoolers, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS.
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