Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
January 24, 2011
American government—a skyscraper whose foundation is a square city block. But each floor added on has become wider and longer than the last. Can you picture it?
What planner would allow this?
And if the building falls, will the memorials and remembrances claim the foundation was the fault?
Why haven't the inhabitants of the building noticed the evolution of its upward shape is dangerous?
Keep in mind that the process by which the Constitution was originally ratified involved the states. That, in fact, was the whole process. The states had to cede part of their power to a new federal government. Ratification was never intended to mean federal engorgement.
The central government was not only limited through the unique system of checks and balances among the three branches. It was limited by the enduring strength of the states.
And that strength was secured by the ability of the states to nullify any federal law that exceeded boundaries laid out in the Constitution.
This has been forgotten.
These days, the memory is returning, though.
The comatose patients in their beds are waking up.
It's causing outrage among liberals, who had assumed the upward progress of skyscraper floors would proceed as they have for the last 200 years—each floor wider and larger than the last.
Their building code is simple: expand dispensations. Always and forever.
Service an ever-growing definition of need.
It's hard to convey the flavor and feeling of swollen bloated government. You have to be there and you have to take notice. On a few occasions, I've sat in droning committee rooms and watched hearings. There is a clear sense of the pecking order. The participants are keenly aware of who sits higher and who sits lower. The subject of the deliberation itself is a minor fact. Whether it's transportation, or drug safety, or financial malfeasance is almost beside the point.
What's important is who is in the room. What titles they wear. To whom they are superior.
It is really government that is suffering from amnesia—a far deeper coma than the public is battling.
They have no memory of their origins, from whence they sprang.
They are conducting business, and they are without a Constitutional rudder. They're muscling in and around their own bureaucratic hierarchies, aiming for an advantage here and there, trying to “get things done.” A Martian visitor watching the whole process might consider it an interesting form of madness.
These days, some politicians and pundits have the gall to assert that across-the-board sweeping tax reductions would do nothing to kick- start the economy. They favor government gifts. They believe this is the way to go. Well, they don't necessarily believe it; they mouth it.
“There is no such thing as trickle down. That's been discredited.”
But sweeping tax reform doesn't just affect the very rich. It floats all boats. You don't have to be a Nobel economist to see it. And this doesn't begin to describe the psychological effects of putting money back in the pockets of those who earn it.
However, drastic tax cuts would begin to shrink the size of government, and that is a taboo. Larger floors have to be added to the structure. Eternally.
New York City has become ancient Egypt, and JFK and La Guardia are the Red Sea. A major exodus is in progress, because city taxes are overwhelmingly stifling. I mention this to point out that the whole state of New York could be fantastically prosperous, if their tax monies didn't have to travel, in such large measure, to Washington. To one degree or another, the same is true for all states of the Union.
Every federal tax dollar creates a fraction of a federal-employee job. The arithmetic is simple. More tax dollars equal larger government.
New and higher floors for the skyscraper.
Where to begin in restructuring the building? Let's pick a ticket out of the hat. How about education? Place it back in the hands in the states. No more federal dollars for schools. Instead, allow each state to focus on delivering a proper education to those students who want one. Forget about beautiful schools and all sorts of modern technology. Teach from textbooks. Use the same books every year until they wear out and fall apart. Teach logic instead of recycling plastic or sex. Permit parents to be parents.
I know this sounds terribly old-fashioned, but the basics of education are old-fashioned.
The absurdity of having federal guidelines to cover the education of all children in an America of 300 million people is evidence of massive brainwashing. How can parents accept this situation and believe in it?
And as for the Dept. of Energy—what does that enormous bureaucracy actually do to increase available energy in the US? I'm in the dark on it.
The FDA? We do know they certify, as safe and effective, medicines that kill 100,000 people a year in this country. Is that a track record which justifies escalations of its budget?
Think about the ongoing war in Afghanistan, about the expenditures of money, the shipments of supplies, and above all, the loss and maiming of lives. What are we accomplishing there, under the current plan? We kill Taliban, they hide, and when we leave, they come back again. Has the Pentagon failed to recognize this?
I think we all know that, penetrating and surrounding the behemoth of the federal government, there is a plan. It is the expansion and linking up of national governments and regions into a de facto global management system. Needs, entitlements, and dispensations for the world population will be assessed from a point of control.
That is where the structure is heading.
In order to make it happen, the United States must resemble other countries in several ways. One of those ways is: belief. Belief that we are all, on Earth, a species that will be catered to according to the wisdom of eager analysts who see the grand chessboard and tune themselves to a model of growth, happiness, despair, inclusion, exile, indoctrination, restricted privilege, and various averages—greatest good for the greatest number.
What number are you?
Does your lottery-draw and profile guarantee you gifts, or do you rank lower on the list?
How will you be sliced and diced?
The trend and implication are clear. When government is a massive structure, it is committed to serving projected needs and distributing resources. That is what it is and that is what it does.
What other mission could it have? A tipping moment, a critical mass is reached. After that, it is the collector and owner of all assets and their futures.
It makes tomorrow.
Go to a military base and watch what goes on there. Do you have any doubt about the purpose of the facility and the personnel?
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Observing the federal governments of large nations, you can be as sure about their function.
They collect and dispense.
Now think about the Constitution and what it enshrined.
Firm, brilliant, narrow foundation.
The rest of the skyscraper?
Bloated upper floors dangerously balanced.
If you were an engineer, what would you think?
� 2011 Jon Rappoport - All Rights Reserved
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Jon Rappoport has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize early in his career, Jon has published articles on medical fraud, politics, alternative health, and sports in LA Weekly, CBS Healthwatch, Spin, Stern, and other magazines and newspapers in the US and Europe.
He is the is author of several books, including The Secret Behind Secret Societies and The Magic Agent (a novel).
Jon is the author of a new course for home schoolers, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS.
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